Dream Service Team: held the first regular meeting of 2017-2018

Dream Service Team: held the first regular meeting of 2017-2018

On July 31, 2017, the first regular meeting of the 2017-2018 Liteam什么意思ons Club dream Service team was held at the Vocatifirstname填姓还是名onal Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled in Shahe Street, Nanshanheld过去式和过去分词 District. Li Feng, Deputy Secretary Generregular什么意思al and leader of Lion Guide shenzhendream是什么意思 for 2017-2018; Qi Kelin, Deputy director of Lion Guide Shenzhen and Leader of Dream Service Team; Lin Xinyue, Depumeeting是什么意思ty Director of Art Troupe;meeting是什么意思 Kuang Hong, Executivfirst怎么读e Chairman of Liondream图片 Enterprise Servicteam是什么意思翻译e Committee; Dream Service team 2017-2018 captain Liu Jinlai, Finance Wen Lirong, general affairs Gan Nenglin, director Huang Weiming and more than 20 people attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Liu Jinlai and Presided over by Huang Weiming.

Liuteam什么意思 Jiregularnlai rang the bell for the meeting and introduced the guests. Neservice是什么意思中文翻译w lion friends introdream是什么意思duce themselves respectively. Mr. Li Fengregular, deputy Secretary General, shared thfirst怎么读e book “Understanding Lions Club” to dedreamepen the undhelderstanding of lions club’s mission and developfirst怎么读ment history.

General affaiheld的中文意思rs Gan Nenglin summed up shahe street activities for tserviceablehe disateams手机版bled, thank you for yteamworkour active participation. Gu Daoming shares the grand occasion of the 100th Lions Club International Convention. Huang weiming informeregularlyd smeeting是什么意思hiyou to submdreamboat什么意思it electronic photos in time for the 2017-2018 membership card. Wen Lirong urged lion friends to sign up forheld英语怎么读 the 2016-2017 Tribute and 2017-2018 inaugural cerheld是hold的什么形式emony of Lions Club shenzhen, hoping that everyone could feel the warmth of lions Clservice可数吗ub family. Lin Xinyue shared her experience of participating in the 100th Lions Club International Annual Conference and the experience ofhelden lion Roaheld是hold的什么形式d in the past 10 years. Mr. Chickservice是什么意思ering announced the opedreamboat什么意思ning ceremony of the Dream Service Team and other matters, and encouraregular反义词gedregularly everyone to take charge of the service activities such as diabetes, Qinghai Yushu and “Double Love” action. Mrs Kmeetingswong encouraged everyone to take an active part in themeeting翻译 service acteam是什么意思翻译tivities.

In the end, Liu Jinlai summarheldized the regular meeregularting and hoped that everyone could give suggestions to the dream Sservice的名词erviceregularization Team.

After the meeting, we took a group photo and celebrated Wen’s birthday this month.

Article/picture contributed by dream Serviceservice可数吗 Team

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