Cross-border cooperation focuses on the mental health of left-behind children

Cross-border cooperation & NBSP; We will pay attention to the mental health of left–behind children
After 15 years of development and growth, the lionbehind是什么意思s Club has gradually moved into a mature and innovabordercollapse属性tive stage oborder翻译f development.border-radius属性 The goal oborder在html是什么意思f charity is not only poverty alleviation andhealth2下载 disaster relief, bufocuses是什么意思t also social issues such as environment, education anmentality翻译d healfocuses怎么读th, which are common to human developmeleft函数什么意思nt. Promocooperation和corporation的区别ting the healthy growth of ruleft4dead2ral children in China has become a new public welfare charity activity that people think about, explore and act on.
Psychological nursing of children in rural schools is almost blank
For five years in a row,cooperation是什么意思啊 Shenzhen Lions Club has carried out educational assistchildren是什么意思ance activities in Hongya County, Sichuan Province. It has helped Hongya build a Lion school, donated a library, equippehealthy的比较级d a multimedia classrocrossed血十字om, subsidized poor students, and rewarded excellent teachers and studeleft反义词nts. More than 5 mibehind怎么读llion yuan has been invested in education. Over the past few years, we have seen with our own eyes that with the development of domestic economy, 80% of the rural schocooperation英语怎么读ols in Hongya county have bacooperation翻译sically met the requirements for the construction of hardware facilities. Students have extracurricular books, sports venues and facilities, music education and other aspects to meet the standards of the Ministry of Education.
However, for children and other vulnerable groups, matleft函数怎么用erial gift can only meet the basic needs of life, spiritual care is more important. Only by combining the improvement of material life with the enrichment of spiritual life canchildren是什么意思 they lead a truly well-ocooperationff life and become the rich of spiritual culture.
Accordhealth2下载ing to the 2017 White Paper on the Psychological Status of Left-behinfocusesd Children in China, there are more than 23 mcrossed血十字illion left-behind childrenleft是左还是右 in Chincross是什么意思a. The absence of parental care in the growth of children, the imperfect knowledgementalcanvas安卓下载 structure of rural teachers, the weak faculty and great work pressure, and the transfer of negative emotions of rural teachers have all caused irreparable damage to thecross翻译 hearts of left-behind childrcooperation怎么读en. The physical and mental health of left-behind childrleft函数什么意思en is relbordercollapse属性ated to the future development of China and reqbehind音标uires the common attention of the whole smental是什么意思ociety. The lack of psychological teachers in rural schools makes the psychological nursing work of left-behind children difficult, and many rural scmentalhools have almost no pbehind音标sychologicalcooperation和collaboration区别 nursing for children. There is only one full-tileft函数怎么用me psychology tecross翻译acher among more than 2,000 teborderlineachers in Hongya, anbehind的中文翻译d the county education burehealth2安卓版官方下载au does not have the resources or funds to meet the needs of rural teacherschildren后面加is还是are in psychological knowledge training.
The professional requirements of children’s psychological nufocuses onrsing are high,health2破解版无限 which is difficult or even icooperation是什么意思英语mpossible to achieve with the strength of shenzhen Lions Club members alone. How to integrate resources, promote cooperation with professional organizations, and meet the mbehind的用法ost urgent nchildren怎么读eeds of recipients has become a new problem faced and explored by many service teams.
Cross-boundary intcrossfitegration, diveleft4dead2rsified promotion, comprehensive philanthropy and everyone’s participation are not only the new trend of charity developmborderlineent in thealth2live官网he future, but also the new challenges and opportunities we face.
Integrating resources & NBSP; Provide quality service
As early as 2013, Shenzhen Fujia Family Research Institute began to carleft函数什么意思rhealthy out public welfarechildren是单数还是复数 activities to train rural teachfocuses怎么读ers in psychology knowledge. Ovehealth2live官网r the past five years, shenzhen Happy Family Research Institute has formed a mature and effective trainihealthy的副词ng model, explored and established a professional training team anfocuses怎么读d a number of excellent courses suitable for rural teachers’ psychological nursing knowledge training,leftist thmental反义词rough the summaryborder-radius属性 of each training work, and the development and optimization of the curriculum year by year.
The project is committed to improving the current situation of rural children’s lack of affectihealthyon acooperation什么意思中文翻译nd loneliness in mindborder, and cultivating front-line tehealth2live官网achers in primary and secondary schools to become the backbone of children’s psychological education, nursing and school moral education, with the ability to accompany childrebehind的对应词n’s psychological healthy growth, leading students to build a happy lifeleftist.
Training courses for left-behind chilbehind翻译dren psychological care to provide solutions, highlighting practical; Mainly experiential learning, through group psychological nursing, individual psychological nuleft4dead2rsing and other contents of learnmentality翻译ing, enrich the psychological capitachildren是单数还是复数l of teachers and students, improve the happcooperation是什么意思英语iness of teachers, students and parentsbehind是什么意思.
The seven-day experiential learnborder什么意思ing fully aroused the enthusiasm of teachborderers, tapped their potential, enabled them to rebuild their sense offocuses sacrechildren翻译dness, sense of glory and sense of responsibility as teachers, master solutions to psychological problems, and improve the situation of left-behind children in rural areas lamentality翻译cking affection and family education with professional knowledge.
Zeng Gang teacher is Yu Ping hleftoanya county township center in sichuan province, the head teamental是什么意思cher of primary school grade four class two limental的名词ons funding in 2016 shenzhen hoanya county rural children’s psychological nursing training teacher, becooperation什么意思中文翻译cause, after to shenzhen for the lion’s club in shenzhen took part in a five-day national children’s heart practitioner to elite training camp to learn. In 2017, Zeng Gang served as a training assistant and led a group of students to participate in the training and learning of children’s psychological nursing for rural teamentality翻译chleft函数什么意思ers in Hongya County. After that, Zeng gang set up a psychological counseling room called “Mind Station” in yupleft是左还是右ing Primary School where he taught, which regularly carried out indbehind翻译ividual and grouhealth2安卓版官方下载p mental health counseling for students and used the knowledge of psychological nursing to help those students in need of help, and gained unexpected results.
Two years, shenzhen lions hi-tech, tiancheng, yitian, xixiang, liuzborderhou, zhongtian, ganten, bijia mountborderlandsain servborder翻译ice with shenzhen happy home family institute by purchasing professional service mode of cooperation, in sichuan, guangdong, guizhou, hunan and other places to carry out the six children psychological nursingbehind的反义词是 teacher training, more than 700 rural teachers to parfocuses翻译ticipate in the training. If a class of 30 students is calculated, more than 700 trained teachers can benefhealthyichildren音标t more than 20,000 students, and thborder在html是什么意思en benefit students’ families, friends… Thishealthy的比较级 isbehind的反义词是 undoubtedly a public welfare project of great significance and far-reaching influhealth2安卓版官方下载ence. Shenzhen Lions Club has set up a platform fochildren怎么读英语单词r rural teachers to carry out psychological care work for rural left-behind children, and is the pioneer of psychologicalcrossed care for ruramentalistl left-behind children.
Shchildrenenzhefocusesn Happy Family Research Institute for 100-120 studentshealth2下载 for a 7-day experiential learning training, the market value of about 500,000-600,000 yuan. For education bureaus in economically underdeveloped areas, high training fees make them dauntinborder属性g. Shenzhen Lions Club has a common understanding with Shenzcooperation英语怎么读hen Happy Fcooperation什么意思中文amily Research Institute to care about the mental health of lbehind的用法eft-behind children. By purchasing professional services at a low price, shenzhen Lions Club has solved the problem of shortage of funds and talents in the local educatborder属性ion department. The locabordercollapse属性l education bureau, professional training institutions and Shenzhemental反义词n Lions Club have devchildren英语怎么说eborder越界lcross是什么意思oped new teaching assistant service projects to fill the gapchildren后面加is还是are in the training ofbehind翻译 rural teachers inchildren怎么读 children’s psychological carecooperation翻译.
The first mover
Even incooperation英语怎么读 the develoborder越界ped countries of the world, official capacity is limited and theborder-radius属性re will always be blind spots in the provision of social services and protectcrossing翻译ion. There will always bborder属性e a subset of people whose ncooperationeedbehind翻译s are not being met, and those with special needs are often the vulnerable groups who really need help. As a bridge and link between donors and recipients, charitable organizations cultivate, develop, excavate and mobilize social charitable rbehind是什么意思esources to the maximum extent, meet the needs of vulnerable groups through varichildren翻译ous charitable and public welborderfare activities, and fill the gap in official social services and security.
Ngos have always taken the lead in helping the poor aheahealthy的比较级d of the government,behind and become pioneers. A typical case is the Bfocuses是什么意思right Walk projborder翻译ect of the Lleft4dead2ions Club in Shenzhencross怎么读, which has been running since 2002left是什么意思. Inbordercollapse属性 1997, China and lions Club international cooperated to carry out thbehind怎么读英语怎么说e world’s lahealthy是什么意思rgest anti-blindness actionmentalcanvas安卓下载 — “Vision First: Domestic Action”. Lions Club Shenzhen participated iborder越界n the action, and establisfocuses onhed the facross翻译mous national brand service project “Bright Walk”, which helped thousands of poor cataract patientcrossed血十字s regain their sight. Twentbehind音标y years have passed, and in 2017, authorities began to provide free treatment to poor cataract patients, with an initial plan to treat 500,000 poor cataract patients free of charge within three years. It can be said that the Shenzhen Lions Club acooperation可数吗nd other public welfare organizations have largely influenced acooperation是什么意思啊nd promoted the official treatment policy for poor cataract pborder翻译atiborder-radius属性ents.
Today, the psychological care of left-behind childrebehind的反义词是n that we are concerned about has not been ocooperation什么意思中文fficially focused on, just like the “Brileft是左还是右ght Action” proleft翻译ject in those days. The absorborder什么意思ption and integrmental翻译ation of folk resources just fill the official vacancybehind的对应词 in the psychological care teacher training of left-behind children. We hope to ccooperation可数吗all on more caring people to tbehindakecross怎么读 cohealth2破解版无限ncrete actions to care for the mental health of the 23 million left-behindleft反义词 children, so that they can have a bright and clear heart.
The rapid decrossingvelopment of domestic public welfare and charity attracts the attention of the world, and various new forms of charity continue to emerge. The crosscrossing是什么意思-border cooperatiofocuses是什么意思n and rechildren是单数还是复数source integhealthy是什么意思raticross怎么读on of charity projects have enabled many projects that would not have been pborder在html是什么意思ossible in the past to bcrossfite carried out, and the introduction of new talebehind的对应词nts, new technologies and new methods has injected new energy into philanthropy. Through cchildren音标ooperation, organizations have achieved mutuahealth2下载l benefit and genehealth2破解版无限rated huge social benefits, while the collision of ideas and concepts has enabled philanthropy to innovate and focus more on the most urgent problems for social development.
Li Hua, High-tech Service Team
[Photo] Li Hua, High-tech Service Team
[Editor] Ma Hcooperation是什么意思啊uijuan Lin Yanfen
[Issued] Shenchildren音标zhen Lions Club Office

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