Red Li Service Team: Hold the second team meeting and regular meeting of 2021-2022

On August 20, 2021, the second captain team meeting and regular meeting of Shenzhen Lions Clubteams Red Litchi Service Team in 2021-2022 was held in Nserviceanyang Changsheng Restaurant, OCT Building, Nanshan District. Domestiredmik40c lion federation, deputy director of the education commission training teaching RonsecondhandgJing, shenzhold的过去式和过去分词henregularly lions student services committee and the medical and hregular是什么意思英语ealth committeservicee, executive chairman of committee execu凌天战尊tive dir两个人的房间ector Long Yali Chen Hang, financial construction, red li service captain Liang Yidong, the previousservice和serve的区别 captain Wu Guicheng, second deputy captain li Yang, the thiteam什么意思rd vice captain li-jun wang, Former captain Lihold不住u Xiaoning, Wang Yanhua, He Yonganredis, Zhang Jia六级报名n, Gao Quanbin, Tang Wenping, Huang Yiqun, Yao Xiserviceableaozhregularong, Wang Shoujun, secretary Liang Wenjuan, financial Li Rong, general affairs Xiao Jian, picket Chen Lixin and other 27 people attended the meeservice是什么意思ting, the meeting was presided oteam什么意思ver by Zhang Jian as the chairman of the conference.hold的过去式和过去分词 &nteams会议bsp;

Illustration 1- Red litchi group photo. JPG

Before thesecond怎么读 meeting, Ms. Rong Jing prepholdingared a lesson called “We Serve”, which included describing the characteristics of lions club social service,service的名词 applying thteams手机版e steps and methods to两个人的房间 carry out social servservicemanice, analyzing the importance of eva两个人的房间luation and testing different stagregular的所有形式es of evaluati热点on. From the establishment of Lions Club International, service spirit aredundantnd service field, to the evaluation of social services, the selection of community needs, and the development of the implementation plan of service projects, advocacy and publicity in advance, rigorous and orderly implementation, and summary of publiteambitioncity and promotion, Mmeeting的音标s. Rong Jing explained in dteams会议etail and talked with her heart. During thserviceis period, we usedservice和serve的区别 the service projects suchhold的过去式和过去分词 as student assistance, disability assistance, community serviceregular什么意思 and Red Action to esecondaryxpreservice是什么故障灯ss omeetingtencentcomur opinions, and let everyone exchange and review their good and bad points in actual work. The scred怎么读ene also carried out a prize interaction, everyone learning enthusiasm. After the meeting, lion friends gave speeches one asecondlove日剧fter another. This exchange and learning, through sorting out and learning the social service system, dreductioneepened the understanding of the meaning of s猎罪图鉴ervicemeeting的音标, made the implemservice怎么读entation of social service more clear, and played a positive role in guimeeting腾讯会议ding and promoting l凌天战尊ion work.

At 6 o ‘clock inregular反义词 the evening, the chsecond怎么读airman of theholder conference rangmeeting腾讯会议 the bell and aservice翻译nnounced the official start of the meeting.

Illustration 5- Bell tolling meeting. JPG

Captain Liang yidong briefed热点 the lion friends on the recent situation ansecondaryd the next work arrangements. The Red Licheng Service team succesreductionsfully completed the inaugural ceremonyregular的名词 and participated in the launching cmeeting翻译eremony of the Student Serv猎罪图鉴ice Committee. Liang Yidong, the captain of the team nservice怎么读otified the team meeting of the resolution and important matters, including support for henan flood donated flood supplies, servi六级报名ce funds of 10,000 yuan; Thteamrough Brotherregular反义词 Zteam什么意思hhold是什么意思ong Yunshi, he donated 20,000 yuan to Guangzhouregular的所有形式 Jihai Charity Foundation for rural teacher training and improvement projects. It is planned to carry out hunan Educational aid project frregularlyom Sepredundanttember to October. Yinshansecondhand Shijie and Wang Lijun Shijie serve as executive chairmen, and the ser猎罪图鉴vice b林依晨为怀孕把该试的方法都试了udget is 400,000 yuan. Wang Lijun Shijie rteam什么意思eportemeetingtencentcomd the latest progress of the project.

Li Rong shi Jie reported the financial income anteambitiondservice和serve的区别 expenditure of this ymeeting腾讯会议ear, and Yang Li, executive president of the general election meeting, made a summary and share on thehold election work of The Red Li Serviceregular Team.

Illustration 10- Financial reporting. JPG

Sister Chen Hengshi introduced that as a new service project of The Hong Li Smeeting是什么中文意思ervice Team, tservice是什么意思he “Straight Miao Action” projservice怎么读ect had been inspected and evaluated last year, and had also made a road show and presentation at the launchinredmi是什么手机g ceremony of the District Student Service Commregularly意思中文翻译ittee. The prservicebiooject is aimed at the serious body problems of children today, the李亚鹏 use of the most advanced body early screening tliechnsecond怎么读ology and expert resservice的名词ourregularizationces, the child’s body early scrmeetingyou是什么意思eening, early detection, esecondscreen下载arly treatment, to六级报名 achieve the purpose of physical fitness. Wilredmi是什么手机l be in the hospital, community service stations, schools, resident浏览器的历史ial property, joint service teams to promote, so that more灵境行者 parents pay attention to the impact of children’s physical health. At the meeting, Sister Chsecondlove日剧en Hengshi gave a detailed introductimeeting是什么中文意思on on the project’s initiation, screening and superior resources.

Former team leader Yao Xiaozhong presided ovteams手机版er the annual service fund raising. Under thesecondscreen下载 enthusiastic initiative and inspiration of Brother Yao Xiaozhong and Captain Liang Yidong, lion friends have donated money, online and offline synchronous drregular反义词agon, and actively practice the spirit of “four out”. The participants also expresteam是什么意思翻译sed tservice是什么意思中文翻译heir goal of 100% donation for the “Chinese Lion Awredmi是什么手机ard” this year.

Illustration 15- Yao Xiaozhong's annual fundraising. JPG

After the meeting, wsecondarye gathered together to celebrate the birthday of lion friends in August.

  Article/photo & have spent Liang Wenjuan, Shenshi News Agency

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