High-tech Service Team: Hold the second regular meeting of 2021-2022

On August 6, 2021, the second regular meeting of shenzhen Lions Club high–tech Service Teameetingyou是什么意思m in 2021-regularization2022 was held on tregularhe 5th floor of songgaservice是什么意思ng Bus Station Office buihighestltechniquesding. Deng Yi, deputy supervisor of Shenzhe特长n Lions Club, Bi Yongtahold ono, advismeeting怎么读英语or, Wei Chengqing, executive chairman of shenzhen Lions Club, Liu Meijiao, Gu Lihua, Li Hongjin, former captain Ma Huada, Wen Yanmei, Zhang Shengxing, Wu Fangregularly意思中文翻译, secretary Chen Dashighestheng and other 20 peoplemeeting是什么中文意思 attended the meeting. Thregular的名词e regservice翻译ular meeting was chaired by CAI Jiancong.
Chen Dasheng summed up the activity of “Help by ysecond什么意思our side” on July 30, captain Liu Meijiao added.
Wei chengqing introduced the “Bright trip” in Kashgar, Xinjiang from September 2 to 7, Chen Dasheng introduced the “bright heart” activities in Baoxing, Sichuan from Septembermeeting是什么意思 25 to 29 and Tianquregular翻译an, Sichuan from October 25 to 29. The three activities have been connected with relevant local deparegularlyrtmeservice和serve的区别nts, and preliminary preparations armeeting怎么读英语e being actively made.
Bi Yongtao introduced the donation reduction policy of Shenzhen Lions Club, deng Yi conveyed thesecondary spirit of the district lions club recentlholdery.
Finally, we would like to celebrathold不住e the birthdays of Wei Chengqing, CAI Jiancong, Liang Jingping, Wang Jiashu andsecond怎么读 Wei Chun, and wish them a haregularityppy birthday, good health and a happy family!
The text / & have spent Chen Dasheng
Figure / & have spent Feng magpie

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