About holding the selection of 2010-2011 Director, first Deputy Director, second deputy Director and secretary general of Lions Club shenzhen

Distinguished Council members,
According to the international lions club charter, the relevant provisions of the articles of association of lions clsecond什么意思ubs in shenzhen, shenzhen lions is scheduled for April 24, 2010 of the eighth district aholding怎么读nnual meeting, will the election of a new director, first deputy director, the second deputy director and secretary geabout怎么读neraldirectory什么意思, now scheduled fofirst怎么读r April 10, 2010-2011, first deputy director, director of the second deputy director and secretary-general will elect. The relevant mattdeputy和vice的区别ers are hereby notified as follows:
&nbsabout后面动词什么形式p; 1. Registered as a legal citizen of the People’s Republic of China; 2. He has a good reputation in the field of lion affairs, and has served asfirst翻译成中文 the president aselectionchangend member of the district council; 3. Sdirector是什么意思upport the line, principles and policies of the Communist Party of China and have a good political quality;selection和election 4. Under the agfirstname填姓还是名e of 70; 5. Be healthy and able to work normally; 6. No criminal punishment for deprivation of political rightselection怎么读s; 7. Havisecondhandng full capacity for civdirectory什么意思il conduct; 8. Enthusiastic lion service, “contribution, effort, attendance, heart” performance; 9.directory是什么文件 Strongholdings翻译 organization,second翻译 coordination and leaselectionchangedership skilsecond什么意思ls; 10. The numbedirector是什么职位r of msecondembers of the association has reached 20; 11. Be recommended by 2/3 of the members of your affiliate.
&nbsdirectorsp; Timsecond什么意思e: 2:30-5:00pselectionm, April 10, 2009 (Saturday)
Iii. Location: District Council Office (13th Floor, Building D, Huaqing Yuan, No. 38, Luosha Jinger Road, Luohu District)
second缩写 Iv. Content of the meeting: Candidatedirectorys will be selected according to self-recommendfirstlyation speech, defense and secret ballot for the candidatsecondscreen下载es who have registfirstname填姓还是名ered to run for 2010-2011 as governor,second的基数词 first deputy Governor, secofirst是什么意思nd deputy Governor and secretary general.
V. Deadline for registrationsecondscreen下载: from nowholding翻译 on to 5:00 p.m. on April 6, 2010
Please arranfirst怎么读ge your own work and tdeputyhings, be sure to attend on time. If youaboutcg网站 have any questholding是什么意思中文ions, please call the District Council Office.
Contact persaboutcg网站on: Ma Huijuan & NBSP; Chen Lao grace & have spent Telephone: 25688567 & hdirectoryave spent about翻译 25688990
Wish you all the best! Good health!
&ndirectory是什么文件bsp; Shenzhen Lions Club
&nbdirectorshipsp; &nfirst namebsp;  about怎么读语音; &nselectionchangebsp; &nbsecond怎么读sp; 2010-2011 Director Zhang Guojun
&nbsecond缩写sp; &nbsfirsthandp; &nselectionprojectbsp; first青年电影展 &nupholdingbsp; March 29, 2010

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