Forwarding the “Notice on Printing and Distributing the Relevant documents of the eighth National Membership Congress of the Domestic Lion Association”

Forward the domestic lion association “about printing and distributing domestic lions
Notice on relevant Documents of the 8th National General Meeting of thnational怎么读e Federation
Shenzhen, Guangdong Lions Club, Dalian, Qingdao, Beijing, Zhejiangmembership怎么读音, Shenyang, Shaanxi, Harbin Membership Management Committee:
eighth英语怎么读 ¬iceablenbsp; National Lion Aeighth怎么读ssociation (ldQUO; Cib throughout thdocuments下载e &;) The 8th National Membership Congress was held in Shenzhen on May 26-27, 2013. More than 600 members from shenzhen,membership翻译 Guangdong, Dalian, Qingdao, Beijing, Zhejiang, Shenyang, Shaanxi, Harelevant的否定rbin and other nine regions attended the conference. Wang Naikun, chairman of the association, and Tang Xiaoquan, chairman of the advisory Committee respectively delivered important speecrelevant的名词hes at the conference.
&relevant词根词缀nbsp; &nrelevant翻译bsp; The congress deliberanationalitiestednotice and adopted the work Report 2012-2013 and finannationalitiescial Reporelevant词根词缀rt 2012-notice翻译2013 of the Association; To examine and approve the “System of the Board of Supervisors” and elect the board of supervisors of the Federation; To revise the association’s articles of association, work rules and administrative Measurnoticeablees on collection and Use of membership dues; To commend individuals and groups such as 2012-2013 Outstanding Members, outstandingrelevant的否定 Consultants, outstanding service tedistributingams, outstanding service projects and specialdocuments contribution awards;noticed Reshuffle the members of the federation’s leadership.
With the approval of the leadership of THE federation, we hereby print and distribute the relevant documents adopted by teighth什么意思he general assembly to you, among whicprinting pressh the Constitution of the Federation has been approved by the regisnationalitiestranotice的形容词tion administration authority, Ministry of Civil Affarelevant的否定irs.
Please organize your study according to the actual situation and carry it out.
1. Speech by Wang Naikun, President of CCPIT Xiamen at the 8th National General Assembly
&ndocumentsbsp; 2. Spenational音标ech by Chairman Tang Xiaoquan at the eighnational怎么读th National Congress of Members
3. Report on the work of the Association for 2012-2013
&nbnotice的固定搭配sp; 4. The Association’documents软件下载s financial report 2012-2013
&ndocuments下载bsp; 5. Articles of association
printing翻译 6. Rules of associanotice用法tion work
&nbsdocuments翻译p; 7. Joinprinting怎么读t Board of Supervisors system
8. Administrative meanotice过去式sureprinting是什么意思s for the collection and use of membership duedocuments翻译s of the Federation
9. Decision on the appointment animprintingd removal of the Vice-Presidocuments翻译dents of the Federation
&nbnotice同义词sp; 10. Membership of the council of the Federation
 eighth怎么读; 11. Membernotice的形容词ship of theeighth怎么读 Board of Supervisors of THE Federation
12. Membership of the Advisory Committee of THE Association
13. Decision on recognition of 2012-2013 Outstanding Member, Outstanding Advisor, Outstanding Service Teamrelevant英文解释, Outstandiprintingng Service Proprinting是什么意思ject and Special Contribution Award
National Lions Association
September 17, 2013

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