The 10th and 11th batch of flood relief materials of Shenzhen Lions Club set off for Guangdong

The 10th and 11th batch of flood relief materials of Shenzhen Lions Club set off for Guangdong
深圳风险等级 At 8:30am on August 22, 2013, the Puninbatch什么意思g Pioneer team of Greliefuangdong Lions Club officially set out a退婚后大佬她又美又飒gain. Under the guidance of Mr. Lai Weilin, executive Chairman of Environmental Protectibatchon and Transrelief翻译成中文portation Civilization Committee, Peng Ruping, president of Songgang Service Team, led Nine lions including Brother Wu Rujia, Brother Zhang Hanyong, Brothlions英语怎么读er Lai Jiayong, Brother Yu Rong and their family members La深圳疫情最新动态i Cuiping深圳疫情最新消息, Liu Huachang and Zhang Yong to send the 10th batch of emergency relief mater深圳疫情最新消息ials of Shenzhen Lions Club to the disaster area. Lions inmaterial是什么意思 the first 12 at the same time, when at 1materials什么意思1:00 am, shclub怎么读enzhen area of thunder hd xixiang service Cao Haihong lion brother rate, KuangShaoFeng, marimaterials期刊time cloud service wang hao, Jiang Changbing, smallclub with service ted tse, Chen Zhuzhan, a trelief是什么意思啊otalions英语怎么读l of seven lions club in shenzhen guangdong flood rlionsgateelief of 11 emergency relief mamaterials影响因子terials including rice, instanbatcht noodles, flashlight sent to the British and the disaster area.
Best wishes to piclubsoneer Lion friends! Bless Guangdong褪黑素! Shenzhen Lions Clubrelief怎么读 in action!

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