Public | shenzhen lions in 2019-2020 board members and members of the board of supervisors candidates of the public

Public | shenzhen lions in 2019-2020 board members and members of the board of supervisors candidates of the public

Dear Members,

Shenzhen lions, 2019-2020 annual board of directors and board of supervisors member list of candida深圳tes has shen深圳疫情最新消息zhen lions 17th work preparation committee member representative assembly election qualification review qualification group,深圳大学 and the shenzhen lions deliberated and adopted atcandidate什么意思啊 the 2018-2019 the fourth council, are hereby published, list as follows (by last name stroke opublicize翻译rder) :

A, & have spent Results of deliberations on candidates for council melion是什么意思mbers

1.  Candidates for President, Vice President and Secretary Genshenzheneral:

Weng Hua, 1 candidate, registered to run for president of Shenzhen Lions Club 2019-2020 and metboard的中文意思 the candidate registration requirements.

Lu Zhiqiang, 1 person, registered to run for the first vice President of Shenboardszhlions翻译中文en Lions Club 2019-2020 and has met the candidate registration requirements.

Two candidates, Guo Yongyong and Liao Ronghui, have registered to run for the second vice president of Shenzhen Lions Club 2019-2020.

Du Hengkun, 1candidates, was recommended by shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation, the cosupervisor翻译mpetent business unit, with the candidate for secretary General.

2.  Trustee Candidates:深圳风险等级

Fang Shilei, deng mei heart, ZuoHongYi, Ye Nisupervisor是什么意思ng, Zhu Hongwei, zhu feng, Ken ng, the sea, ChiMingHui, Du Peng liu, li Ming and well Li Zhoumembers怎么读, Li Yanqiu,深圳天气 li li, li xiaofeng, Li Feng, shui-jin Yang, Yang Li, Wu Jinzhi, Zhang Zheqin, dong-meisupervisor Chen, guang-xpublic404html乱i Chen, Chen Xuan bpublic怎么读in, Yi Shumin, Zheng Hehua, ymembers是什么意思un-peng zhao, kevinbales, RuChunXu, Xu Qiubin, Tanlionsgateg Quanhui, Huang Xiaoru, Cui Weiying, peng Dao Jian, Jin深圳风险等级g Miaojun, Lei Gaoqing, CAI Min, Cao Yingwang, Wei Xinxin, Wei Demin, a total of 39 people have registered to run for the board of directors of Shenzhen Lions Club in 2019-2020, and they have quasupervisor是什么级别lified a深证指数s candidates.

Second, & have spent Results of the examination of candidates for supervisory board melionsmbers

1.  Candidate for Supervisor:

Shi Jianyong, 1 ca深圳风险等级ndidate, registerpublic怎么读ed to run for supervisor of Shenzhen Lions Club 2019-2020 and met the candidate registration requirements.

2.members翻译  Candidates for Deputy Supervissupervisorsor:

Zhang Jian and Zhang Hongxiang have registered to run for the deputy Supervisor of Shenzhen Lions Club 2019-2020 and have met the registration requirements.

3.  Candidate for supervisor:

Wang Daoming, Deng Yi, Li Chunchasupervisorsng, He Xingru, Chen Qiufen深圳疫情, Nie Xsupervisorsiangdong, Guo Tao, Tang Haozhi and Tanmembers翻译 Fei have registered to run fcandidates什么意思or the supervisor of Shenzhen Lisupervisorons Club 2019-2020 and ashenzhenre qualified to be candidates.

Publicity timlions读音e: March 13-17, 2019. If you have any objection to the above results, please slions的音标end your opinion to the email of Shenzhen Lions Club at during the publisupervisor中文意思city period. Tel: 0755-25688567candidate什么意思中文, fax: 0755-25688900. Those who fail to reply within the tcandidate什么意思中文impublic翻译e limit shall be deemed to have agreed.

Shenzhen Lboardgameions Club深圳

March 13, 2019

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