The Party branch of Shenzhen Lions Club watched the live broadcast of the 40th anniversary celebration of shenzhen Special Economic Zone

The 40th anniversary of shenzhen Special Economic Zone was celebrated at Qianhai International Convention Center in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, on the mornishenzhenng of October 14, 2020. The Party branch of Lions Club shenzhen organized all party members, on-duty directors and all staclubsff of the office to watch the live broadcast iclubsn the big conference room of Lions Club Shenzhen and learn the sclub是什么意思pirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the celebration conference.
General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at thwatched的原型e celebration colionsgatenference that Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s correct decision to shift the focus of worklivehouse to economic conslive是什么意思truction in 1978 took Guangdonparty是我家下载mp3g as the first pilot of refo桃花源记rm and opening up; Shenzhen is a great new ciparty怎么读英语ty jointly creabroadcast过去式ted by the Party and tlions翻译中文he people after the reform and opening up. From a bla通货膨胀下什么最保值nk sheet of paper,party的中文 Shenzhen has become an international metropolis today. It has gone tclub怎么读hrough 40 years of trials and hardships. The establishment of special economic zones is not only a great practice of the Party and the country in promoting reform and opening upwatched翻译 and solions的音标cialist modernization, but also a great initiative of soparty是我家ciaclub怎么读lism with domeswatched是什么意思tic cbroadcasterharacteristics.通货膨胀下什么最保值
Look blive怎么读ack at the past, look at t深圳疫情heparty复数 preslivesent, look forward t深圳市最新疫情o the future. In tbranches翻译he past 40 years, we h通货膨胀下什么最保值ave embarked on a new and inspiring journey ofshenzhen reform and opening up in the new era.
After the celebration, the Party branch organizedwatched翻译 a special study meeting to study and discussclubs the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s imliveportant speech. By watching live celebration, learning, communication, party memlivescorebers and cadres have said, xi jinpingbroadcast是网关吗, general secretary of the important speech spirit, finally the proud of thparty的中文e achievements of shenzhen now, combining with the shenzhen lions tenet “service society”, we must always keep in mind tparty英文意思he purpose of the miwatched用英语怎么说ssion, firm ideal faith, unity, promote socialist core同花顺 values, Carry forward the spirit of pioneering and pioneering, and strive to contribute youth and blood on the road of public welfare and charity.
[Text] Liu Zengypartynextdoore
[Photo] Liu Zengye
[Edit] Rajeni
[Issued] Shenzhen Lion同花顺s Club Offbroadcast是网关吗ice

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