The 8th National Congress of Lions Association of China held in Shenzhen (Shenzhen Hotline – Editorial Office)

The eighth National Congress of lions association of China5month27It will be held in shenzhencongress和parliament Convention and Exhibition Cenlions翻译中文ter in the morning. Wang Naikucongress怎么读n, vice Chairman of China Disabled Persons’ Federation and Chairman of China Lions Association, Tang Xiaoquan, vice chairman of China Disabled Persons’ Federation and chairman of Tassociation和collection的区别he Advisory Committheldbacke同花顺e of China Lionhotline什么意思s Association, dai Beifang, Deputy Secretary of Shenzhen Municinational翻译pal Parnationalitiesty Committee attendedhotlink下载 the meeting. The reporter understands from the conference, establish12Shenzlions读音hen Lions Club service activities in 20045000Multiple timechinas, service expense褪黑素s1.2The number of beneficiarheld中文ies of its charitable services reached 100 million yuan3000Wan.
The Assembly considerassociation可数吗ed the National Li桃花源记翻译ons Association2012-2013.In the annual work report and financial report, we revised the constitution, workingnationalstadium rules and management methods of membership dues, estcongressablished and formulated the supervisory committee system, commended outstanding members, outstanding consultants, ohotlinkutstanding service teams, outstanding service projects an桃花源记翻译d special contributors, and adjusted and supplemented some mheld怎么读的embers of the leadership group of the Federation.
Dai Beifang, deputycongress翻译 Secretary of shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, spoke highly of the National Lions Association as a national non-governmental charity service group, whose service scope covers the disablednational是什么意思, education, disaster relief, public health and other fields. He said that Shenzhen is a city of love, as the first stop of the international lion spirit spreassociation怎么读ad in China,congress翻译 Shenzhen long ago12Over the years, under the leadership of the National Federation, shenzhen Lion Fheld是hold的什么形式ederation has be深圳风险等级en actively engaged in shenzhen public welfthinare and chari深圳大学ty for two consecutive timesPengchenlions英语怎么读g Charity Organization AwardandPengcheng Charityheld是hold的什么形式 Ou陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿tstanding Contribution Award&rhelddquo;The activities carried out have been awarded many times&ldq深圳疫情最新消息uo;The moscongresst satisfying activities for the publicIt has been widely passociation用法及搭配raiseheld的原型d by all walks of life.
Dai Beifang said that Shenzhen Lions Cl深圳天气ub is an excellent charilions读音ty organizatioassociation什么意思中文翻译成n that has gradually grown up in this fertile land full of lovlion是什么意思e. It is alupheldso an exc深圳疫情最新动态ellent public schinae深圳大学rvice organization that has been actively engaged in social co深圳地铁线路图nstruction in Shenzhen and widely praised by all circles under theassociation怎么读 leadeheld的原型rship of Domestic Lions Association. Shenzhen Lions Club has made a positive contribution to promoting the development of charity and building a harmonious societheld的原型y in Shenzhehotlink安卓下载n.

It is understoodchina翻译 that the domestic lion assolions怎么读ciation across the country520Multiplelions怎么读 service teams,14000Other members. Among them, the Shenzhen Lions Club has a service team90Multiple, member2700Many people. Shenzhehotlink下载appn Lions Clubshenzhen since2002Since its establishment in 2006, under the leadership and gucongress怎么读idancenational怎么读 of Chinheld是hold的什么形式a Disabled Persons’ Federatiassociation什么意思on, China Lions Association, Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, munihotline什么意思cipal authorities, the competent departments of associatilions怎么读ons and the Municilions翻译pal Disabled Persons’ Federation,association用法及搭配 we have complied with the domestic laws and regulations and adhered to the&l深圳疫情最新消息dquo;Our serviceIt has carried out a serieheld怎么读的s of public welfare and charitable activities in the fields of catarcongress怎么读act surgery, disaster relief and povertheldbacky alleviation, and helping the disabled and helping students, making positive contributions to the construction of a harmonious society. According to incomplete statistics, in the past eight years, the service actiheld的中文意思vities of The Shenzhen Lions Club have reached a maximum5000Multiple times, service expenses1.2More than 100 million yuan, for13000A number of poor cataract patients performed free surgeries and donated money for disastcongress和parliamenter relief4800More than ten thousand yuan, to help the disabled and orphans donatiassociation可数吗ons700More than ten thousandhotline什么意思 yuan, donations30A number of lioassociationn schools, benefiting up to2800Tnational翻译en thousand people, servnational翻译ice通货膨胀下什么最保值 footprint throughout Tibet, Xinjiang, Shanxi, Henan, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Guizhou annationalityd other parts of深圳大学 the country.


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