Zhenhua Service Team: held the first regular meeting of 2018-2019
Zhenhua Service Team: held the first regular meeting of 2018-2019
On July 18, 2018, the firstfirstname填姓还是名 regular meeting of Shenzhen Lions Club Zhenhua Service Team for 2018-2019 was held in Room A811, Uchuregularly意思中文翻译anggu, Nheld怎么读的iulan Front, Minzhi Street, Longhua District. Zhenhua service team振华集团 last captain Liu Zuohua, second vice captain Liu Haiqing, team leader Dong Haoqing, secretary Liao Yumei and other 1firstly0 people attended the meeting. The meeting wameetingss chaired by Liao Yumei.
At the meeting, the lion club membersservice shared the spirit of thteam是什么意思翻译e lion club seminar, proposed to standardize the financial management, and cooperate with the district club to do a good job in cleaning up the members. Then, the lion friends discussed about the donation of desks and chairs for students this year. They planned to donate the unused desks and chairs of shenzhen publserviceic schools to the mountainservicebio ameeting翻译rea at the fund of Zhenhua Serteams会议vice Team during the summer vacation. At the samservice和serve的区别e time, the lion frifirsthandendsregular是什么意思英语 detailed this year’s acfirst青年电影展tivity plan, determined the location of the monthly meeting andheld的意思是什么 executive chairman.
The lion service management of Zhenhuateams会议 Service teameeting的音标m is improving day by day, and the management of conference affairs, finance and service activities is stregular的名词andarditeams手机版zed and orderly. Thanks to zhenhua Servicheld的意思是什么e Team members for their hard work in leading the sservice翻译erviteamce team forward. I hmeetingtencentcomope that the lion friends of Zhenhua Service team will continue to support the work of the team leader, stay tteam什么意思rue tofirst their original aspiration, work side by side and make progress together on the road of public weservice是什么意思中文翻译lfare.
Photo bteamy Liao Yumei
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