With the advancement of technology and the development of technical wrist bands

With the development of science and technology, the electronic industry has put forward higher and higher requirements for ESD protection. From the technical level, electronic components continue to light, thin, short, smalldevelopment翻译, high density, multi-functional development; Especially for microelectronic devices, COMS IC sub-meter mitechnical和technological的区别cron gtechnicallyate has entered into practical use.technical是什么意思 The width of the gwristbandate is only 0.18 micron, the thickness of the oxidtechnical怎么读e film itechnical翻译s several natechnology怎么读英语nometers or several AO, and the breakdown electron is less than 20V. These changes make electronic components more sensitive to static electricity. At the sband什么意思ame time, in ttechnical怎么读he manufacturing and application environment of electronic components, vwristwatcharious polymer materials adevelopment可数吗re widely used as the sourcetechnology是什么意思 of static electricity, which makes the generationtechnology什么意思中文 of static electricity more easy and rampant. Therefore, electrostatic protection technology in electronic manufacturing control is more and more important, but also put forwtechnical information蓝屏ard higher requirements for electrostatic protection technology itself. Antiwristband是什么意思中文-static wrist strap as an effective and practiwristband是什么意思中文cal equipment for human static electricity protection, its importance and universality I will not repeat, here, I will the existing wrist strap by material, cost, technology and other reasons caused by the product defectstechnology翻译 with you. Wrist strap is mainly composed of wrist ring and wire assembly. Thwriste wrist ring consists of a pwristbandlastic linintechnology和techniqueg that connects the elastic band and the metal collecting piece through riveting to form a whole. Ittechnical information蓝屏 is worn ontechnology怎么读 the wrisbandstandt and connected with the wire parts,technology是可数名词吗 and then connected with the growrist是什么意思中文unding system to form the grounding leakage chwristwatchannel to remove the static electricity genwristband是什么意思中文erated by thtechnology的形容词e human body in the production procedevelopment的形容词ss. As we knwrist是什么意思英语ow, the human body is one of the major sources of static electricity in the production process, and the wrist strap, as human protective equipment, inevitably has to contact and friction with other devices and objects, forming a new source of static electricity. How to avoid and eliminate this harmful source is the focus of our discussion. Wrist strap and human body contact closely pdevelopment翻译art is wrist ring. The wrist ring is composed of three parts: plastic lining, metal collecting sheet and anti-staticwrist是什么意思英语 rubber band. The metal sheet and anti-static rubber band will not generate or gather static electritechnology什么意思中文city due to the particularity of their materials. Onlydevelopment是什么意思中文 rubber sheet, maidevelopment怎么读nly by PP, nylon, ABS and other polymer mwristyateriadvancementsals injection molding, ewristspecially ABS, bectechnically是什么意思啊ause of good plasticity, high strength, easy coloring, widely used. But due to their high polymeradvancement什么意思 and insulation, wear in the human body’s wrist, easy to produce and offer static charges, through the experiment testing, in genetechnicallyral friwristctechnology是什么意思英语tion voltage in 300-2000 v or hitechnology是什么意思英语gher, in the north is dry in winter, sometimes reach more than 15000 v, this creates a new hazabandsrd, to eliminate this kind of harm, we cdevelopment是什么意思中文翻译an be improvtechnology怎么读ed in view of the plastic liner, In these polymer substrates to add sband什么意思ome high and new antistatic additives, broken its polymerbandsman幸运字符是什么意思 sbands怎么读tructurtechnical information蓝屏e, improve its resistivity and surface dtechnology什么意思中文ebandsnsity to form a layer of film on its outer surface, reduce the generation of relative friction, so as to eliminate electrostatic accumulation and rewristyduce the generation of sdevelopment怎么读tatic electricity. Through practbandsman是什么意思ice, we havetechnical名词 developed this material that keeps the friction voltage below 10V, which greatly improves the suitability and reliability of thwristye wrist strap. The healer istechnically是什么意思啊 kind. As practitioners of ESD protection technologybandsman是什么意思qq字符, we should providtechnology怎么读e professional products with professional quality and responwristwatchsible profdevelopment可数吗essional ethics, and effectively solve these decisive prtechnologyoblems in the electronic manufacturing process. In the anti-static consulting network, call colltechnical information蓝屏eagues to pay attention to this issue, promote the improvement and perfection of this product together, and then promote the progress and development of our industry.

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