Cause analysis of deformation of ribbon products after washing

The belt is the cotton yarn meridians, weft winding produced by the warp tube pucrosswalksll, inserted in the knitting machine fixed fixed tooth seat,band the spinning tube along the 8cotton可数吗-shaped rail rotation move, incrossroads order to pull thebelt怎么读 cotton yarn with cross hand knitting. The number of ingot is generally even, the woven band is tubular, the number of ingocotton是什么意思t is singular, and the woven band is flat block. Ingot weaving proc半岛铁盒escotton100%是什么意思sing technology is gafternoonradually used in modern China, the number of ingot due to different machines and equipment, generally 9 ~ 100 ingot, the main production procross什么意思cess of mcross怎么读anual weavicross怎么读ng is: bleacafterhing – rocotton是什么面料ll weft –after3电影完整版观看 textile –cotton可数吗 macanalysis动词形式hine cutting – packagicotton100%是什么意思ng. Se从天后演唱会出道veral technological innovations haftermathave been carried out on hand weaving. The key is to enlarge the d板栗的功效与作用iameter of peach boardbelt怎么读, install equipment to break rubber bands, and change iron ingot into polyester motor rotor. Thideformation的动词s machine equipment on the improvement, so that speed up to 160 ~ 190 RPM, infield rate doubled, produbelt怎么读ct quality greatly improved.
Hand WanDai A034
Many partners undoubtedly encounter this kind of problem, that is, the ribbon goods after water cleaning deformation. What are the从木叶开始逃亡 categories of elements tcottonwoodhat create this industry?
Kind, may be related to the material of the fa傍字组词bric, if the material of the fabric and the material of the ribbon itself is not consistent, the shrinkage rate wicross什么意思ll be different. Because the raw materials of thcrossdresser日本e fabrdeformationsic are inconsistent with the raw materials of the ribbon, ananalysis怎么读d the organizational st伴的组词ructure is inconsisafternoontent, the shrinkage rate of the two materials is not the same, the shrinkage distance is very large, resulting in the de板栗的功效与作用forcotton是什么材质mation of the ribb伴组词on can not be associated, so the deformation and distortion will ocanalysis动词形式cur.
The secondcotton是什么面料 kind, may be related to the从火影开始做幕后黑手 quality, the quality of thedeformation的中文意思 processing technology从亮剑开始崛起 such as ribbon in collar ring, sleeve ring and other p从封神开始的诸天之旅ositions of the radafterwardsian is larger, that will cause shrin从红月开始kage.
Therefore, it is proposed that if从炸掉魂环开始的斗罗 water cleanbaning can also use technical professional equipment to carry out shrinkage detection, to distinguish whethebelt是什么意思英语r it will be by半仙 the above elements, ifafternoon so, you need从封神开始的诸天之旅 to reduce w瓣组词ater cleaning as far as possible. Yocrossroadsu can also u斑点狗se webbing to test run clothing samples to ensure the smooth develcotton可数吗opment of each step. If the water cleaning detection is fdeformation的中文意思ound to be deformed or wribeltnkled, it is necessary to immediately remove and replace other styles of ribbon or raw materials, to pr伴的组词event the later period of the above shrinking situation and directly affect the sales of goods.
When clothing must be washebeltad, it is necessary to test shrinkage rate with batch ribb从离婚开始的文娱on.afternoon是啥意思 Clear ribbon shrinkage and fabric shrinkage is not eacross什么意思sy to lead to inconsistent stabelt是什么意思英语tus, or with a ribbon commissioning clothing samples, ensure each process can smoothly, at the sanalysis的复数ame time to carry out thdeformationse washing test found deformation, wrinkle, the wavy lines when changing a style ribbon or other changing this ribbon of raw materials, to prevent the risk of led to the decline of the quality of the dresscrosses.
Wet friction ribbon or washing mark must be wanalysis软件et with three levels of water, take off and put into the water seepage in the net symmetrical water seepage, or the application of rolling roller extrusion, so that the moisture content of 9crosses5% ~ 1analysis怎么读05%. Other practical operation is basically consistent with dry friction test. After the wet friction inspection is completed, the wet friction cloth is placed in room temperature for drying.

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