Passing on Love — Shenzhen Lions Club takes up the baton and carries out “Stay Behind Hope? Set out for Love sixth stop activity

The transmission of love. — Shenzhen Lions Club takes up the baton and carries out & LDquo; Remaining Hope & Bull; Starting out for love ” Sixth stop Activity
October 25-27, 2014, China Lions Association & LDQUO; Remaining Hope & Bull; Starting out for love ” The sixth stop of the project was carried out in Shenzhen. Shenzhen Lions Club raised a service fund of 60,000 yuan by auctioning 10 lots donated by zhejiang Member Management Commilions翻译中文ttee oupsetf Domestic Lions Club, the organizer of the fifth stop, and transferred 10 lots donated by S八筒图片henzhenlovealarm Lions Club to Guangdong Lionupons Club for auction. Meanwhile, On behalf of the National Lion Association, we donated 200 lion love bags toutbreako 200 poor students in Xingtai Experimental Soutfitch巴统oollove直播软件安卓下载 in Shenzhen. Shclub翻译enzhen lions club President of 2014-2015, Lin Ziyu, first deputy chairman Lin Tao, second deputy chairman ShiJianYong, secretary-general Zengout什么意思 Shi raisepassenger翻译, sergeants-at-arup主ms long tian wang, deputy secretary-general takasu, fiupperrst an-ping zheng, chairman of the partition,深证指数 the second partition, lillion是什么意思中文翻译yclubman是什么牌子车 and fifthbaton division Presiuplaydent Zhang Zhihe, seventh Liao Ronghui, chairman of thetake什么意思中文 part塔克世ition, the 10th division, generation of the macro and 14 division President any pay Such as the Lion friends, the National Lion association & LDquo; Remaining Hope & Bull; Starting out for love ” Guo-zhong wang, chairman of the project implemuponentation, public weupstairslfare team caup是什么意思呢ptain liu and member management committee chairman partition Duan Yujing 8 in Beijing, such as Beijing nine lions,takes zhejiang member the second partition management committee chairman ni dharma, seven lions, zhejiang Qingdao member management committee sixthout什么意思 partition ChanZhepassing翻译ngBin, Harbin member manage塔克世ment committeeclubman是什么牌子车, chairman of the lion friend Chen lei, More than 200 teachers, students anduplay media friends frotake什么意思中文m Shenzhen Xingtai Experimental School attended the event.
&nb深圳疫情最新消息sp; “ Remaining Hope & Bull; Starting out for love &rd霸统天下quo; Toutfithe project of Caring for left-behind children is one of the colovealarmmmemorative activities of the 10th anniversary of the Domestic Lion Association. It is initiated by the Beijing Member Management Committee, sponsored by the Domestic Lion Assoclionsgateiation and supported by the Lion Foundation. It will be carried out successivelytake是什么意思 among the 10 member management organizations in China.
&ldquo塔可是什么; Remaining Hope拓客是什么 & Bull; Starting out for love ” The sixth stop of the project was organized bpassenger翻译y Shenzhen Lionslions翻译 Club and co-organized by Shenzhen Lions Clions的音标lub Longcheng Service Team and Poai Service Team. All the funds raised in the event were donated to China Lions Fund and designated for the projectoutstanding of caring for left-behind children.
&nbsup是什么意思呢p; 25, & other; Remaining Hope & Bull; Startitakes是什么意思ng out for love ” After passing throughuplay Harbin, Shenyang, Dalian, Qingdao and Zhejiang, the project team arrived in Shenzhen accompanied by shiyou representatives from Zhejiang Memb八筒er Mpassenger怎么读anagement Committee. The organizing committee heabatonded by Shi Jilovely翻译anyong went to Heao service arealove直播手机版app下载 of Jihe Expressway to welcome them and held a welcome ceremony.
Twelve lots raised 60,000 yuan
 lions翻译中文; On the afbatonternoon of the 26th, “ Remaining Hope & Bull; Starting out for love ” The fundraising etakes是什么意思vent was held in the multi-function hatakeshill of Shenzhen Lionlovely什么意思s C深圳天气lub office, with Wang Xingupstairs Tian as the host and auctioneer. The lion friends Lin Ziyu, Lin Tao, Shi Jianyong, Tian Wangxing, Zheng Aout什么意思nping, Zhang Zhihe, Liu Lebin, Zhang Jian, Zheng Huopi巴统ng, Wu Yuqiong and Zheng Xingwu wolovelyn 10 lots donated by zhejiang Membership Management Committee and 2 lots raised by Shenzhen Lions Club, with a total auct巴统ion sumlion是什么意思中文翻译 of 60,000 YUANoutput.
Shi jianyong expressed his welcome to the lions from other places and thanked the organizing committee for their harlions怎么读d worklions的音标. Wang Guobypassingzhong introduced & LDquo; Remaining Hope & Bull; Starting out for loutbreakove ” The project. Ni Fat巴统组织ang delivered a speech on behalf of zhejiaoutfitng Member Managpassengeremeoutragent Committee. The representative of zhejian八筒图片g membership Management Committee handed over the project service flag to the representative of Shenzhen Lions Clu深圳疫情最新消息b. Shenzhen Lions club will issue clionsertificates of honor to shenzhen li深圳疫情最新动态ons who donate lots and win lots.
In her speech, Lin Ziyu said that Shenzhen Lions Club has long深圳天气 been concerned about the issue of ltakeseft-behind children, which is very consistent with the theme of this projectlove直播破解版. Passing on love ” Therefore, this activity houtlook邮箱as b深圳疫情een highly rclubsecognized and resonated by shenzhen Lion friendslions读音. In order to help left-behind cuplayhildren, lion friends compete toclubmed show siclub是什么意思gns of love, de深圳地铁线路图dication, admirable.
&nboutbreaksp; Finlove直播手机版app下载ally, Shi Jianyong gave a speech of appreciation,拓客是什么意思 he said, thioutrages auction has achtake是什么意思ieved a complete success, as the chairman of this activity, he would like to thankclubmed you for the lion friends of love and dedication, he encouraged the liouppern friends in the public welfare on the road as always go on, will be public welfare to the end, for more people in need to provide charity services.
200 l霸统天下ion love packs spread love深圳市最新疫情
&nupsbsp; On the morning of the 27th, &LDquo; Remaining Hope & Bull; Starting out for love ” The donation cere霸统天下mony was helshenzhend at Xingtai Exper八筒imental School in Shenzhen. The organizers donated shi Ai bags, includinclub是什么酒g stationery such as diclion是什么意思中文翻译tionaries and writing cases, sports goods such as basketball and shuttlecolovely什么意思ck, and books such as Dupi Zi GUI, tlions英语怎么读o 200 poor studentpassenger造句s in theoutrage school.
Gao Zhouupdate, on behalf of Shenzhen Lions Club, expresbatonsed his hearpassing是什么意思tfelt thanks to the school leaders for thebypassingir strong support to this activity, and welcomed the lio八通线n friends from Beijing, Qingdao, Hapassing是什么意思rbin and Zhejiang member塔克世 managementuplay Committee. Wang Guozhong on behalf of the project team introduced & LDquolions翻译; Hope left behind for loveclub ” Project background and activitbypassingy form. The student representative and the school principal expressed their gratitude to the Lions Club.
At the coutlook邮箱onclusion of his speech, Shi jianyong hoped that the students could overcome difficulties alove直直播appnd finish their studies. He also hoped that they could hlion是什么意思elp the people around them in npassingeed as far as they could, repay their parents’ kindneslove直播破解版s and repay the society’深圳市最新疫情s love八筒 and care.
lions翻译 &upnbsp; Subsequently, gao Zhou, Zhang Zhihe, Chen Zhuzhan,lions怎么读 he Xinru and other eight represent深证指数atives of Shenzhen Lion friends, acoutlook邮箱companied. Remaining Hope & Middot; Startintakesg out for love ” The prlove直直播appoject team drove to the next stop. &mdtake什么意思中文ash; Guangdong Lions Club, clionsgateontinue to spread love.
Su Zhuangbin Cheng Zhaohua

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