Experience sharing | membership development and retention small “sun”

Experience sharing | membership development and retention small “sun“
A, & have spent preface
On Novembermembership怎么读音 2nd, 2015, China Lidevelopment是可数名词吗ons Club (hereinafter referred to as “China Lionssmall怎么读英语 Club”)small怎么读英语 member developmexperience是什么意思中文翻译ent and retention master “Sun” was officially launched in shenzhen Lions Club office. At the launching ceremony, the leaders of Lions club, including Su Zeran and Xu Wushun, the vice president of Lions Club, Xiao Xingping, the chief financial officer, Li Wei, thsharing是什么意思e chairman of strategic Development and Researchsharing怎么读的 Committee, and Dai Zhondevelopment的用法和搭配gwei, the leader of lion Guide group, all affirmed the achievements of Shenzhen Lion孙猴子是我师弟s Club in membership development and retention. These achievements could not have been possible without the hard work of theretention是什么意思 past president Lin Ziyu and thesmallest current president Lin Texperience的形容词ao, the president team, the boexperiencesard and the committee members.
experience的形容词 experience动词 Data shmembershiparing,sharing英语作文 experience sharsharing中文谐音怎么读ing and achievexperience钢琴谱ements sharing are the three m孙怡ain features of this “sharing”. The main purpose of this “sharing” is to promote the researchdevelopment的用法和搭配 on the development and retention of the mesmallpoxmbership culture of themembership怎么读音 Association and promote mutual learning among different regions. Through this activity, experience will be summarized and big data from different regions will beretention是什么意思 left for timely summary and sharin孙悟空g.
To sum up, this article is a written summary and share of the experience of shenzhen Lions club in membership development and retention. This move,membership翻译 hope to fsmallpdfederation master “sun” in variousharing是什么意思英语s regions and lion friends, play a highly reference role, really “sun” out of the spirit, “sun” out of the quality, “s孙权劝学un” out of the results.
In the process of coll孙猴子是我师弟ating and summarizing this artsharing是什么手机卡icle, we have received the strong support and cooperation of lexperience纯音乐eading lion friends, such as Lin Ziyu shijie, Lin Tao Shi孙红雷jie, and Deng Yishi Brother, chairman of membership retexperience的形容词ention Cretention是什么意思ommittee. We hereby孙悟空 express our heartfelt thanks and respect.
Second, & have spent Lions Club of Shenzhen 2014-2development是什么意思015 membership devedevelopments翻译lopment and retention review and share
&nsharing是什么意思英语bsp; Membership is the cornerstone ofretention翻译 lions club development. The development of high-quality new members, can continue to expand the tea苏南卿霍均曜免费阅读m, enhance the strength of “our service”; Only by keeping the old members sincerely can we unite and stabilize thsmallpdfe team and idevelopment怎么读nherit and precipitate the excellent lion culture. In 2014-2sharing015, with the joint efforts of all lions members, the number of members of Lions Club shdevelopment同义词替换ensharing怎么读的zhen increased from 2,982 to 4membership什么意思啊,233 in 2014-2015, with孙红雷 a net increadevelopment翻译se of 1,251 members and a net growth rate of 41.95% and a membership turnovermembership翻译 rate o孙权劝学f 2.82%,small是啥意思 setting a new record and the bedevelopment的用法和搭配st performance.
2.1 Establishment of the system and reward methods
The current Council attaches great importance to the developmedevelopment翻译nt and retention of members. During the waiting period, through friendly consultation with the previous councexperience是什么意思中文翻译il, the council jointly made the decision to collect the annual membership dues in advance from the middle of May, 2014. In addition, shenzhen Lions Club 2014-2015 Annual Membershiretentionp fee Collection Meexperiencesthod and Shenzhen Lions Club 2014-2015 Annual Membership Development and Retention Award Method were formulated, which listed member development and retention as one of the conditions for the annual outstanding service team selection.
On July 1, 2014, at the beginning of this year, with t苏宁易购he support and coopdevelopments翻译eration of all the service teams and aldevelopment可数吗l the lion friends, 84 of the 96 service teams of Shenzhen Lions Club successfully completedevelopments翻译d the collection oexperienced的意思f membership dues, with a total of 2,812 people payismall怎么读ng fees and a payment rate of 92.5%, laying a solid foundation for membership retent52sharingioexperience钢琴谱n of this year. Csharing翻译remembership是什么意思英语ated a miracle in the history of shenzhen Lionsexperience club dues collection!
2.2 “Three Ones” plan
We continue to carry out in-depth membership development and retention. By conducting joint meeting member management comsmallpoxmittee meeting, partition, captain social interaction, new and old members training and so on a variety of activities, mobilize the mmembership怎么读音assexperiencees of service actively developin孙权劝学g area, a bunch of one, one-o孙权劝学n-one “three ones” project (” area “development measures: one member to recodevelopment造句简单带翻译mmend abdsharing good prospective lion friends to participate in service activities; “One to helmembership什么意思啊p one” meexperience的形容词asures: a strong team to help a weak team; “One to one” care measures: one member cares for one lost old member).
2.2.1 The roledevelopment怎么读 of the “Three Ones” plan
 retentionp; Encourage thesmall development of high-qualit孙红雷y new m孙悟空embers, sexperience钢琴谱trive to retain old members, and sincerely re孙红雷tain lost members; And give full play to the characteristics of lions club’s culture of commendadevelopment同义词替换tion and recognition, and commend the service tesmallam leadesmall怎么读英语rs and district chairmen who havdevelopment是什么意思e reached the standards ofdevelopment的用法和搭配 membershibdsharingp retention and devesmall的反义词lopment. At the same time, let every lion club member and prospective lion club membexperienceser feel the glory and pride of being a Lion club member.
2.3 Launch different measures according to different types of service teams
2.3.1 Standardize the team cdevelopment是什么意思reation standards of new service teabdsharingms
There were 20 new service teams this ysmallear, bringing the total number of service teams to 117. In terms of the establishment of new service teams, we strictly control the qualitretention是什么意思y of new teams, and encourage mature service teams and veteran mesmall影响因子mbers孙悟空 to actively estaexperienced的意思blish new service teams. At the same time, it is required that new service teams should complete the procedures of one-level, two-level and three-level, implement the training wsmallpdfork of newexperience钢琴谱 members, ansmall翻译d increase the membership standard of new servicretentione teams from 25 to 30 people. Guided lion group under the leadership of director Wang Cheng, ca孙俪rry out the “guide lion home” activities, launched certifexperience钢琴谱ication guide lion actively participate in texperienceheretention creation of new tdevelopment同义词替换eam and weak team coaching work.
2.3.2 Vigorously sexperiencestrengthen the consmembership翻译truction of health service team
In strengtheretentionning the coexperiencesnstruction of health service teams, emphasi52sharings was placed on bringingexperience动词 12 abnormal service teams up to normal standards thismembership翻译 year,experience纯音乐 and 40 service teams achieved a net growth rate of more than 20 percent. In order to make the above work is completed, shenzhen lions give full play to the educational, guide the lion group and the role of eacmembershiph commsharing是什么意思ittee, actively su孙红雷pport the development of abnormal service, through “a group of a pexperience的形容词olicy” measures, let not normsmall怎么读al service members gradually increase,small meeting gradually perfect, the service gradually active, finally realizes the normalization of service. By the end of last year, the prosharing是什么意思英语portiosharing是什么意思英语n of abnormal service teams of She孙怡nzhen Lions club has decreased from 12.5% atsun the beginning of the year to 1% at present, and the on-time service teasharing中文谐音怎么读m rate has reachsmall翻译ed 99%. This achexperience是什么意思中文翻译ievement, also created the best record in history!
2.4 Improve the accuracy and timeliness of reporting of membership infodevelopment是什么意思rmation and collection of membership dues
&nbsretentionp; &experience翻译nbsp; From 2014 to 2015, the achievements of memb苏宁易购ership development and retention are encouraging, and the efforts and efforts of aldevelopment的用法和搭配l lion friends are touching. The officers of the office have done a good job in the colle孙怡ction of membership information, the collection of membership dues and the reconciliation of accounts to ensure the authenticity, accuracy and timeliness of membership data.
2.5 Leading lion Friends team plays an imporsharing翻译t孙权劝学ant role in member development and retention
2.5.1 Teacher-retention翻译group training
The indevelopment翻译fluence of lions club culture has a subtle effect on members’ sense of belonging. Under the leadership of the leader Ma Min shijie, the lecturers’ team was greatly strengthened, and they actively served tsmallesthe service team and the nexperience动词ew shijie. Dozens of training activitsmallpdfies were organized, which achieved very good results.
2.5.2 The net increase ofsharing怎么读的 members shall be implemented in each seexperiencedrvidevelopment同义词替换ce team
Mr. Yunyuan Zhang, chairman of the Member Devel孙怡opment Committeeretention是什么意思, will personally contribute to reward the service team whose membership growsmall怎么读英语th rate reaches 20% or more, RMB 2000 persmall影响因子 team; The chairman of the New Club Development Committee, Mr. Lui Kwong Shek, also personally contributed to the award of 2000 YUAN for each team; Chen Lu, Chen Shuhuan and other distridevelopment怎么读ct chairmen donated hundreds of thousands of yuan of service fundsmembership怎么读 to encourage the service teams to actively complete the work of collecting membership dues and developing members.
2retention翻译.5.3 Starting from the “heart” is the most important core of membership retention
Membmembershipership retention committee chairman Deng Yi lion brother and fellow executive chairman amembership什么意思啊ctively organize to caexperiencerry out the members to keep working, for old membersharings temporarily fail to pay membership dues, personally involved in serviexperience纯音乐ce meetings and activities, tmembership什么意思啊hrough the visismall影响因子t anexperienced的意思d telephone communication, sincere love each lion, let members was deeply moved by the old many, again lion big family.
2.5.4 Member Management Committee
&nb苏南卿霍均曜免费阅读sp; The two chairmen of the member management commitsharingtemembership翻译e, Mr. Zhang Hongxiangshi and Mr. Zhang Chengshi, led thsmallpoxe chairmen of each committee to carry out the work in each district. In terms of the development and creation ofexperience动词 the service team, I coordinated with the district council and socpretentionial forces, persoexperience动词nally inspired the well-known Entersunpr孙权劝学ise Huadong Group in Hong Kong, and gave great support to the service activities of the servidevelopment同义词替换ce team by sponsoring more than 10 million yuan of materials. (As more detailed methods of mesharing是什么意思mbership development and苏南卿霍均曜免费阅读 retention will be elaborated in the membeexperiencership group review and sharing, details will not be provided in this section.)
2.6 Annual presexperience纯音乐ident’s contribution
Lin Ziyu, president of CcPIT Xiamen, has mad孙俪e a batch osmall是啥意思f 9999 thousand gold “President’s Golsmall是啥意思d Medal” and “President’s Diamond Medal” adevelopments翻译t her own cost of about 200,000 yuan, w52sharinghich are used to recognize outstanding lion club representatives who have made outstanding contribuexperience是什么意思中文翻译tions to the development, retention and establishment of new service teams.
&development的用法和搭配nbsp; “President’s Gold Medal” – awarded toexperience翻译 district presidents and all s孙艺珍ervice team leaders who have achieved membership develodevelopment翻译pment and retention; “President’s Diamexperience是什么意思中文翻译ond Award Medal” is awarded to districmembership怎么读音t presidents and all service team lmembership什么意思啊eaders who achieve zero attrdevelopment翻译ition in membership development and retention.
Under the leadership and influence of President Lin Ziyu, members from district clubs to service teams hasmallestve deeply felt the “four out” spirit ofdevelopments翻译 Lions Club, creating 97 service teams to苏宁易购 reach the standard an孙红雷d 32 servicemembership怎么读 teams with zero loss. It can be said that various measures of recognition and recognition have played a very important role in the developmesharing怎么读的nt and retention of members.
2.7 Cooperation of the annual President’s team
&nexperienced怎么读bsp; The first vice President Lin Tao-shijie, the second vice President Shi Jian-yong, the Secretary General Zeng Shi-yangshiretention是什么意思 and the Chief Fidevelopment的用法和搭配nancial Officer Yu Qianshi attach great importance to thsmall怎么读英语e develexperience钢琴谱opment and retention of members, andexperience纯音乐 regard the strategy and plan formulated at the beginnexperienced的意思i苏宁易购ng of tdevelopmenthe year as the top priorexperience动词ity. Thmembership是什么意思英语e chairman of the member management Committee, the chairmen of each district, the chairman of the Member development Committee, tmembershiphe chair52sharingman of the member retention Committee, the chaisharing是什么手机卡rman of the New Club development Committee and other team members played an important role. They cooperated with each other and made great contributions to the quality and quantity of the memsmallbership and retention work i孙红雷n advance.
2.8 Fexperience的形容词ully embodies the lions clubbdsharing culdevelopment同义词替换ture of appreciation and recognition
2.8.1 Specific reward criteria for membership and retention
1. Prdevelopment怎么读英语esident’s Gold Medal (Service Captain’s Award for the top three service teams in total membership or net increase in memdevelopments翻译bership)
&small怎么读英语nbsp; 2. Pass on Love Member Retentiosharing中文谐音怎么读n Award (Diamond Award Medal)smallcolor
3bdsharing. “Pass on Lovsharing是什么意思e” member Development Award (divided insmall怎么读to four categories: excellent, ousharing英语作文t孙悟空standing, excellent and standard) MEDALS
&smallpoxnbsp; 4sharing中文谐音怎么读. Service teams with net increase of more than 30% (President’s Gold Medal)
 smallest; 5. Sdevelopment造句简单带翻译ervice teams with netexperienced increase of more than 50% (Prepretentionsident’s Gold Medal)
&nbdevelopment怎么读英语sp; 6. Membership fee Collection Award (divided into three categories: outstandindevelopment同义词替换g, outstanding and excellent) certifidevelopment是什么意思cate
2.8.2 Annumembership什么意思啊al standards and awards
development的用法和搭配 1. Prsmall怎么读英语esident’s Gold Medal (the service Team Leadesmall怎么读英语r award for the top three service team leaders in total membership or net increase in membership) : 4 service teexperienced的意思am leaders won  
2. “Pass on Love” Members Retasharing是什么手机卡in Excellence Award Winners (in order of completion time) : C孙红雷heung Chi Ho (smallcolorDivision 5 Chairman) and 3孙红雷2 service teams (Medal and Gold Medal)
3. “Pass On Love” Membership Development Excellencexperience钢琴谱e Award Winners (in order of net g孙权劝学rowth rate) : 22 service teams won (MEDALS)
4. “Pass On Love” Membersharing翻译ship Deveexperience是什么意思中文翻译lopment Award Winners: 7 servsharing是什么手机卡ice teams won (MEDAdevelopment造句简单带翻译LS)
5. “Pass On Lovdevelopment翻译e” Membership Development Excellence Award Winners: 6 sesharing翻译rvice temembership怎么读音ams won (MEDALS)
6. “pretentionPass on Love” Membership Development Standard Award Winners: 5 service teams won (MEDALS)
7. Presid孙权劝学ent’s Gold Medal (net growth of 50 per cpretentionent or more for service teams) : 12 service tedevelopment怎么读英语ams were awarded
8. The Pr苏宁esident’s Diamond Award medal (net growth rexperience纯音乐ate of service teams above 30 per cent) was awarded to 12 service teams
9. “Pass on Love” Membership Fee Colle孙权劝学ction Extraordinary Award Winners (districts with membedevelopment是可数名词吗rship fee collection completed) : a total of 11 districts were wsharingon
&small的反义词nbsp; &development的用法和搭配nbsp; 10. “Pass on Love” memmembershipbership feeexperienced怎么读 Collection Excellence Awaexperiencedrd (May 15pretention ~ May 31) : a total of 19 service teams wmembership怎么读音on
&nbssmall的反义词p; &苏宁易购nbsp; 11. Outstanding Award of Membership Fee Collection for “Pass on Love” (June 1-15) : 14 service teams wonmembership是什么意思英语
small的反义词 12. “Pass on Love” membersretention是什么意思hip fee Collection Excellence Award (June 16 ~ 30) : a total of 51 service teams won
Iii. Summary and孙艺珍 sharing of 2014-2015 Special membership Group work of Lions Clubsmall怎么读英语 of Shenzhen
&nbsmembership翻译p; Before August 2014, after receivinmembership和member的区别g the updsmall的反义词ated collection ofdevelopment同义词替换 membersh苏南卿霍均曜免费阅读ip dues from the distric孙怡t Council, we imme苏南卿霍均曜免费阅读diately organized and held a special meeting at the diretentionstrict Council level on how to do a good job in the develosmallcolorpment and retentiosharing英语作文n of members. As the general coordinator, President Lin Ziyu setsmallcolor up a special membership teadevelopmentm, which was headed by Msmallcolorr. Zsmallesthang Hongxiangshi. The thresmallpoxeexperience翻译 deputy leaders were Mr. Zhang Yunyuan, chairman of GMT, Mr. Leiexperiences Qingqing, chairman of NEW Member Development Cretention翻译ommittee, and Mr. Deng Yexperience是什么意思中文翻译ishi, chairman of Memberssmallpdfhip Retention Committee. Executive chairman Zhang Feng, Cui Weiying, Lin Meiyi, Chen Cheng, Tian Hua, Li Jian, He Jiandong, Deng Lihong, Zhao Xiuqiongexperiences, Zeng Zhaosheng, Ke Xuexia andmembership怎么读 Distmembership是什么意思英语rict secretary Lin孙怡 Zeyun are membeexperience钢琴谱rs of the membership group.
&development造句简单带翻译nbsp; &membership什么意思啊nbsp; Given the huge workload, the goals were broken down to endevelopment是可数名词吗sure that no link was missed. First, the team leadexperience的形容词er and deputy team lesharingader, each directly responsible for the five苏宁易购 divisions. Each team member was directly responsible for at least 6 service teams and madsmalle phased plans. At each stage, each team regularly reported andexperiences upddevelopment是可数名词吗ated the latest progress and practical difficulties and problems encountered.
3.1 Specific measures and methods
&developments翻译nbsp; Through investigation andexperience research, the membership group found out the wholeexperience的形容词 situation of lion Friends’ failure to pay membership dues on time. After analysis and discussion, the membership group formusharing是什么手机卡lated all-round and cross-sectional retention measures for members who failed to pay dues on time and proposed different casmall怎么读ses of members’ suspension and withdrawal. Before the membership gexperience钢琴谱roup bdevelopment怎么读英语egan to carry out specific work f苏宁易购ormally, First ofsharing是什么意思英语 all, I should fully understand my role and thexperience动词e communication skills I should have in communication with lion friends, and fully listen to the heart of lion friends, which plays an important role in membership retention. After investigation, there are the following reasons for members not paying membership dues on time, adjournment and withdrawal:
&development的用法和搭配nbsp; 1. Don’t understand the charges
2. Not knowing the meaning of paying on time
3. Member ismall翻译nformsharing是什么意思ation is nosharing翻译t complete
&nbssmallpoxp; 4. Have disagreements苏南卿霍均曜免费阅读 or conflicts with the team membpretentioners
 experienced的意思; 5. Not fully understanding lions clexperience纯音乐ub culture before joismallestning the club
6. Deviant values
7. No place to appeal when there are all kinds of problems
 retention翻译; &membership和member的区别nbsp; development的用法和搭配 8. Not meeting one’s needs
9.experienced Pressharing英语作文sure from work,development是可数名词吗 life, love, time, economy, etc
&small翻译nbsp; &development的用法和搭配nbsp; membership什么意思啊 This kind of comprehensive and blanmembership是什么意思英语ket “search” method is used to show the trust and respect of lions club members and let them know how important they are to lions club and service team.
Make full use of the positive power, the power of lidevelopment怎么读英语on affection, the power of personality, so that the lion friends of the clothing, feeling, do it. For lion friends孙怡 with negative emotions, through the interview, make them treat themselves correctly, treat lion friends correctly, treat difficulties, setb孙怡acks ansharing中文谐音怎么读d honors correctly. As far as possible in lion affairs and life and other aspects for lion friends to solve problems, targeted interviews, listsharing是什么手机卡ening, understretention翻译and the aspirations of lion friends, do a good job of li苏南卿霍均曜免费阅读on friends psychological cousmallpoxnseling wordevelopment怎么读英语k.
3.1.1 Three-dimensional space
&n孙悟空bsp; Try to find opportunities or create opportunities to meet memberspretention. Through the activities of the district association, meeting affairs and the chansmallpoxging of the service team, regular meetings, service actiexperiencedvities, cultural and sports activitiedevelopment的用法和搭配s, as well asmallests the undermembership怎么读standing of lion friends or lion friends’ family members ssmall怎么读ick, hospitalized, wedding and wedding events, are home care and visit.
3.1.2 Six-dimensional information coverage
In adevelopment造句简单带翻译dditexperience纯音乐ion to face to face communication, use all communication tools to update the status of membership fee payment, as faexperienced的意思r as possible, from the district, district, service team and every member.
In terms of the membership group, we52sharing useexperience动词 instant messag孙权劝学ing (wechat group /QQ gro孙怡up) to update the latest progress of all members of the membexperienced怎么读ership group every day. In terms of actual effect and data, every lion friend related to the membership retention work forms a good working atmosphere of competition with eacexperienced怎么读h other.
3.1.3 Odevelopment是什么意思ne s孙权劝学hot to the bottom
&membership翻译nbsp; Throudevelopment怎么读gh the above meet all kinds of means of communicatioexperience动词n and communication, smembershiptill failed to pay membership dues, or in the membership application, lack of the necessary informatiodevelopments翻译n such as photo, id copy, one by one by the membership team members telephone follow-up, appointments, visit, to prevent the intermediate links misstatement苏宁易购 or failedexperience是什么意思中文翻译, really do not miss every link, every detail, every friend.
Four, summary
Set up special membership group, u孙红雷se flexible and diverse forms, listen to and understand lion friends’ inner world, do careful and sedevelopment翻译rious interpretation and guidance, fundamentally solve tdevelopment怎么读英语he prosharing是什么手机卡blems of l孙红雷ion friends’ thinking, fully ref苏宁易购lect the respect and recognition of lion culture. It can be said that more lion friends are “membership怎么读音moved” back. As a rbdsharingesult, the membership group since the establishment of the first day, tosharing是什么意思 achieve such a high number of members to keep, the membership group, ea孙悟空ch member is deeply realize the service is our lifeline, the hmembership是什么意思英语eart is the soul of the public line, only fully understand the lionexperienced friends thought, nation, prayer, lions club to make the “family” each “is not a family, Lionexperience翻译 friends enhance the sense of belonging, happiness, no famil52sharingy is willing to leave their home, everything苏南卿霍均曜免费阅读 from the heart, happy service, to achievesmall影响因子 the fundamental purpose of “str孙怡engthening the foundatiodevelopment同义词替换n, progress in s孙悟空tabilityexperiences“, tsmallpdfruly do a good job in the development and retention of members!

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