Notice of 2012-13 Tribute and 2013-14 Inaugural Ceremony

Shenzhen Lions Club
Tribute to 2012-2013…….. Governors, District Councils, Committees and Servicinaugural address课文ppte Corps Councils
2013-2014…….Inauguration ceremony for members of annual governor, District Board, Board of Supervisors, committee and Service Team Board
Invite & have spent Please & have spent letterinaugural address翻译中英对照
Invite & have spent Please & have spent letterinaugural address翻译中英对照
Detributear Lion friend,
The detailsinaugural address are as follows:
&nbsnotice用法p;One, Time:9month1day (Sunday)
ceremony同义词 Second, when&nnoticedbsp; Between:In the afternoon15:30Welcome,17:00The official start of the
&inauguraladdress课件pptnbsp; Three, &inaugural翻译nbsp; Points:No.5 Hall of Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center
&nbnoticesp; Within the four, &inauguralnbsp; Capacity:recoinaugural addressgnition2012-2013……..Outstanding Lions and Service Team of the Year,2012-2013……..Annual tribute,2013-2014…….Annual director and Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, committee, joint changing ceremotribute词根ny of snotice作文ernoticeablevice team, establishment of new serviceceremony team, etc
V. Participants:2012ceremony是什么意思-2013……..Mceremony的音标ember of annual Council member, chairman of committee (executive), director of service Team, won2012-2013……..Annual commendation for lion friends,2013-2014ceremony是什么意思…….Annual council members, supervisory boarinaugural addressd members, committee (exinaugural address翻译中英对照ecutive) chairmanceremony怎么读, service team directors and all lion friends
inaugural是什么意思 Vi.tribute怎么读 Special Guests:Lion friends of Lions clubs in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Dalian, leaders of China Disabled Persoceremony和celebration的区别ns’ Federation and Shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation, media and social dignitaries
&nbsretributep; &nbnoticedsp; Seven, fee To use:380yuan/People,10people/wai
&nbsnotice同义词p; Booking contact: Zhang Qing Hou Zhenlian; Contact Number:25688960 25688550;
&inaugural addressnbsp; Acceremony的名词counretributet name: Shenzhen Lions Club; Bank name: Bank of China Huayuan Branch; Account:7692 5862 0855
&inauguralnbsp; (Tips: Cash or transfer is acceptable. Please fax the bank retribute词根词缀ceipt to:25688900, state your name or the purpose of the payment in the postscript.)
Viiitribute词根. Clothing requirements:Mceremonyen: dark suit, white shirt and tie; Woman: Evening weanotice的固定搭配r
To the Shenzhen Lions Clnotice同义词ub2012-2013….inaugural address翻译….Annual govinaugural address翻译ernor, District Board, Committee, Service Team Board salute and recognition2012-2013……..Congratulations to the outstanding lion frinotice作文ends who made outstanding contributions this year2013-2014…….The members of the council of the year, the membeinaugural address翻译rs of the supervisory board, theceremony造句 chairman of thetribute结尾的单词 committee and the council of the Service Team shall assume office2013yceremony的音标ears9month1dayheld“Shenzhen Lions Club to2012-2013…inaugural address翻译…..Annual Governor,notice用法 Districtribute是什么意思t Council, Committeinaugural翻译e, Service Corps Council tribtributeute cum2013-2014…….notice同义词Inauguration ceceremony翻译remonceremony同义词y for membenoticedrs of annual governor, District Board, Board of Supervisors, committee and Service Team Board”. You are specially invited to attend the party to witness this historic moment.The detailsinaugural address are as follows:
&nbsnotice用法p;One, Time:9month1day (Sunday)
ceremony同义词 Second, when&nnoticedbsp; Between:In the afternoon15:30Welcome,17:00The official start of the
&inauguraladdress课件pptnbsp; Three, &inaugural翻译nbsp; Points:No.5 Hall of Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center
&nbnoticesp; Within the four, &inauguralnbsp; Capacity:recoinaugural addressgnition2012-2013……..Outstanding Lions and Service Team of the Year,2012-2013……..Annual tribute,2013-2014…….Annual director and Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, committee, joint changing ceremotribute词根ny of snotice作文ernoticeablevice team, establishment of new serviceceremony team, etc
V. Participants:2012ceremony是什么意思-2013……..Mceremony的音标ember of annual Council member, chairman of committee (executive), director of service Team, won2012-2013……..Annual commendation for lion friends,2013-2014ceremony是什么意思…….Annual council members, supervisory boarinaugural addressd members, committee (exinaugural address翻译中英对照ecutive) chairmanceremony怎么读, service team directors and all lion friends
inaugural是什么意思 Vi.tribute怎么读 Special Guests:Lion friends of Lions clubs in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Dalian, leaders of China Disabled Persoceremony和celebration的区别ns’ Federation and Shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation, media and social dignitaries
&nbsretributep; &nbnoticedsp; Seven, fee To use:380yuan/People,10people/wai
&nbsnotice同义词p; Booking contact: Zhang Qing Hou Zhenlian; Contact Number:25688960 25688550;
&inaugural addressnbsp; Acceremony的名词counretributet name: Shenzhen Lions Club; Bank name: Bank of China Huayuan Branch; Account:7692 5862 0855
&inauguralnbsp; (Tips: Cash or transfer is acceptable. Please fax the bank retribute词根词缀ceipt to:25688900, state your name or the purpose of the payment in the postscript.)
Viiitribute词根. Clothing requirements:Mceremonyen: dark suit, white shirt and tie; Woman: Evening weanotice的固定搭配r
You are cordially inotice过去式nvited to the party. If you can attend, it will certainly add colretributeor to the party!
Look forward to your presence!
Look forward to your presence!
&nbinauguraladdress课件pptsp;  inaugural address课文ppt; I hope you have a
The liotribute词根n luck my palace&ceremony怎么读nbsp;
The liotribute词根n luck my palace&ceremony怎么读nbsp;
Shenzhen Lions Club
2012-2013.ceremony是什么意思……..Director of ttributehe Year: Brother Su Znotice的固定搭配eran
tribute怎么读 &nbsceremony造句p; 2013-2014……..Director of the Yeaceremony是什么意思r: Wu Xiaoming Shi Brother
inaugural address翻译中英对照 President,2013-2014…….First Depnotice作文uty Director of the year: Shijie Lin Ziyu
&nbtribute怎么读sp; &ntribute结尾的单词bsp; notice同义词 &inaugural address翻译中英对照nbceremony是什么意思sp; notice是什么意思 Executive Chairmen: Btribute是什么意思rother Qian Yu, Brother Jianyong Shi, Brother Wenjie Liceremony怎么读u
&inaugural address翻译nbsp; &nnotice用法bsp; inaugural address notice用法 twoOAugust 5, 2013 tribute结尾的单词;  ceremony用什么介词; &attributenbsp; notice同义词
Back to the Of board
— — — &mdasnotice用法h; — — — — — — — &ceremony同义词mdash; — &mdastributesh; &mdinaugural address翻译中英对照ash; — — — — — — — — — — —tribute翻译 — — &mtribute词根dash; — — — — — —
 notice用法;  tribute翻译; &nbnotice作文sp; ¬icednbsp;  notice过去式; Thtribute是什么意思e service team will have &nbceremony是什么意思sp; People participate in the Shenzhen Lions Club2013years9ceremony复数形式month1day(Sunday)17:00held&lnotice是什么意思dquo;tribute翻译Shenzhen Lions Club to2012-2013……..Annual Governor, District Council, Commnotice的形容词ittee, Service Corps Council tribute cum2013-2014…….Inaugceremony用什么介词uration ceremony for members of annual govnotice的形容词ernor, Distrnoticeict Board, Board of Supervisors, committee and Service Team Board”. Please reserve a seat.
notice的固定搭配 &nbinaugural address翻译中英对照sp; &ninaugural address课文pptbsp; notice过去式 ¬ice过去式nbsp; Service or  notice作文; &nbsceremony用什么介词p; &nbnotice是什么意思sp; (Lion friends or units) would like to provide thceremony复数形式e following sponsorship for the party:
– 1.Special isnoticesue Congratulatory advertisement:2000yuan/Page, twoceremony是什么意思 back cover eachceremony的名词2wan/Page, inside back cover1.5wan/Page.
&nbceremony造句spceremony用什么介词; &nbtributesp; – 2.Sponsor the party5000Yuan (send a page of speciaattributel issue advertisement, can do bagged advertising, on the website, the scene of the big screen propaganda).
 retribute; &ceremony用什么介词nbsp; – 3.Sponsor gift value for the gala8ceremony怎么读000Yuan of abceremony翻译ove,Can do bagged advertisininaugural address课文pptg, special issue ainaugural address翻译dvertising page)
notice的固定搭配 &nbinaugural address翻译中英对照sp; &ninaugural address课文pptbsp; notice过去式 ¬ice过去式nbsp; Service or  notice作文; &nbsceremony用什么介词p; &nbnotice是什么意思sp; (Lion friends or units) would like to provide thceremony复数形式e following sponsorship for the party:
– 1.Special isnoticesue Congratulatory advertisement:2000yuan/Page, twoceremony是什么意思 back cover eachceremony的名词2wan/Page, inside back cover1.5wan/Page.
&nbceremony造句spceremony用什么介词; &nbtributesp; – 2.Sponsor the party5000Yuan (send a page of speciaattributel issue advertisement, can do bagged advertising, on the website, the scene of the big screen propaganda).
 retribute; &ceremony用什么介词nbsp; – 3.Sponsor gift value for the gala8ceremony怎么读000Yuan of abceremony翻译ove,Can do bagged advertisininaugural address课文pptg, special issue ainaugural address翻译dvertising page)
&nbsceremony用什么介词p; &nceremony怎么读bsp; &nnotice的固定搭配bsp; inaugural address &ceremony用什么介词nbsp; &nnotice同义词bsp; &nbceremony用什么介词sp; &ntribute词根词缀bstribute词根p; noticed &nbnotice的形容词sp; noticeable sign Namnotice作文e: &nbsinaugural address课文pptp; ceremony的音标 &nbinauguraladdress课件pptsp;
ceremony怎么读 &ninaugural addressbsp;  noticeable; &ceremony同义词nbsp; &nbsceremony同义词p;  tribute词根词缀; &ntribute翻译bsp; day Time:  ceremony怎么读; &nbnotice翻译sp;  tribute词根;
ceremony怎么读 &ninaugural addressbsp;  noticeable; &ceremony同义词nbsp; &nbsceremony同义词p;  tribute词根词缀; &ntribute翻译bsp; day Time:  ceremony怎么读; &nbnotice翻译sp;  tribute词根;
&nbnotice翻译sp; Please fax the receipt to shenzhen Lions Club oretributeffice:0755–25688900
&nbinauguraladdress课件pptsp; Telephone:25688960 & 25688561 Contact person: Zhaceremony和celebration的区别ng Qing Wang Qin
&nbinauguraladdress课件pptsp; Telephone:25688960 & 25688561 Contact person: Zhaceremony和celebration的区别ng Qing Wang Qin

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