State how widely lanyard can be used

Lanyard is now a very popular one, its use is very good, can be used in a variety of mobile phones, cameras, its use range is wide: electronic U disk, bank U shield, staff badges, exhibition cardshow怎么读, mini audio, mobile phones, flashlights, work cards, ballpoint pen, hanging tags, hanging rope, etc. All electronic products that need to be portable can be usestatement什么意思中文d. For short hanging rope iswidely造句 holding rope, hang rope manulanyardhole是什么意思facturer to its length is generally are sure, thwidely造句is kinwidely和wide的区别d of hang roused的三种用法pe is commonly used in some smwidely怎么读英语all items in life,蓝牙rdc such as mini audio, mobile phone, flashlight, ball-point pen easily lost missing above, the above items are generally has a hole, for easy wear hang rope, so how to wear mobile phone hang rope? Becuse的用法aulanyard 是什么意思se the material of the lanyard is soft, itstatement翻译 can’t go through the hole, so it can’t just rely on the lanyard. There will bhowdoyoudo什么意思e a hole at the top of the phone, that is, above the earpiece. Planyards什么意思ut the thin side of the lanyard into the hole, and then put the wide end of the lanyard through the middle of the string, and then pull the lanyard tight to hang it on the neck. Machine belt therhow的用法mal transfer printing (thermal transfer printing ink) is a new printing process, introduced from abroad but more thanstate是什么意思 10 years. Mobilstatee phone hang with the process of printing way printing and transfer printing film processing divides into two parts, cell phhow怎么读one hanging belt printing USES the network printing,how是什么意思 printing film pattern will be printed on thin film surfstatement什么意思中文ace in advance, printing thestately design level of rich, costatelylourful, go, small chromatism, good reproducibility, can meet the requirements of design patterns is effect, and is suitable for mass production. Hand rope manufacturers machine belt transfer processing through a heat transfer machowever什么意思hine processing (heating pressure) transfer film on the exquisite pattern transfer printing on the surface of the productlanyard 翻译, forming ink layer and product surface dissolved into one, realistic and beautiful, greatly improve the grade of the product. But because of the high content of mobile pusedto的用法归纳hone slanyard 翻译trap technolostategy, many materihow怎么读als need to be imported, busedto的用法归纳ut you can use that kindused怎么读 of clothing string label hard plastic line. Specifically, it is to lift the lanyard with plaused的三种用法stic wire first (that is, through the lanyard蓝牙rdc), and then pull the two ends of the plast蓝牙rdaic wire through the hole of the mobile phone together. 1 Printing:how genusedto的用法归纳eral exhibition lanyalanyardhole是什么意思rd requires the words and patterns to be publicized. 2 ribbon: general producwidely是什么意思tion rope material nylon, PP, polyester, husedto的用法归纳igh elastic cotton, general specstatediwidely用法fications are 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm. 3. Assembly: printlanyard 是什么意思 first, cut accordinused tog to the specified size, add stringwidely什么意思中文, plastic buckle, glue or press metal sheet,used to and then package. After inspection, a lanyarusedto的用法归纳d was ready for shipment.

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