The Lions Club of Shenzhen delivered relief materials to the quake-hit area — The Lions Club of Shenzhen delivered relief materials to the quake-hit area
On April 20, 2013, Brother Tong Xinshi of the emergency vanguard learned about the urclub翻译gently needed supplies in the afflions读音ected areas of Ya ‘an and purchased the following supplies in Chengdu: Color strip cloth, rain gear is the key, women’squake翻译 articles, infant articles smaterial是什么意思uch as milk powder, cottarea怎么读on, waterproof cloth, food (such as bread, compressed biscuits, mineral wadelivered是什么意思中文翻译ter, instant noodles, etc.), blankelion是什么意思ts, tents, flashlight, battery, generator, medicine, etc. Peng Kun Shi Brother purchased urmaterials期刊gently needed drrelief形容词ugs in Shenzhen.
On the morning of the 21st, the vanguard peng Kun, Zhamaterial是什么意思ng Zhihehitachi, Huang Cheng, Luo Yingmei arrived at the disaster area in Sichuan and dihitvided the labor. At 12 o ‘clolionsck, the Lions Club of Shenzhmaterial是什么意思en got a pass to the disaster area and loaded the emergency shitachi是什么品牌upplies to the disaster area, including 150 thousand yuan worth of quilts, water, food and 100 thousand yuan of emergency medicine.
&nbsrelief形容词p; After a long journey, thequaker是什么意思 vangclubman是什么牌子车uard team arrived at lushan County People’s Hospitalquake翻译 at 10 PM on The 21st, and del深圳大学ivered all the emergency medicines and some supplies to lushan County People’s Hospital at 11:30 PM. Later, local authorlions是什么意思ities learned that all houses in Renjia Village, Qingjia深圳大学ng Township, about 10 kihitachi是什么品牌lometers away frarea在c语言中的意思om the hospital, collapsed, and more than 6,000 people were affected by the disaster. With the support and cooperation of local authorities, tlions怎么读he vanguard sent the remaining supplies to the village overnight. At 8:30 on thehitman 2lionsgate2ndclubs, the vanguard transferred all the remaining supplies to Qingren township, and distributed sulionspplies to the victims of the village, and then quickly evacuated the disaster area.
&narea的意思bsp; Vanguardundelivered came from the news, now the dhit是什么意思isaster area aftershocks, insufficient power supply equipment, commurelief翻译nication signal is not stable, suggested srelief和relieve区别ervice and lion friends do not enter the disaster area alone, coordinated actiarea的意思on.
Shenzhen Lionmaterials期刊s Club & NBSP;area在c语言中的意思 &nbmaterials翻译sp;
April 22, 2013
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