Forward the domestic lion association to participate in the public welfare online school learning notice

Forward the domestic lion association to participate in the public welfare online school learning notice
Member Organizations:
In accordance with the spirit of the Strategicpublicize Cooperation Agreement between Domestic Lions Associawelfare是什么意思英语tion and Shenzhen International Philanthropy Institute (hereinaftelion的音标r referred to as the Cooperation Agreemenwelfare翻译t) sigdomestication翻译方法ned on April 10, 2017: Based on the mutually agreed vision and goals, as well as the riassociation英语ch public education resources, research practice and hionline是什么意思中文翻译gh-end talent training experience of the college, the association and the College plan to carry out strategic cooperation to summarize and inhdomestic翻译erit the practical experience of the Association, provide opportunities for the members to improve theparticipatemselves, and expand the cohesion and influence of the Assoconline怎么读iation.
In view of the fact that the online learning systeschoolingm of the Lion Charity Academy in China is stillparticipated ulionfishnder development, shenzhen International Charity Academy inparticipate相关变形vites its members to join the online learning of the charity school for free (see Attaparticipatechment 1) in order to meet the needs of tonlineproxyserverhepublic怎么读 lion friends.
The online public Welfare school currently consists of six modules: public welfarelionkk management, public welfare finance and social innovation, social services, public welfare humanitiforward什么意思中文翻译es and family inheritance, regulations and policies, and master classes (see Appendix 2). The courseware content of the public welfare online school is practicaparticipate翻译l, the form is short and concise, and the teachers are all first-class experts aonline怎么读英语nd scholassociation用法及搭配ars in China, which is very helpful for the members of the Domestic Lion Associaforward怎么读tion to undeparticipate翻译rstand and learnpublicity about public welfare.
In order to count the learning progress of each member, please log in to the publpublicityic welfare onllion怎么读ine school according to the requirements (Attachment 3), so that the learning status of each member can be counted, which will lay a foundation for the subsequent counting of crediparticipatedts of member learning by Zhongshi Public Welfare College.
Distforward怎么读ricts are requested to convey the spirit of this notice to all members.
Attachment: 1.Notice about partionline滑板cipating in the public welfare online school study
2.Introduction to the public welfare online school
3.Public welfare online schoolparticipate参与者 login and learning guide
National Lions Association Secretariat (Acting)
May 31, 2017

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