Notice on strict discipline of shenzhen Lions Club general Election

Fellow lions:
In order to do a good job in the election of the 21st Congress of the Members of Shenzhen Lions Club, strictly enforce the election discipline and maintain the election culture of democracy, rule of law, friendship and integrity, in accordance wlions英语怎么读ith the relevaelectionnt provisions of th深圳市最新疫情e Articles of Shenzhen Lions Club, the relevant matters colions英语怎么读ncerningclub怎么读 strict election discipline are hereby notnotice是什么意思ified as follows
A, & have spent From the date when shenzhen Lions Club issued the canotice是什么意思ndidate registration nclubmedotice, the generallions election officlions读音ially began. Each member and ca深圳大学ndidate should consciously regullions读音ate their words and deeds, andelection中文 m深圳市最新疫情aintain and create a democlionsratic, fair, righteous and harmoniounotice的固定搭配s electiclub怎么读on atmosphere.
Second, & have spent The service teams shall carry out thestrictly work of selecting memdiscipline4boysber reclubspresentatives in stricnotice翻译t accordance with democratic procedures and accept supervision深圳市最新疫情. No organization or individual shall interfere in any way with the free exercise of voting rights by members or representatives of members.
Three, & have spent In order to ensure the smooth election odiscipline动漫多少集f the 20th Lions Club congress of Shenzhen and the free exercise of electors and electees’ right to vote and stannoticedd for eleclions怎么读tion,general any one of the followinclubmed官网预订g sgeneralize是什么意思ituations as determined by the Election Preparation Committee shall be deemed as an illstrictlyegal act:
(1) Bribing voters with gifts of property, transfer of benefits or official wishes, including but not limited to inviting gueststrict怎么读音s and gifts, cliquing culture,深圳 soliciting wishes, sending redclub是什么酒 envelopes through wechat groups, donating service funds to serv深圳疫情ice teams, etc., hindering members or members’ representatives from freely exercisingelection翻译 their right to vote and stand for election;
(2) obstructing members or their representatives from freelelection怎么读y exercising their right to vote and stand for election by violclubmed官网预订ence, threat, deception or other illegal means;
(3) slandering, denigranotice翻译ting, disparaginreelectiong or damaging the reputanoticetion of a voter by deliberately fabricating or spreading fictitious facts;
(4) using his position to forcibly solicit or persuade votes;
(5) solicclub怎么读iting votes by sending or forwarding深圳疫情 lists of small circles in groups in the form of wechat, short messages,深圳疫情最新消息 emails or notes;
(6) forg深圳地铁线路图ing election documents or falsely reporting the number of electoral votes;
(7) cracking down on, supclub用英语怎么说pressing or retaliating against those who raise objections, compldiscipline4boysaindiscipline4boys or expose electdiscipline零无修版oral irregularities;
(8) distributing personal publigeneral轮胎什么牌子city materials or leaflets at the site of the congreslion是什么意思s.
If an elediscipline的形容词cgeneralizetor who commits any ofdiscipline零无修版 the above election violations is elected, hstrictis election shall be invalid; If the circumstances are serious, the electee and other members who assist the electee in carrying out election violations shall be expeclubman是什么牌子车lled from the membershiplions的音标; If the clionsgatease co深圳天气nstitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to ladiscipline零无修版w.
Four, & have spent Any objection, complaint or accusation made by a candidate shall be submitted in wrdiscipline动漫多少集iting to the election preparation committee in an orderly manner within the public notice period. No information that may negatively affect the voters shall be releadiscipline无修sed without authorization or through others before being confirmed by the authority of the functionstrict翻译al department.
Five, & have spent If the election preparatory Committee discovers or receives reports of any ogeneral翻译f the above-mentioned irregularities, it shall promptly inves深圳疫情最新动态tigate and handleshenzhen them accordielectionsng to laclubman是什么牌子车w. Those who need to be investigated fogenerallyr legal responsibility shall be transferred to the relevant authorities for handling in a timely manner. The dedicated email address for reporclubman是什么牌子车ting is
Pleastrictlyse keep tclub用英语怎么说he mission firmly in mind, abide by the principles, respect othdiscipline的形容词ers, keep the bottom line, andnotice翻译 jointly practice the prstrict的用法与搭配inciples of fairness, justice and oplionsgateenness to ensu深圳风险等级re that the genelions翻译中文ral election of the 20th Lions Club Conggeneralizationress of Shenzhen is conducted in a standardized and orderly manner.
Organizing Committee for the election of tnotice的固定搭配he 20th Lions Club Congress of Shenzhen
strict用法 shenzhen &ndiscipline第三章陵罪bsp;notice作文 April 26, 2022

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