Mobile phone rope __

Today, the small editor of the rope manufacturer explains several tying methods of mobile phone rope for you. Let’s see. 1. Double rope twisting, prepare three lines, the middle is thropeway什么意思中文e center line, the twrope的音标o sides of the rropeway怎么读语音ope. 2. Lanyard manufacturers share a single knot witmobile是什么意思h blue braided cord around the center lphone系统ine. 3. Tighten the single knot. 4. The beige rophones接口是什么意思pe is similamobileprohubs美国官网r to the blue rope, with a single knot around the center line. 5. Tighten the phone rope knot. 6. The rophonemespe manufacturer sayropess to pull the beige rope of the mmobile的英语怎么读obile phone rope upward, the left line of the blue rope is on the top of the beige rope, and the right line of the blue rope is on the bottom of the beige rope, so the upper right double rope twisting begins. 7. Place the right side of the blue cord above the center line. 8. The left side of the blue cord is drawn down through tphonemeshe cenrope的音标ter line and out of the circle formemobilelink官方下载d on the right. 9. Tmobile吉祥cnhe rope manufacturer prompts tmobileo tighten the left andrope可数吗 right lines. 10. Pull the blue rope upward, put the left line of the beige rope under the blue rope, and put the right line of the phone rope on thropese top of the blue rope. From this srope是什么意思英语tart the right upper domobile是什么意思uble rope twist plait. 11. The right line of the beige rope is placed above the center line. 12. The left line of the beige braided rope passes down through the center line and is drawn in from the circle formed on the right. 13. The rope manufacturer says to tighten around. 14. Pull the mobile phone rope to the top of the beige rope, the left line of the blue rope is placed on therope的音标 top of the beige rope, and the right line of the blue rope is placed below the beige rope, so as to start the right uppemobilelegendsr double rope twisting. 15. The right side of the blue rope is braided above themobileprohubs美国官网 center line, and the left side of the blue rope is braided below the center line. 16. The rope manufacturer reminds you to tighten the left and right sidphonees. The above is aphone是什么意思中文翻译成为 few mobmobilelegendsile phone rope tying method, interephone怎么读sted partners can pay more attention to our immobilelegendskgift gift lanyard oh.

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