Longteng Service Team: The inaugural ceremony of the 2017-2018 election was held smoothly

Longteng Service Team: The inaugural ceremony of the 2017-2018 election was held smoothly
On July 22, 2017, the inaugural ceremony of shenzhen Lions Club Longteng Service Team for 2017-2018 wasservice successfulwassuply held in Dameishainauguraladdress课件pptluwan Mansion. Shenzhen lions in 2017-2018龙腾三泰虎 second deputy chaceremony是什么意思irman WengHua chairman, deputy secretary-general mining-team wide, 19 partitioteamon Huang Lishinaugural address课文ppteng,inaugural是什么意思 group deputy head xiao-hongceremony和celebration的区别 Lin, longteng service captain Chen Siyi, the previous captain of actor, first deputy ca龙腾四海ptain Zhang Kexian longteng service lion finaugural address翻译riend friends, friends quasi lion, lion, family and the love of people from all walks of life attended the ceremony. The ceremony was chaired by Ms Cheung hok-sian and presided over by Ms Ho Lai-kuen.
First Vice Captain Zhang Kexian introduced the guests and led the lion friends. Captain Chen Siyi delivered the welcome speecteamsh.
Liu Qian, the formeteamviewerr team leader, summarized the work of Dragon Teng Service team 2016-2017, focusing on lion work, service activities, achievements achieved and honors obtained. Financial year 201service是什么故障灯6-2017 of Longteng Service Team Chen Chuang fillceremony的音标 in the annual financial report. Outstanding member of Dragon Teng Service Team 2016-2017 was co龙腾传世mmended.
Then, under the witness of all leadersceremony造句 lion friends and guests, Liu Qian handservice是什么意思中文翻译ed over her sash and sceservice是什么意思中文翻译pter to Chen Siyi.
Captain Chen Siyi delivered his inaugural sp龙腾南洋eeservicemanch and introduced the annual plan. He said that this year will focus on the development of longtenceremony同义词g Anti-dceremony同义词rug caravan, carwas是什么意思e foelection怎么读r autistic children, cheeservice是什么故障灯r fceremonyor Life, prevention and treatment of diabetes andinauguraladdress课件ppt educteam是什么意思翻译ation projects andelection翻译 other district meetings and service teams. Cceremony是什么意思arry out lion friendly activities on a regulaservice怎么读r basis, respon龙腾股东联系q徽22212d to the call oservicemanfteam什么意思 the district association for lreelectionion friendly, andwasp enhance the communication betweenceremony lion frie龙腾三泰虎ndly; Helceremonyd 8 regular meetings, 4 board meetinwash怎么读gs and 2 jceremony同义词oint training sessions; Actively carry out service activities,washington plan to invesinaugural是什么意思t 80,000 ~ 150,000 yuan service funds; Actively龙腾虎跃 develop and retain meservicembers, up to 35ceremony同义词 members.
Then, Deputy Secretary General Zheng Yukuan led the new board members and new lion friends toteamo take the oath respectively. Captain Chen Siyi presented the appointment certificate to the directors. Weng Hua, the secteam是什么意思翻译ond vice president, wore the b龙腾虎跃的意思adge and took a photo for thwase new lion friwashedends.
Weng Hua, the second viteamce president of The Club, acknowl龙腾四海edged and thanked Liu Qian for her work in the previous year, and had high hopes for Chen Siyi’s work in the Ne龙腾四海w Year. She wished that Longteng Service team could make progress while maintaining stabilitteamproy and create new brilliance based on the 2017-2018 work plan of Shenzhen Lions Club and the anteamonual theme of “Serving the future”.
Finally, Captain Chen Siywash怎么读i gave a speech of thanks to the lion friendwas是什么意思s of loninaugural address翻译gteng Service team for their strong support, thanks for the lion friends’ donation anservice是什么故障灯d careful planning.
Article/Cceremony造句ontribution by The Tulong Serviceremony用什么介词ce Team

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