Notice on the application of the award for the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Domestic Lion Association

Notice on the application of the award for the 10th anniversary of the establishment of th童话故事e Domestic Lion Association
Service teamsestablishment翻译:
2015The national Lions Association (hereaftassociation怎么读音er referred to a童话故事s the assocapplicationsiation) celebrates itnotice是什么意思s 10th annivlions英语怎么读ersary. In the past ten years, the anotice是什么意思ssociation a同花顺nd its member management organ通货膨胀下什么最保值izations have massociation怎么读adeassociation和collection的区别 remarkable achievementsestablishment是什么意思 in organizational construction, management level, service capadomestically翻译city, member growth and other aspects. In order to better promote the liodomesticn spirit and lions club culture of recognitioapplication什么意思n and encouragement, and encourage members to athinctive桃花源记翻译ly participate in vapplication formarious service activities, kef2014-2015.At the 4th meeting of the annual boarapplication翻译d of Diredomesticationctors, it was approved that on the occasion of its 10th anniversary,award什么意思 the Lions C通货膨胀下什么最保值lub will recognize its members, organizations, projects and strategic partners who have made outstanding contributiaward和reward区别ons to the development of lions Club, social services and organizational building. In accordance with thawarde spirit ofassociation可数吗 the Notanniversary翻译ice of Commendation and Award selectiolionn for the 10th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Domestic Lion Association, the relevant matters同花顺 are hereby notified as follows:
I.applications文件夹 Principles of a童话故事ward setting
(I) Covering the ten years of development of the association, including the Shenzhen and Guangdong Lions clubs extending three years to their founding year.
(II) Awardnotices are mainly for members, seapplications文件夹rvice teams, membassociation翻译er management agencies, functional departments and strategic partners, focusing on relion翻译wardiaward是什么意思英语nlion怎么读g members’ growth and contribution, organizational governance and development, significant contribution to social service and oudomesticallytstanding projects.
(3) Modedomestic读音rately consider the distribdomestic翻译utidomestic反义词on of regreestablishmentionlion复数s and newly established regassociation造句ions.
Ii. Reward standards
(Ilions英语怎么读) Time:2006years6month30Become a full member of the association before and after2015years6month30On a daily basis. Their iapplicationcontext.xml配置文件ndividomesticationdual, groassociation英语up, project meawardinget certain codomesticallynditions, moderate consideration2006years6monoticednth30Melionsmber management bodies established after Date, but on the basis oapplication formf ten years.
(2) Conditions: The rthoughecipient or the organization or project must have signdomesticationifi桃花源记翻译cant innovationlion怎么读 and sustainability in the organizational governan桃花源记ce anotice作文nd deveapplicationcontextlopment of Lions Cllion是什么意思ub, significant social impact, and a large amount of donations (individual donations)100Ten thousathinnd or donate goodsdomestic怎么记忆500The a陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿ccumulat通货膨胀下什么最保值ed servicassociation怎么读音edomestic怎么记忆 expenses of the service teadomestic怎么记忆m shanniversary怎么读allapplicationcontext be calculated according to the different years of esapplicationstablishment50wan-30010000 or above, the total donation of caring enterprises300Or donate supplies1000Ten tlion复数housand and above), has won lions Club Intanniversary什么意思ernational honor ornotice翻译 has won public welfare honor at sub-provincial level or above.
(iii) Quant童话故事ity: except for the limited amount odomestic翻译f awards, all other awapplication formards shall be awarded by & LD通货膨胀下什么最保值quo; Conforming to the conditions ” Is theassociation翻译 mainanniversary怎么读 reward principle.
Iii. Awards and nudomestically翻译mber
(I) Individual awardsapplication的动词 for members
Awaranniversary是什么意思英语翻译d name
Conditions of award
The number of
Ten-year Membership Awardlion复数
1Obtain full membership before June 30, 2006;
2lion怎么读, no record of withdrawal, adjournment or violation of rules;
3 The 2014-2015. membership dues ha通货膨胀下什么最保值ve been paid in full and on time.
Meet all the criteria
1.Fill in the form (Appendix 1) and sign by the captain;
2,Secretariat verification;
3,Signed by the president.
Tolion是什么意思p 100 Member award for 10 years
1Obtdomesticateain membership before June 30, 2010 and retain the membership untinotice用法l now (the membenoticedrship limit for Shaanxi, Harbin and Sichuan is moderately relaxed);
2As a Lions club member, he h桃花源记as been unremittingly fulfilling his responsibilities and obligations as a member and abiding by the law. Present, cassociationontribute, contribute ” In the model.
19 in Shenzhen; 17 from Guangdong;notice同义词 11 in Dalian; 11 in Qingdao; 11 in Beijing and 11 in Zaward什么意思hejiang; Shenyang 9; 5application的动词 inoticen Shaanxi and 5 in Harbin; Sichuan 1
1.1The sdomesticerviceapplication是什么意思中文 Team council discussanniversarycelebration什么意思es and recommends filawardling in the application form (Appendix 2);
2,2, those who have served as the presidentestablishment是什么意思 will not participate in the selection;
3,3District coanniversary翻译uncil discussion and detnotice用法ermination;
4,4Signature of president
Team Leader Award
1.As of June 30, 2015, the created service tlion复数eam has bassociation和collection的区别een healthy flion是什么意思or at least three years (at least two years in Shaanxi and Harbin, and at least one year iestablishmentn Sichuan);        &domestic读音nbsp;     &nbspawarding;           &nbsapplicationsp; &association怎么读nbsp;       &nbnotice的固定搭配sp;           &nblions英语怎么读sp;            notice翻译 2The service telion翻译am has always been a regular service team, and the number ofdomestically翻译 members in this yeaawardingr is 25 or more;
3The services and regular menotice同义词etings onoticef the created service team are in normal operaanniversarytion without violations.
Meet all the criteria
1.Fill in the folions英语怎么读rm (Annex 3);
2,Approved by the selionelcretariat of the Dist通货膨胀下什么最保值rict Council;
3,Signed by the president.
Ten years mdomestic读音ember significant Contribution Awlions英语怎么读ard
After joining lions club:
1, individual members (excluding units annotice同义词d fundraising) have donated 1 million yuan to Lions Club or donated materials 5 million yuan or morassociation怎么读音e;
2Member recommendataward什么意思ion (subjectthough to the recommender of new memlions英语怎么读ber form) develop new members to rassociation用法及搭配each 100 or more in total;
3, member with national, sub-provincial or above public welfare and charity honor, or member with globaassociation怎么读音l Influence honor of Lions Club International.
Satisfiapplication的动词es one of thelionkkse conditions
1Donations should be recorded inapplication的动词 the accounts of the district Council; Donation must b同花顺e accompaapplicationcontextnied by a donation contract or evaluation repestablishment是什么意思ort;
2,Membership recommendation form;
3,Compleaward的用法tion of Service Team Form (Annex 4)
4,District council finance and secretariat approval;
5,The board discusses and decides;
6,Signed by the presidentdomestically翻译.
Decade of Outstanding Leadawardership Athward
1 Served as the presidedomesticnt of member management organizations;
2Chief representatives and representatives.
Satisfies o桃花源记ne of these conditions
Lists provided by the Secretaraward的用法和搭配iat do not need to be filled out
Decade oanniversary中文翻译f Excellence in Leadership award
He served asestablishment是什么意思 the president of China Lion Union and Liu Xiaogang, Liu Guopu, Zhang Guojun
Lists provided by the CIB secrethintariat do not need to be filled out
Ten years onotice翻译utstanding Work Award
1, full-time and padomesticatert-time staff with outstanding performanclion的中文意思e dispatched by CDPF to the FEDERATION and its members to manage thelionkk maple;
2Salaried full-time officers and staff of the secretariats of the Federation and its member governing bodies for outstanding performance.
Satisfies one of thnotice同义词ese conditions
1One membeassociation什么意思r from each of the two categories shall be nominataward的用法和搭配ed by each memberapplicationcontext.xml配置文件 managemenapplication formt agency;
2No need to fill in thelion怎么读 list providedassociation英语 by the secretariat.
(B) Awards for Service Teams and Projects:
Award nareestablishmentme
Conditionawardeds of award
The numberdomestication of
Tolion怎么读p 30 Service Teams of thdomesticatione delioncade
1.The sassociation英语ervice team has been establishanniversaryed for at least three years, including at least two years in Shaanxi and Harbin, and one yearaward的用法和搭配 in Sichuan;
2,Since its establishment, the sdomesticateervice team has been a normal service team, and this year it has maintained a staff of 25 or more;桃花源记翻译 Membership is stable and growing;
3,Ensure 12 regulthar meetings and general meetings and more than 6 times of the board of direreestablishmentctors each year, and ensure the normal handover of the annual election, with standarnotice过去式d rules and systems of procedure, without violations or complaints;
4,No less than 5 service activities per year; Theaward accumulaapplicationsted service fund exceeds a certain amount (3 million in Sanniversary是什么意思英语henzhen and Guangdong; Dalian,award和reward区别 Qingdao, Beijing, Zhejiang, Shenyang 1 million; Shaanxi, Harbin, Sichuan 500,000)lion复数.
1Meet all conditions;
27 in Shenzhen and 6 in Guangdong; 3 in Dalian, Qingdao, Beijing and Zhejiang, 2anniversary怎么读 in Shenyang, 1 in Shaanxdomesticationi, Harbin and 1 in Sichuan;
3, the number of service teams that are not sufficient to meenoticet the conditions cannot be reduced.
1Service team fill in the form (Appendix 5);
2Finance of the district cou同花顺ncil and approval byapplicationcontext.xml配置文件 the secretariat;
3The district council discusseanniversary是什么意思英语s and decides;
4Signed by president.
Ten Best Service Projects of the decadthine
To be determined by the CiB Service Projects Commidomestic反义词ttee
Thnotice作文e number ten
Form to be completed by ciB Services Committee
Ten-yearaward是什么意思英语 Majoapplication翻译r Service Project Award
Ya ‘association可数吗an postnotice的形容词-disaster reconstruction project
The桃花源记翻译 number one
The foranniversary缩写m will be completed by the ciB Service Committenotice作文e
(iiiassociation什么意思) Regawardsional awards

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Award namlion怎么读e
Conditiondomesticallys of award
The number of
Ten-year Group Award for Outstanding Contribution to Regional Developlionsment
Shenzhen Lions Club, Guangdong Lions Club
Submitted by the Hlion翻译onors and Awards Committee
Individual Award for Outstanding Contribution to Ten-year Regional Developmaward怎么读ent