The mobile phone lanyard is a kind of decoration hanging on the mobile phone

Mobile phone hanging rope is hanging on the mobile phone is a kind of decoration, sometimes also convenient to carry, prevent loss and ophonetic是什么意思ther practical functions.
Many mobile phones will be reservedphone是什么意思中文翻译成为 in the body of the phone hanging pendant hole. Japan is the birthlanyardplace of mobile phone hanging. In the Edo period, people used to insert wallets into their belts. In order to prevent the wallet from fphone13alling from tdecorationshe belt,
Mobile phone lanyard common types
Short phone lanyard, flakindsh phone lanyard, neck lanyard (long, neck lanyard)
The main purpose
It is convenient to carry mobile phone and decorate mobile phone. Other functions include蓝牙rdc flashing light amobile怎么读nd stylus. For example: Nlanyard 是什么意思okia 5800 lanyard
The production of mobile phone laphonemesnyamobilerd: small mobiledecoration什么意思中文 phone lanyard actually needs a lot of processes, thedecoration怎么读音 following example of ordinary mobile phone lakindlenyard production procehanging treess and raw matermobilelegendsial prhanging downeparation.
Molanyardhole是什么意思bile phone lanyard first need materials:
1. Ribbohanging翻译n: nylon, PP, polyester aphone怎么读语音nd high elastic cotton are generally usdecoration的动词ed to make mobile phone lalanyardhole是什么意思shings. The general specifications are 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm and so on.
2. Accesmobilelegendssories: The general ahanging outccessorhangingies are metal hooks, dlanyard海词ocument clips, etc., and tdecoration的动词he plastic ones are aircraft buckles, inserts, safety bucklhanginges, etc.
3. Printing: general mobile phhangingone lanyard and other popular fadecorations是什么意思shion text and figures, etc.
4. Assembly: after printing, cut according to the specified size, add string, plastic buckle, glue or press metal sheet, and finally package. After ihanging treenspectiohanging upn, a lanyard was rmobilelinkeady for shipment.
The range odecoration的动词f use of mobile phone lanyard is nodecoration怎么读t only mobile phone, there are many products and industries can be used, such as [1] &mobile怎么读 NBSP; CD player, toy, radio, flashlight, game machine, USB disk, MPlanyard pull handle3, MP4, learning machine, walkie-talkie and so on. Any product that needs to be portable can be used.

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