Notice on the collection of membership dues for the year 2017-2018 of Shenzhen Lions Club

Notice on the collection of membership dues for the year 2017-2018 of Shenzhen Lions Club

Dear Lion friend,

In acollection是什么牌子衣服ccordance with the charter of Lions Club shenzhen, in accordyear翻译ance with the relevant regulations on the collection of membership dues of lions Clubs international and Lions Clubs in Chinyear翻译a, in order to make the work of the year 2017-2018 go sm深圳风险等级oothly, Lions Club Shenzhen wilions读音ll collect the membershi深圳市最新疫情p dues of the year 2017-2018 in advance from May to June 30. It is the rdue是什么意思esponsib深圳地铁线路图ility and oblidue是什么gation of every member to pay the membership fee in full.

I. Membership fee standard:

All members who join before December 31, 2016, the annu深圳疫情最新消息al m深圳embership fee is 1500 YUAN. From January 1, 2017 to now, members must pay a semi-annual membdue是什么ership felions翻译e of RMmembership是什么意思英语B 750.

Ii. Rewards for collection and Payment of membership fees:

1.  Service teams thcollection是什么牌子衣服at have paid their duesdue是什么 before 22 May 2017 will receive the “Service forcollection翻译 the Future” Award of Excellence in Fee Collection

2.  Outstanding Award of Serdue是什么作业vice Feecollections Collectiolion是什么意思中文翻译n folions翻译r service Teams that have paid their due深圳疫情最新消息s before 10 June 2017

3.  Service teams that have pacollection游戏攻略id their dues befdue是什么ore June 30, 2017 will receiyearve “Service for the Future” Award of Excellence in Fee Collemembership怎么读ction

Iii. Payment Method:Huashi online or cash or transfer.

Account name: Shenzhen Lions Club

Bank: Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Shennan Middle Rnotice同义词oad Sub-branch

Zyear翻译hang & have spent A: 79130155260000178

Pldue是什么梗ease indicayearcon是什么牌子的te tlion是什么意思中文翻译he service team, number or list in tcollection怎么读he postscript when transferring, and send the bank rec深圳大学eipt to the office ayear是什么意思fterlionsgate transferring for financial reconciliadues怎么读tion.

Iv. Contact Person: Peng Li

Electrical & have spent Words: 25688519, pass  True: 25688900

The payment of membership fee before June 30th will be one of the necessary conditions for the seyear造句lection of outstanding service teams of the year. We hope that all service teams attach great importance to the collection of membership fee of this year and actively strive for the award.

Thank you for your support and cooperation!

Shenzhen Lions Club

Shidue是什么梗 Jianyong, chairman of tlionsgatehe Board for 2016-2017

Wang Xin深圳疫情最新动态g tian, president elect for 2017-dues翻译2018

Jian Zhang, financial Off深圳大学icer designate for 2017-2018

May 13, 2017

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