The disadvantage of cotton ribbon is that it is easy to wrinkle and shrink

The yarn of pure cotton ribbon is made of cotton, without any other dirt. There are a lot of ribbon is made of pure cotton line hook, such as pregnant motherscotton怎么读 and children’s clothiribbonsng pancotton翻译ts ribbon auxiliary material, pure cotton transmission belt, pure cotton shoes rope these arshrinkagee made of pure cotton line. Cotton waddingribbon怎么读音 fabric is a traditicotton是什么牌子onal thermal icotton可数吗nsulation matdisadvantage怎么读英语erial, flax fiber is relatively fine, no parasitic pathogens, of course, green environmental protection, natural renewable energy.
Thedisadvantages怎么读 yarn of pureasy是什么意思e cotton ribbon idisadvantage怎么读s made of ceasylinkotton wool. The skin of pregnant mdisadvantage可数吗other and child is very tender, so most of them are made of pure cotton materials for maternity and baby clothes. Pure cotton water absorption, moisturizing waterdisadvantageous, temperature resistance, awrinkledcribbon怎么读id resistance, sanitation are particularly good, is energy-saving environmental protecdisadvantages怎么读tion products. Cotton wool is very mild aneasy怎么读d non-irritating to the skin. Pure cotribbon怎么读音ton no smell, zecottonwoodro polribbons什么意思中文lution, no bleach, no other additives, very warm, very healthy. It’s better for older people, pregnant motheribbons怎么读rs and children. Good.
Cotton ribshrink的反义词bon defects: 1. Very easy to wrinkle 2. Easy to shrink 3. Easy to stick
Polyester cotton ribbon yarn, simply speaking, is a kind of cotton with chemical fiberibbon怎么读r, acotton100%是什么意思 polyester material, the discovery of polyester cottdisadvantages怎么读怎么发音on has promoted the great prcotton是什么牌子ogress of people’s textiles,disadvantage怎么读 it has many advantages. Polyester cotton improves the ductility of pure coribbonstton yaeasytechrn. It is not easy to break. It is ductility! Polyester cotton yarn just in the advantages of pure cotton and polyester, look at the composition of poribbonslyester in cotton is how much.
Some of the advantages of pure cotton such as water absowrinklerption, moisturizingribbons什么意思中文 water tonic is mainly for clothing auxiliary material, for the ribbon has some nowrinklest important, some very defects; Polyester has the same awrinkles是什么意思dvantages that are necessary for ribbon yarns.
Nowadays, 90% of the cottoeasylinkn belt on the market is cotton polyester line sribbonhdisadvantage怎么读ould be polyester line production anwrinkle是什么意思d manufacturing, but the real pure cotton line sales market is very few, and twrinklehe price is high shocking! Genercottonally true cotteasy的副词ondisadvantage造句 belt yarn, is added a little polyester in cotton, so that it can have the advantages of pure cotton and polyester, easy to wash, high temperature resistance, alkaline resistshrink的反义词ance, moisturizing water, environmental health, wear resistance, not easy to shrink, ndisadvantage怎么读ot easy to fshrinkageold, not easy to deformation,disadvantageous not easy to stick hair these! The key is the proportion of cotton and poleasyconnectyester mix moderately!
The evaluation method of pure cotton ribboshrink什么意思n and polyester cotton ribbon, simple is to take the cut line, burn, icotton100%是什么意思f there is a lump is thwrinkles怎么读e polyester cottcottonwoodon line wwrinkled怎么读itcotton是什么意思h dacron, if all ashes to ashes for pure pure cotton!

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