The first meeting of the 14th National Member Congress of the National Lions Association was held smoothly

From August 16 to 19, 2021, the first meeting of the 14th National Member Congress of the Domestic Lion Association (hereinafter referrecongressionald to as the “14th Generation Congress”) and the series of mnational空调eetings during the congress wilmeeting腾讯会议l be held in tfirst翻译成中文he form of video. The maiassociation和collection的区别n venue of the confernational dayence is locateassociation怎么读音d in the secretawashingtonriat of the federation, and the suwasteb-venues are located in the secretariats of shenlionsgatezhen Lions Club, Guanmembershipgdong Lionsfirstname填姓还是名 Club and 11 repassociation什么意思中文翻译成resentative offices. Nearly 300 representatives from 14 regions of the country discussed and deliberated various reports and motions of the FEDERATION, and elected a new leadership grofirst怎么读up and memassociation什么意思bers of the council and the board of supervisors of the Fewas怎么读deration.
Shenzhen disablenational dayd persons’ federation membemeeting是什么意思r of the party group, deputy director of Li Lun, g通货膨胀下什么最保值roup, Chen xuaassociation翻译n (right), deputy director offirst翻译成中文 the certainty, lionwass club international directassociation可数吗or Zhang Guojun, domestic lion federlions英语怎么读ation Lin Ziyu long, 2019-2021 supervisors Zheng Degang, a deputy chairman, vice chameetingirman of jian-wen xie, WengHua, Du Hengkun directorsassociation造句, supervwaspisors, zhang jian ShiJianYong, membernational翻译s of the presidium of Jonathan wong, Shenmeeting腾讯会议zhen lions club President of 2020-2021, zhi-qiang lu, supervisor XiawasteoXingPing, first deputy chairman Guo Yongyong, second deputy chair童话故事man Peng Daojian, former Presid退婚后大佬她又美又飒ent of Ma Min, tian wang xwasn’ting, vice supervisomeeting是什么中文意思r long Tan Fei, secretary-general Lai Zhuoni, chief financial officer NieXiangDong, dean of general affair Deng Yi, deputy secretary-general Liao Ronghui Zhlions英语怎么读ang Zheqin, chairman of the zone, Wei Xin new, lily, supervisors WuYuQiong, dao-ming wang, Representatives Lin Xiaoyi, Li Zhou, members of the voting group Zhu Feng, Huang Shaofang and other 30 lion friends attended the shenwasn’tzhen branch meeting.
(Shenzhen Branch)
The press conference of the firswas是什么意思t meeting of the 1first翻译成中文4th genlions翻译中文eration of the Federation was successfull桃花源记翻译y held in Beijing at 14:00 on The 16th. Zhang Zhe, vice president and spokesperson of the association, announced the important contents, and the firstnational day meeting of the 14th gmember造句eneration associatiowaspn was grandly opened. China Disabled Persons’ Federation,congress和parliament的区别 chairman of the party secretary, Zhou Changkthoughui, international lifirst是什么意思on of wing kunwashington tam, Ph.D., domestic lion federation President koizumi gen, deputy directfirst是什么意思or of thwasn’te Ministry of Civil Affairs administration of social organizations Huang Rwasteu, domestic charity federation vice-chairman concmeeting怎么读英语urrently secretary general fu-qing liu, domestic charity federationfirst, xiao-qimember怎么读ng zhang,lions英语怎么读 deputy secretary-general of domenationalstadiumstic lion federation President Gu Yong, Xu Ling, deputy director of international Liaison Department omeetingsf China Disabled Persons’ Fassociation怎么读音ederation, leadlions读音ers of various disabled persons’ associations, leaders of Domestic Lion associassociation和collection的区别ations and representatives of lion friends attended the conference by video. The conference was pmeeting是什么意思resided over by Zhang Zhe, vice president of the association.
(Main venue)
(Hosted by Zhang Zhe, Vice Presidentht of Themembers 2019-2021 Chinese Lions Association)
Zhou Changkui, chairman and party secretary of the All-China Disabled Persons’ Federation, said that tmembersmark啥牌子he party should strengthen themeeting翻译 leafirst怎么读dership of the federation and promote its healthy development. We will take it as a serious political task to strengthen the Leathindership of the Party andlion是什么意思中文翻译 promote the healthy develofirsthandpment ocongress和conference的区别f the Federation, implement the responsibcongress什么意思ility system for Party building, propernational dayly allocate and strengthen relevant management forces, and iwasn’tntensify efforts to establish The Party organization of the Lions Club, so as to achfirsthandieve full coverage ofassociation怎么读音 party organizations and work. Will unswervthoughingly into public welfare charity, feelings for charity, enthusiasm, passion,association可数吗 and the truth, always active in the first line, with an emphasis on community, rooted at the grass-rootlions翻译sth level, for the masses, from the details, to carry out social work in the service of domestic characteristics unswervingly lions development pmemberath, in the end he wnational祝庆ish the conference a complete finished.
Jia Yong, president of the Association, said that the work of thwashe association in the pawashingtonst two yeafirsthandrs has been supported by the stamember可数吗nding council, the council and the lion friends.meetingyou是什么意思 He hoped that the new leadership team will continue the smeeting怎么读英语pirit of the lion friends imeeting是什么意思n Chinaassociation英语, live up to their mission and forge ahead. He hoped to build the federation into a new type of social organization with domestic characteristics, and put forcongress什么意思wcongress怎么读ard fiwashedve suggestions: first, adhere to and strememberngthen the leadership of the Party to ensure the corremeetingct directionfirst青年电影展 of development; Second, we should continue to improve the rule of law, rulemeeting of virtue, autonomy and multi-party development. Third, carry out distinctive social service activities centering on the center and serlions读音ving the overall situation; Fourth, adhering to core socialist values; Fifth, adhere to the “fnational是什么意思our out” spirit, form the unity of knowledge and practice, the organizational style. He hocongressmenped that all representatives would earnestly perforlions怎么读m their duties, ccongress怎么读ast a sacred vote with a responsible attitude and contribute to the future developmeeting怎么读英语ment of the FEDERATIONmeeting的音标.
(Speech by Chairman Jia Ywashingtonong)
Delegates to review through the domestic lion fnational祝庆ederation the 14th sessfirsthandiocongressmenn of the national member c通货膨胀下什么最保值ongress for the first time on behalf of the qualification review, domestic lion federation the 14th session of the national member cnationalstadiumongress for the first time members of the presiassociation什么意思dium of the suggestion list, domestic lion federation the 14th nafirst怎么读英语tional member of conlions翻译gress for the first time thelion是什么意思中文翻译 agenda (draft), domestic lion the 14th national federation member repmemberresentatives The list of the general Supervisors, supervisomembersmark啥牌子rs and counters suggestnational祝庆ed for the firstnationality meeting of the Congress, Listened to thmembere work report of the Domestic Limember可数吗ons Association 2019-2021, the work report of the Board of Supelion是什么意思rvisors of the Domestic Lions Association 2019-2021, tmeeting是什么中文意思he Financial report of the Domestic Lions Associatiomembern 2019-waste2021, the Constitution of the Domestic Lions Association (revised note), thecongressman Work Rules of the Domestic Lions Association (revisedcongress note), and the Domestic Lions Associwassupation 2021- 2023 election metmeetinghod and a smembershiperies of other documents.
(Written by Lin Ziyu, chief supervisor of the Association in 2019-2021Work on the Bassociation什么意思中文翻译成oard of Supervisors in 2019-2021Twas是什么意思he report)
The conference adnational是什么意思opted the method of electmeeting是什么意思ronic votin褪黑素g on the informembers markmation platform of mobile phone to elect the new members of the board of Directors and the board of Supervisfirst怎么读英语ors of the Nationanational祝庆l Lions Association. Shefirst怎么读nzhen Lions clmeeting是什么意思中文翻译ub zheng Degang, Zhang Guwashojun, Ma Min, Lin Ziyu, Lai Zhuoni and other five shenzhen lionassociation造句s club members were elected as the new board of directors. The first meeting of the Council of theassociation翻译 Domestic Lion Association in 2021-2023 elected the president, vice passociation可数吗r童话故事esident, secretary general and financial officer of the Association in 2021-2023, Jia Yongmembers是什么意思 was elected as the new president of the association, Fei Wcongress怎么读ei was elected as executive vice president andassociation secretary general, Zheng Degang, Yin Tao, Cao Guoming, Liu Xiaoqin was elected as viceth president, Ma Min was elected acongressmens financial officer; The first meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Domestic Lions Association in 2021-2023 elected the chairman and deputy chairman of the Board of Supervisors in 2021-2023, and Liao Manxiong was elected as th褪黑素e chairman of the new board of supassociation翻译ervisors.
(Oath of office)同花顺
(Jia Yong, Chairman)
(Liow Man Hung, Chairman of The Federation in 2021-2023)
(Zheng Defirst翻译gang, vice president of the association for 2021-2023)
(Director of Lions Club International,Aslions的音标sociatnationalityion year 2021-2023Director Zhang Guoyun)
(Association year 2021-2023Ma Min, Chief Financial Officer)
The new leadership took the oath of office and paid tribuwashingtonte to the outgoing leader.
Gu Yong chairman, said in the past year federation encountered unprecedented difficulties amembership什么意思啊nd challenges, we sincerely thank every lion friends, especially thanks to tmeetingshe former supervisors anmember造句d long standing directorassociation可数吗, director, and the specialized agencies, branch chairmen and regional President, the Prfirst青年电影展esident,congress和conference的区别 and the captain’s hard work, thanks to the lmeetingtencentcomocal disabled plionsgateersons’ federation chief representative, representative and secretary genernationalal of the positive performance of the main respmeetingsonsibility. He stressed that the mission of public welfare and charity organizations in the new era is to uphold the llion是什么意思中文翻译eadership of the Communist Party of China, work wiassociation造句th the Party, the authorities and other social forces to achieve the “two Centenary Goals” and realize the Chinese dream of great national rejuvenation. He made four reqassociation和collection的区别uirements for the new council: First, we shouassociationld lead all lion frielions读音nds to make new contributions to povmeetingserty alleviation; Second, to lefirsthandad all lion friends to make new contributions in providing social services; Third, to leassociation什么意思ad all lion fmembersmark啥牌子riends to make new contributions in social governance; Fourth, we should lead all lion friends to make new contributions towash怎么读 the promotion of charity culture.
The first meeting of the 14th National Member Congress of the National Lion Association came to an end in the good wishes of the lion friends of the country. This conference is orderly, pragmatic and effmeetingyou是什么意思icient, and will surely be another milestone in the development of THE Federation. The representatmembersives of Shenzhen Lions club are full of spirit and self-discipline. They partmeeting是什么意思中文翻译icipate in all the agenda of the conference, which reflects the spirit of Shenzhen Lions club. Guidemeeting翻译d by the spirit of the 14th Lions Club, Shenzhen Lions Club will makthoughe progress while maintwasteaining stability, kefirst翻译ep forging ahead, unswervingly follow the development pathwash of social organizations with Domestic characteristics, and contribute to the sustainable and healthy development of public welfare and charity.
[Text] Zlions英语怎么读hang Chenxi
[Photo] Zhang Chenxi
【 Edit 】 Ma Huijuan & NBSP; Hu grethiny
[Typesetting] Du Shaoheng
[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Office

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