The first board meeting of Lions Club of Shenzhen in 2015-2016 was held successfully

On the morning of September 19, 2015, the first board meeting of Lions Club shenzhen for 201lions5-2016 was held in the office. Thirty directors including Lin Tao, the president of Lions Club Shenzhen for 2015-2016, Lin Ziyu,first是什么意思 the last president, Shi Jianyong, the first vice President, Yu Qian, the second vice President, and Zeng Shiyang, the secretary general, attended the meeting. Mr Lai Man-chiu, Mr Chan Siu-wah and Mr Lo Chi-keung, special assistant to the presidentlions怎么读, attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Genmeeting是什么意思中文翻译eral Affairs Director Tong Xin.
 深圳疫情最新消息; The meeting deliberated and approved China Lion Foundboard是什么意思ation, Shenzhen Lion Association earthquake disastlions是什么意思er emergency rescue plan, application for the establishment of emergenclubmed官网预订cy rescue team, lion Enterprise Yellow Pages platform management measures and other issues. Noticlub翻译fied by domestic lion federation council meeting spirit, membership development and retention, the training and settlelionsgatemewashnt, triblions翻译中文ute will elect iwashednauguration and settlement, the aclub翻译ctivities of public project big return visit, the 54th annual meeting southeast Asia, the propaganda and the foreign affairs work, membership dues collection, 7-8 month budget implementation, servicwashe open se深圳地铁线路图parate accounts and servboardgameice matters such as financial alions怎么读ud深圳天气its; The 13th Five-Year Development plan of Shenzhen Lions Club, Huashi Festival and the itinerary of the nomeeting是什么意思rthmeeting的音标 Line exchanlionsgatege group were discussfirsthanded.
&nbmeeting的音标sp; At the meeting, the chairmen of each district made detailed reports on theiboard什么意思翻译r resclubspective member development and retention, big return visit of service projects, regular meetings of service teams and other work, and expressed that theshenzheny would fwasn’tully cooperate with the work of the district council, communicate and interacfirst怎么读英语t more with the service teams under their control, and promote the development of lion work smoothlwaspy.
&nboard什么意思翻译bsp; Later, under the elawashedborate arraboardgamengement of President Lin Tao, the membwasteers of the board celebrated the birthday of the directors in September and wished them success in their work and dreams.
&clubnbboard翻译sp; Finally, Presidentclubmed Lin Tao made a concludifirst翻译成中文ng speech. She thanked thclubmede council team for their pragmatismshenzhen and dedication, for their efforts to preserve the membership, and for深圳 thmeeting是什么中文意思eir earnest and comprehensive work reports.club是什么酒 The strength of the team is infinite. A quartermeeting是什么中文意思 iboard什么意思翻译s coming to an end, and all the work is being carried out in an orderly way with br深圳疫情最新动态eakthroughs and innovations. She expressed herclubman deep respect for such an excellent board team. She bboardelieved that with everyone’s jointwas是什么意思 efforts, this year’s wofirstlyrk target will bboard什么意思翻译e achieved.
&nbsboard是什么意思p; was &nb深圳风险等级sp; first翻译 &first怎么读nbsp;  lion是什么意思中文翻译;  firstly; &nbsboardp;
&nfirstname填姓还是名bsp; &nblion是什么意思中文翻译sp; &nblionsgatesp; By Cheng Zhaohua/Su Zhuangbin

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