Lighting a Beam of light to illuminate the future of public welfare — The “Inheritor Plan” Youth Public Speech Contest final and award ceremony was successfully held

On November 18, 2021, the final and award ceremony of the “Inheritor Plan” Youth Public Speech Contest was held in the TV Studio hall of Shenzhen Radio And Telelighting怎么读vision Building, jointly organized by Shenzhen Lions Club and Shenzhen Radio alighting是什么意思nd Televilighting怎么念sion Group Financial life Channel. Thirteen teenagers from hundreds of applicants competed in the finals to make their voices heard for the public good.
Former vice mayor of shenzhen, shenzhen concerned about thilluminate怎么读e next generation workilightingserviceng committee directbeamedor Chen Biao, shenzhen disabled persofuture翻译ns’ federation level researchbeam翻译er Cao Tingguo, shenzhen municipal party commiplantationttee, deputy dfutureirector of bureau of retired veteran cadrefuture basss to close work place NiXin, shenzhen lions Guo Yongyong, the head of 2021-2022, second deputy chairman NieXiangDong, CPPCC member of shenzhen, shenzhen lion of Su Zeran, Former chairman of aggregates, the secretary-general Lailluminate是什么意思i Zhuoni, chief financial offilighthousecer Xu Qiubin, dean of general affair Tan Fei, long picket Li Zhou, deppublicize翻译uty secretary-general kevinbales, chairman ofuture4200f the zone 5 ChuHai, partition, Lin Xiaoyi, zhang wei, liu guoliang, Zhu Hongwei, Wen Zhiyong, Zheng Bochao, five full Joan, gui-qin,lighting接口 shenzhen radio, film and televisionbeamng手机版下载 group life Zhou Yuguo channel director of finance and ecwelfareonomics, director of the department as a whole Tian Xiao, General Consultant siyi, gueslighting怎么读t Chen Weiqing, representativebeam泰星s of various organizers, co-orpublicityganizers andlighting接口 service teams, youth representatives and their families attended the event. Chiilluminate怎么读 Minghui servedpublic404html最新网站 as the generalighting口l coordinplanetix第九行星ator, Zhfutureao Niailluminatednzhen served as the deputy general coordinator, Wang Chang, Tang Quanhui, Lin Juan, Zheng Jianhai, Peng Xing served alightnings tpubliche executiveilluminate翻译 chairman, hosted by Zhalightng Lu.
The efuture4200vent was guided by Shenzhen Workingilluminated Committee for Caring for the Next Generation and Shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation, co-hosted by Shenzhen Lions Club and Financial and Life Channel of Shenzhen Radio and Television Group, co-hosted by Xilighting怎么读angmihu, Mingjia Shanpin, Chang Di,future Datong, Silver Lake, Huanggang Service Team and Disabled Support Committee, Women and Family Growth Committee, Yishan, Tiancinheritorheng, Jinglightingroom手机版tian, Huaspublic404html乱hang, Leshan, Happiness, Hongyafuture糖果, Phoenixwelfare是什么意思, Bijiashan, OCT Service team, medical and Health Commission co-organized. The financial life Channel directorilluminated翻译 team of Shenzhen Radio and Television Group planned and made the whole process on site.
Before the start obeamf the competition, the outstanding contestants in the secondilluminated是什么意思 round returilluminatened to perform the show “Public welfare has my Inheritlightroom安卓版下载ance” for everyone, each simple public welfare voice, letlightning接口 us see the belighting翻译lief of shenzhen’s younplantationg genlighting是什么意思eration to inherit the public welfare cause; Under the leadership of Presilight的反义词dent Xie Yan, Li Jun, Chen Xiaobin and Yao Li, all the lion club members stood up and pebeamng囚犯rformed sign lalight的反义词nguage dance with their hearts full of love and eyes full of light, which moved everwelfareyone present. Lions club shenzhen, as a professional public welfare organization with a history of nearly 20 years, has turnedfuture4200 interest into passion, passion intopublic career, and career into faith in the fpublic怎么读ertile land of Public welfare in Shelightroom手机版nzhen.
Different from ordinary public speaking competitionfuturelearns, the “Charity, This YOUNG” “Inheritor Pllightningan” Youth Pulighthouseblic speaking Competition fullbeams是什么品牌y encouwelfarerages contestants to “practice public welfare”, encourages children to convey the most sincere feelings of public welfare, and sows the seeds of public welfare in childbeam是什么意思ren’s hearts. As soon as the registration information was announced onplane怎么读 September 24, hundreds of yfuturehendrixoung people comfuturelearnpeted to sign up. After the preliminary round, tlighting怎么读he second roundplane怎么读 and the resurrection round, 13 young pinheritor是什么意思eople with an average age of 10 years passed through and finally came toilluminate是什么意思 the top and stood on the stage of the finplantals.
Wheplantn the 13 finalists told their stories about public welfare sincerely on the stage, many audiences marveled at the young generation’s profound understanding of public welfare undertakings. Among them, 9 years old QinYuFei tells of her for the first time for you to participate in “care for pauper” public welfainheritors是什么意思re, let a chpublic是什么意思ild she is not onlplane怎么读y understand the poor effect on the patbeamedient’s own and family, and let her feel the shenzhen lions alighting接口什么意思nd other public welfare organization to paupebeam是什么意思r care and assistance, to “twelfare是什么意思ake off” the road to poverty on the shlightroomop full of love.
During the two-hwelfare可数吗our competition, epublicationvery public service story was real and warm. From volufuture翻译nteer service to rlighting接口什么意思espectinginheritor the elderllightery and helping the disabled, from anti-future bassbullying on campusilluminate怎么读 to teacplantationhing in rural villages, the partilight翻译cipants presentbeamed a variety ofuturef public service themes alighting口nd conveyed tfuturelearnhe attitude of “Being good and doing good”. In the end, the first, second and third prize winners, a total of six winners, will receive 100,000 YUAN public welfare fund prowelfare翻译vided by Shenzhen Lions Club respectively, and hewelfare怎么记忆lp realize the public welfare wish and pass on the publlightic welfare charity.
On the day of the evplanetsent, Yang Yuying, as the “heritage Ambassador”, recorded a VCR for the young peopfuture4200le. Shbeam翻译e told them that public welfare is more than sharing and serving once, and encouraged the young people to passfuture4200 on the concept of public welfare in the future.
With “good good story” beginner’s mind mission, with “young strong a country strlighting数据线ong” times ictus, “heritage plan” crlight是什么意思eated a mlightingodel of the development of public welfare young state to “public welfare + speefuture是什么意思ch”, “public welfare + practpublicizeice”, “beamformingpublic welfare + class”, “public welfare and health”, and other forms, purepublicly driven by bona fide ceremony from the past, It has becowelfare怎么读me an attractive way of life in itself. Every moment of actiwelfare是什么意思on and actioinheritor翻译n for public welfare is lighting up one beam of light, and one beam of light is surrounding each other, enabling us to see awelfare可数吗 better future for public welfare.
Wen Yaoli, general coordinailluminate怎么读tor of the “Inheritor Program” and deputy secretbeamsary general of The Shenzhen Lions Club in 2021-2022future bass, also expressed her expectations for the charity youth through the VCR that evening. She said that as an educator, she believes that public service can help children find their own connectlighting怎么念ion with society, find the value of life, build the drive to learn and team leadership, and start their inner univinheritors是什么意思erse. That’s what the Legacy Project is all about.
As the organizlighthouseer of this event, The Lions Cplane怎么读lub of Shenzhen always regards caring folighting怎么读r the next generatiolighting翻译n as its bounden responsibility. At the same time, it hopes to build a more diversified, three-dimenbeamngsiplanetsonal and YOUNG atmwelfare是什么意思osphere for public welfare from the youth, and use the youngest “Shenzhen power” to run the “Shenzhen speed”planetix第九行星 of high-quality development of public welfarpublic翻译e undertakings in China.
[Text] Wu Jie office Yang Xin
[Photo] Yang Xin, Office of Chen Weiming, Shenshi Nelightws Agency
【 Edit 】 Ma Hilluminate翻译uijuan & NBSP; Hu Lei
Ke Wuyue
[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Office

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