The 4th district council meeting of Shenzhen Lions club was successfully concluded

The 4th district council meeting of Shenzhen Lions club was successfully concluded
On June 8,districting 2013, the fourth Districcouncil怎么读t Council of Shenzhen Liothns Club was successfully held in the multi-function hall of the offic深圳市最新疫情e. Shenzhen Lions Club 2012-2013 Director Su Zeran, former director Zheng Degang, first Deputy Director Wu Xiaoming, second Deputy Director Lin Zisuccessfully patched是什么意思yu, Secretary General Zhang Xiaowei, Chief Financialions英语怎么读l Officer Li Yuehua, Chief Business Officer Yu Qian, Executive Deputy Secretary-general Gao Zhou, Deputy secretary-general Xu Wenxiong, Peng Kun, Zhang Zhihe and regional chairmen and other 24 directors attended the meeting. Zhang Guojun, vice president, Wang Jinliang, fo退婚后大佬她又美又飒rmer director, Liu Dang, executive chairman of the district Committee attended the meeting.
The meeting was chaired by Deputclub是什么酒y Secretary-General Zhang Zhihe. The meeting reported the preliminary examination of the qualifications of candid深证指数ates for the 2013-2014 board of Directors and Board of Supervisors, the financial implementation of this year’s district councilionsgatel, the settlement of the eig陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿hth gen深圳天气eration Council, and the 2012-2013 Honorary awmeeting翻译ard Plan of Shenzhen Lions Club (draft). The relevant materials for the eleventh Annual Conference wer同花顺e consideredwasp and adopted; We discclub用英语怎么说ussed matters concerning the establishment of the post-earthqua深圳市最新疫情ke reconstruction Project Committwashingtonee in Ya ‘an of Sichumeeting是什么意思anmeeting的音标 province and Yiliang of Yunnan Province同花顺, and the proposal ocouncil读音n the establishment of the Emergency rescue Vanguard team of Shenzhen Lions Club.
 waste; At the concclubman是什么牌子车lusion odistrict的中文意思f the speech, Director Su Zeran salions怎么读id that under the joint efforts of the council, the cwashommittee, the service team and all lion friends, the work plan made at the beginn通货膨胀下什么最保值ing of the year had been well completed. Thank you for your efforts and efforts this year. I hope you will stand your last shift with love and sense of responsibility.
Photo by Zhang Lichen/Lin Zeyun

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