Classification and application of heat transfer printing lanyard

Thermal transfer printing lanyard is in the design of a good design scheme, make coated paper, and then according to the electrical engraving machinery equipment to divide the collanyardhole是什么意思or of the pattern hand-carved on coated paper. Then the coated paper is obtained on the printing eqlanyards什么意思uipment to print the pattern packaging on the PET plastic film, and then the pattlanyard 是什么意思ern is transferred to the commodity according to the mechanical equipmenprinting读音t of the thermal transfer printing rope.
Thermal transfer printing lashing technology has long bclassification是什么意思een used in thheatwavese production and manufacture of fabric thermal transfer printing. With the rapid development of new technology, the key technolotransfergy of thermal transfer printing lashing technology is more andtransfer more commheatingon. From the printing ink types classified by pressure transfer type and thermal sublimation transfer type. From the transferred materials are classified as fabric, plastic (plate, shlanyard 是什么意思eet, film), porcelain and metal materials coating board; From the packaging printing method classprinting processification can be divided into screen printing, lithography, gravure printing, letterpress, inkjet printer and printing ribbon prinprinting翻译ting; The printing process is classified into thermal transfer printing lanyard paper and thermal transferapplication动词 printing lanyard pheatwaveslastic film, etc.
Therapplication动词mal transfer printing rope LOGO printing ink does not have a sense of layering, layering is not strong screen printing ink, printing ink not only adhheatstrokeere to the surface of the ribbon, and part of the infilheatertratioapplicationcontextn of the ribbon inside.
Thermal transfer princlassification写作tinapplications文件夹在哪儿g lanyard lanyardheathens is a proctransferessing technology that fiapplicationsrst packages and prints text or patterns on thermal transfer paper, and then transfers text or patterns on paper accuratransfer是什么意思tely to the ribbon after thermal transfer printing lanyard eapplicationcontextquipment under uclassification essayltra-higclassification写作h pressure. Charging typheatstrokee of transfer printing embossing procesclassification怎么读sing technology. Taking polyesteapplicationsr cloth as an example, the suitable processing standard should be 20 ~ 30s at 205℃. However, the actual effect is poor at 170 ~ 180℃ and 10s. At 180 ~ 190℃ and 15 ~ 10s,printingdocument打印机错误提示 only the actual effect of ring dyeing can be achieved. When abclassification的动词ove 230 ~ 240℃ and 40s, the touch is rough and hard, if above 240℃ anheat空调上是什么意思d 45s, it is close to melting. Fabric chemical fiber type is not the same, traheat是什么意思中文nsfer standards are not the same.
In addition to temperature and time, the working pressure when transferring clothing printing is also a very ktransferey stransfer用法tandard. If the working pressure is too sapplicationframehost是什么mall, the gap between the fabric and the flower paper is large, and the cottclassification societyon yarn is round, the molecuprintingdocument是什么意思啊lar structure of the dye body and the gas wiapplication是什么意思中文ll collide with each other and disperse freely, resulting in poor actual effect. At the same time, the dlanyardhole是什么意思ye is also very easy to leak, and the wire frame is thiclanyardhole是什么意思k anheatingd the lines are unclear. If inlanyard 是什么意思crease working pressure, cotton yarn can become flat, fabric and flower paper gapapplicationcontext和beanfactory is small蓝牙rdc and transfer color effect is very good, clear lines, smooth and meticultransferwiseous wire frame. But the working pressure over exchange will cause deformation, pilling and thick fabric shape chclassification essayanges, and cause meteors, resulting in rough and hard touch and color patchy defectstransferable.
The paprinting processttern of thlanyard photo翻译eprinting outrmal transfer printing lanyard lanyard, whether pure color or mheat空调上是什么意思ulticolor, is transferred to the ribbon at one time, so the color oprinting是什么意思中文f the LOGO is not very related to the cost of packaging and printing (only the difference between printing and plate making)printing翻译. Thermal transfer printing lanyard processing technology is especiprintingally suitable for printing wonderful images or colorful multifarious patterns.
At this stage, the most popular and poclassificationpular thermal transfer pheathensrinting lashers in the world are 50px wide, and some of them will use 37.5px wide specitransferfications. A common webbing diamelanyard海词ter is 2250px long (1125px long when folded). Thheat空调上是什么意思ermal transfer printing lantransferwiseyard pattern can be printed, that is, the total width of thermal transfer printing lanyard pattern can be the same as the total width of the ribbon.
General thermal transfer printing lashing ropapplication怎么读音e lashing roheatingpe – a texprinting是什么意思中文tile auxiliary class (other name: moapplicationsbile phone ro蓝牙rdape, lashing belt, rope) general raw materials are made of polyester, PP, polyester cloth, elastic cotton cotton, general specificatheat是什么意思中文ions and models are 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7printingdocument打印机错误提示mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm.
The content of heat transfer printing rope can be the company name, website address, key contact number, well-known brantransfer用法d of goods, propaganda language, propaganda slogan, but also can be the LOGOclassification essay of sports games, tour, large-scale activitieslanyards什么意思, parties and other activities. Polyester, cotclassificationton, bamboo carblanyard 是什么意思on fiber can not bear the high temperatureheathens, after a unique and higtransfer翻译h cost of solving the heat transfer printing lanyard. Therefore, at this stage, whether at home or abroad, part of the application of polyester cloth material on the market at presenheathrowt is 99%.
In order to better many customers can bapplicationse convenient, convenient and economic deapplication identity拒绝访问velopment of the customized to their own LOGO of the humanized lappet,lanyard photo翻译 especially in order to achtransferableieve small batcheathensh production customization, reduce customer customization, according to many years of production and manufacturing wprinting翻译ork experience, integration of countries around thclassification怎么读e world lappet product customizationtransfer是什么意思 and application habit, Dongguan IMK GIFT Co, Ltd ribbon craft factory professional chose thclassification的动词e generality, generally, the popular three series of products, each series of products is highly recommended six styles for the masses as the reference, basically as the customer can all lead down to the short period of time to customize to exclusively belongs to own the best oprinting是什么意思中文f the humanized hang rope products.

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