Djibouti Lions Club donated medical equipment to Berti Hospital

2008-03-22 Commercial Reference Office of the Chinese Embassy in Djibmedical的名词outi
On 6 March,equipment是什么意思 the Lion Club of Djibouti donated a batch of medical equipment to Berti Hosdonate读音pital, including 6 hemodialysis machines, 3 ventilators,medical什么意思中文 more than 20 medical beds, 4 wheelchairs, 26 school desks and furmedical的名词niture for three children’s wards.
Lions Club International was founded on June 7, 1917. With over 1.4 million members from 193 countries andhospital什么意思 regions around the world, lions Club International is one of the world’s larcertificate是什么证书gdonated怎么读est non-gomedical treatmentvernmental charitable service organizationhospital翻译s. The society aims to promote humacertificate是什么意思啊nitarhospitalianism, promote friendship and maintain peace, regardless of political, religious or ethnicdonate的名词 lines. It provides a variety of services to somedical怎么读ciety, including medical and health care, helping the disabled and the elderly, environmental protecmedical treatmenttion, civic education, disaster redhospital什么意思uction and poverty alleviation.
In December last year, a tour of 1,000 primacertilogorcertifyy and secondary schcertik审计ool students for treatment of eye diseases in the capital anequipment和facilityd interior of Djibouti, sponsobertired by thehospital是什么意思英语 Club and funded by the French Cooperatilions音标on Agency, was conducted as part of lions International’s global Visiocertificationn programme, which has benefited 3 million people around the world.
Chairman Ali Said at the donation ceremony that the treatment phase of eye diseases has been completed, and the next step will be to slionsgatetart the work of dicertifystributing glasses. An assessment of the impactclub翻译 of thmedical什么意思中文翻译e drought will also bhospital是什么意思英语e carrlion是什么意思中文翻译ied out in the interior with the French Cooperation Agcertikency aclubnd the Djiboutimedical是什么意思 Social Development Agency,equipment可数还是不可数 widonatedth a view to making a greater contribution to poverdonate读音ty reductidonate读音on and susdonate的名词形式tainable developdonate的意思ment.

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