Domestic lion association board of Supervisors to deep investigation

Domestic lion association board of Supervisors to deep investigation
September 27, 2014; On The 28th, huanglion翻译 Changwei, the supervisor of the Domestic Lions Association,domestic读音 led the members of the resedeepnostalgiaarch group of the lidomestic是什么意思ons Association’s supervisory boardboards to investigate the Lions Club in Sheninvestigation翻译成中文zhenboard和broad怎么区分. Members of thedeepl翻译 research team of the Supeboard什么意思翻译rvisory board of Lions Club of China attended the first board meeting and the first district affairs meeting of lions Club of Shenzhen 2014-2015 as non-voting delegates on 27th, and held thlion怎么读e Shenzhen research meeting on 28th.
&nbdeepsp; &nbsinvestigation翻译p; Vicinvestigation翻译成中文einvestigation词根词缀 President su Zeran,association什么意思 supervisor Huang Changwei, Secretdeepestary General Chen Ya ‘an, 2014-2015 President Lilion的中文意思n Ziyu of Shenzhen Lions Club and board members, supervisor Wang Jinliang, vice suassociation和collection的区别pervisor Liu Guoliang, supervisor Zhong Guangming, superboardingvisor Li Yuehong,lions英语怎么读 Bi Yuasupervisornqing and other 23 leading lion friends atlion复数tended the survey meeting.
 lions; The meeting was chairsupervisor是什么意思ed by President Lin Ziyu. First of all, she would like to extend a warm welcome to all the leaders of the Board of Supervisorsboarding of the Lions Club of Chlion翻译ina for their visit to Shenzhen to carry out the research work. At the same time, she sincerely thanks tdeepsleep2he bboard是什么意思oarboard的中文意思d of supervisors of the Lions Club of China for their attention to shenzhen Lions Club!
&nbsboardgamep; At the meeting, members of the board of Directors of Lions Club shenzhen 2014-2015 reported on the work oboardf Lions Club Shenzhen respectively according to the requirements of the investigatioassociation怎么读音n worsupervisor教程k of the board of Supervisors of Lions Club Shenzhen. Among tboard和broad怎么区分hem, Gao Zhou executive Deputy Secretary general reported the eledeepsleep2ction system of Sboardgamehenzhen Lions Club, introduced the election of the second vice president and the election of board members and other related systems, and listened to the questions and suggestions of the supervisory board members of Thassociation翻译e Domestic Lioassociationns Club.
Then YuQian first vicdomestic是什么意思e President, chief financial officer, Lin Tao Zeng Shi secresupervisor是什么意思tary-general, tidomestic反义词an winvestigation是什么意思中文ang picket and jin-liang wang supervisors ldomestic翻译ong financial system and business, foreign affairs,investigation词根词缀 complaint handling and operation of the board of supervisors, report to the members to do the work and domestic long Huang Chlions英语怎么读angwei lion federaassociation和collection的区别tion supervisorboardss and secretary-general Chen Yaan explained questions and answers, And listened to the speaker’s opinions and suggestions on the relevant work. Secretary-general Chen ya ‘an expressedboard和broad怎么区分 his personal views on the electoral system and the procedures and systems of external exchanges. He pointed out that the election sysdeepentem of lions club should properly deal with the issues of democracy and effinvestigation可数吗iciency, optimize the election procedures and procedures as mucinvestigation前面加什么介词h as possibledomestic反义词, alionnd completdeeplye relevant work efficiently so that leaders oflion Lions club can devote more time to servassociation怎么读音ing the disadvantaged groups. In terms of the foreign affairs system, he believed that the Domestic Lion Associatsupervisor什么职务ion and local governments have corresponding system norms, and hoped that local governments should operate according to the prosupervisorscedures, implement according to the system and act according to the ruleboard和broad怎么区分s in the future practicasupervisoryl work. At the same time, Director Huang Changwei also said that the cooperatiboardwalkon between the Board of Supervisorsinvestigation翻译 and the Council should be tacit and harmonious, and the work of thboardwalke Board of Supervisors should be ensured in place but not misplaced or offside. Wassociation和collection的区别hen the Board of Supervisors finds problems or doubts in lion work, better sugginvestigationestiassociationons shoulionelld be communicated to the board team or thdomestic翻译e president after the meeting to avoid disharmonious voices. He stressed that the information and experience obtained by the Shenzhen research club will provide positive guidance and reference for the operation of lions Association in other regions and eassociation造句ven in Chinainvestigation和survey的区别, which is of great significance!
 investigation是什么意思中文; After listening tosupervisor什么职务 the work report and discussion, Su Zeran, vice president of the Domestic Liassociation造句ons Association, expdomestic读音ressed high evaluation and affirmation of this meeting, and also expressed gratitude to Sudeepl翻译pervisor Huang Changwei for coming to Shenzhen to carry out the investigation of the lion work, and hoped that the Shenzhen Lions Club would make a higherlion翻译 levdeepnostalgiael in the future work.
&domesticationnbsp; At last, Lin Ziyu, president of ccPIT Xiamen, made a susupervisor什么职务mmary speech at the conferassociation怎么读音ence. She was pleased to say that the three-hour seminar was efficient and pragmatic, which was worthy of deep thinkboard的中文意思ing for us and aldeepsleep2l lion friends. She & have spent Pointed out that this year is the year of tdeepinhe Shenzhen Lions Club system revision, this seminar is for us. A timedeepl在线翻译官网ly raiinvestigation可数吗n; , for us to revise, improve the releboardsvant system to provide a lot of isupervisor是什么意思nspiration adomesticationnd reference advice, I believe that through the jointassociation怎么读音 efforts of shenzhen Lions club lion friends, we widomestic读音ll do a better job of lion work, let Shenzhen Lions club tboardso a new level.

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