The 10th anniversary of high-tech Service Team and the 2013-2014 annual change ceremony was held

The 10th anniversary of high–tech Service Team and the 2013-2014 annual change ceremony was held
&ntechbsp; &nbteamsp;  th; &nbannualsp; &nhigh翻译bsp; Oanniversary周年纪念n August 22, 2013, the Higtech是什么意思h-tservice怎么读ech Service team was held in Venice Hotel. The Decade of High and Happy & RDquoteam是什么意思翻译; To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of shenzhen Lions Hi-tech Service Team and the changitechnologiesng ceremony. Shenzhen Lions Club 2013-2014 Director Wu Xiaoming, supervisor Xie Jiantechwen, several former directors and directors, supervisors, and more than 180 lion friends of each service team attended theannual同义词 ceremony.
The ten presidents of the high-tech service team ga褪黑素thered together on the stage, and the new high-tech seranniversary周年纪念vice team founded & LDquo; The Long March of Light & RDquo; The flag was passed down from generaannual英语怎么读tion to generation. Brother Yao Xiaoming told a touching story about The donteamoation of corneas by Sister Peng Weiling. Director Wu Xiaoming paid tribute toservice是什么故障灯 the members for their selfless dedication in the past ten years. &hanniversarycelebration什么意思ellip;
&teams手机版nbsp; &tech是什么意思nbsp; Sianniversarynce its establishment ten years aghigh是什么意思o, the High-tech Service Team has initiated, organized atechnologiesnd participated in 56 charity service activitiesanniversary是什么意思英语翻译, such as btechnorightness travel, educational aid, assisting the disablanniversary是什么意思英语ed and disasteservicer relieservicef, with a donation amouthnt of 11.1391 miannual同义词llion yuan and 1,630 people participating in charity service activteamoities. Service & other; Bright Long March ” The brand service project helped 2,709 poor cataract patients regain sight in 23 times of bright walking. In the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, We initia桃花源记翻译ted and organizanniversary什么意思ed lion Friends of the World to help build Penghua Lion Village in Zundao Town, Mianzhu, Sichuan, where 147 displaced families had neteams会议w homes. He donated to the estabteam是什么意思翻译lishmentechnicalt of Xuancheng Lion Primary School in Changting, Fujian province, and has been studying in pairs for a loanniversaryng time. The High-tech Service Team was also founded in June 2011. Xiaoming Eye Bank Fund & RDQUO; .
&nbanniversarysp; In the past teanniversary缩写n years, the high-tech service team has won 14 awards from Lions Clubs international, Lions Ctech是什么意思lubs in China and Lions Clubs in Shenzhen, and its 47 members have won 30 awardhighests.
&nbsteamworkp; The ten yearsserviceman of high-tech service team ishighly a glorious decade, a decade of dedication, a decade of gratitude, and a dtechnicalecade of joyteambition.
service怎么读 Lion friends gather here to pay tribute to the extraordinary course of the hiservicegh-tech service team in the past ten years in the most solemn way, and toteams会议 thank all thannualizede members of the high-tech service team for their selfless dedicatioanniversary是什么意思英语翻译n!
Witnessed by Director Wu Xihighwayaoming, 2012-2013 Chairman Ltech是什么意思iu Kaineng handed the ribbon, hammer and flag to 2013-2014 Chairman Deng Yi. Deng Yi led all staff of 2013-2014 Hi-tech Service Team to appear on stage. New members took the solemn oath led by The second deputy director ofservice的名词 Shenzhen Lions Club, Ms.
&nhighestbsp; &ntechnologiesbsp;In 2012-2013, Presideannual造句nt Liu Kaineng anteamd Finananniversary周年纪念ce Shao Jun made work reports respectively. In 2012-2013, the high-tech service team overfulfilled the annual work plan, and achieved退婚后大佬她又美又飒 There is participation andtech growth ” , jointly carried out service activities with 13 service teams, organized 16 service activitanniversary什么意思ies, servanniversary周年纪念ing 364 person-times, wittechniqueh the service fund of 1.2 million yuan. Bserviceablerightness Action activities helpeservicebiod 133 poverty-stricken cataract patientanniversarys rebuild their sight; 5 new members were developed, with a net growth rate of 20%; 10 regular meetinannualgs were held, inclthuding 8 birthday meetings; Participated in various trainings and meetings of the district coun童话故事cil, and participated in the 96th Annual Meeting of the International Lions Clteamub in Hamburg, Germany; Former Chairman Zhang Baoqing’s family was awarded the tthino特长p ten Caring Families in the 10th Shenzhen Ca同花顺ring Ahigh翻译ction.
&highestnbsp; 2013-2014 President Deng Yi made a report on the New Year’s work plan,tech which planned to complete an annual meeting, two guangming trips, threeanniversary times for respect桃花源记翻译ing thteche elderly and assisting the disabled, fservice是什么意思our times for joint services, and more than five new member同花顺s totech是什么意思 join the as桃花源记sociation, whichannual同义词 & LDquo; One two three fservice翻译our five ” Will be throughout the entire tenure of the year, so that there are monthly activities, harvest, everyone involved.
High-tech serviservice是什么故障灯ce team members and their families performed the progrteam什么意思am, which was wonderful, novel and happy, bringing the celebration to a climax. In a relaxed and happy atmosphetechniquere, the 10th anniversary and changing of the leadership ceremony came to a successfuhigh的名词l conclusion. All the lion friends wish the nteamworkew decade of high-hightech Service team more brilliant and glorious!
By Li Hua

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