What is the composition of the wrist strap worn in general

ESD wrist strap is a device worn on human wrist to discharge the accumulated electrostaticdoes怎么读 charge of human body. It is divid抖音极速版ed into libody怎么读near, linear, metal ring and ebreak的过去式lastic conductive wire mixed ring, spring grounding wire can be more than 30000 times around the test does从姑获鸟开始 not bdevicereak. ESD wrist strap buckle adjustable linear, can effectively protect the zero resbreakdownistance parts frbucklerom electrostatic interference, to release human static electricity. The inner layer of the elastic babreakingnd is woven with anti-static yarn and the outer layer is woven with ordinary yarn. ESD wrist strap uses the wrist strap and grounding cdoes的过去式able to conduct the static electricity of the human boddevice什么意思中文y to the ground. Use the wrist strap in contact with your skin and ensure that the grounding cable ibreakfast早餐怎么读s directly grounded for maximum effectiveness. ESD wrist strap composition: 1, rolling line斗罗大陆4: highbreaks elasticity anti-swing, color blue; 2, crocodile clip: stainelasticless steel movable clip; 3, conductive gauze: fine conductive yarn woven, white yarn. Features :devicenet通讯协议ESD Wr从红月开始ist strap Effectively re东方财富网leases the static electricity of the human body through gdoes的过去式rounding, pelastic是什么意思rebreakfast是什么意思venting the product from being struck bydevices static electricity. Generalbreakfastly, an ESD wrist strap needs to be connected to a grounding socket. One grounding socket can be connected to twoelasticsearch菜鸟教程 w斗破苍穹之无上之境rist straps. Scope of applicati从姑获鸟开始on :ESD wrist strap can be used in electronics factory, medicine, aerospacaround_transferedoes, precision machinery, etc.

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