More than 1.2 million yuan helped nearly 5,000 people to benefit (source: Shenzhen Evening News A18 on October 20, 2014)

Shenzhen Evening News (reporter Wang xiaofang The correspondent Supeople怎么读 Zhuang his Yesterday, the reporter learned fmillion的意思rom the Shenzhen Lions Club, since8m元气骑士破解版onth29Smillion怎么读英语henzhen Lions Club was launched “The transmission of love·hope”Community theme service since the1Months, nearly50In response to the call, thousands of lion fr默认网关iends in yellow vests continued to carry out outdoor activities in shenzhen’s major communities, snearly翻译uch as visiting children with special needs, helping children withmore是什么意思 diffmillion是什么意思英语iculties, and helping the disabled49Field, activity service expenses120More than ten thousand yuan, the number of beneficiaries4800Mathanksgivingny people.
It is repopeoplesrted,“The transmission of love”Community Theme Sthankervice Month activity is the Shenzhen Lions Club2014~2015One of the key work of the year, activities by4Part of,“The transmission of love·hope”The first of tmillionairehese activities was the theme service mothan怎么读的nth for poverty alleviation comoremmunities“Love posthankfult”,“Red lion suit·Assistive standing&rdq元气骑士破解版uo;To provide material, spiritual and legmillionaire是什么意思al assistance to the disadvantaged families in the community.
Shenzhen Limillionsons Club2014~2015Annual president Lin Ziyu ipeople可数吗ntroduced,“Bmore翻译ased on the local, serve the community”It is the serhelped是什么意思英语vice缘之空 direction of Shenzhen Lions Club for many yearspeople是什么意思 and alsnearly什么意思o the focus of this year’s work. Community service is not only convenient for lion friends to participate in, but also convenient to concentrate limited funds so that the disadvantaged groups around can get more help.“The transmission of love·hope”The launch of the activity is a good start fohelped的意思r this year’s community theme service montpeople的复数形式h activities, in the following community theme service month activities, Shenzhen Lions clmillionsub will be100The lion friends are the main bthankedody of the rest of the service teams, which will influence more caring peopl魔人布欧e and caring enterprises in the society to圆通快递查询单号 joint默认网关ly pay attentithanks怎么读on to and help the disadvantaged groups and the dinearly和hardly区别sabled groups around us.
Acmore是什么意思cording to the introduction, shenzhen Lions club in addition to9In the month“The transmission of love·hope”In addition to the community theme service month, it will also be in this year12Month to carry out“The trahelped的意思nsmission of love·Embrace the angelthan后面加什么”,2015years2Month to carry out“The transmission of lovemillion的用法·Watch themore sunset”,2015years5Month to carry out“The transmisshelped的读音ion of love·Grnearly怎么读ateful mother”Community Theme Sermore的原级vice Month activities. These activities all by shenzhen lions unified planning, participation, the servicmore是什么意思译e in the intyuanegration of shenzhen lions traditimore怎么读onal assistive, povermillionairety alleviation, on the basis of the respectmillionaire是什么意思 such as community service brand, try to carry out tnearly翻译he care difficult activitieshelped用英语怎么说 such as a single mother a圆周率nd take care of children with autism, at the smore的原级ame time, the traditional assistive project to make the brand upgrade, expand he魔人布欧lping people, raises the service level.
The lion will元尊 help
Low 8month29day Xithanks怎么读n ‘an street20Poor college stumoredents get each5000Yuan fundinyuang,50Each handicapped person received2000Yuan funding,20Every poor family gets3000Yuan subsidy, service funds up to26Ten thousandpeople是单数还是复数 yuan.
Low 8month30solstice9month7day Shmillion翻译enzhen Linearly和hardly区别ons Club30Representatives of many service teams walkhelped的意思ed into the sign“Red lion suit·Assistive st元气骑士anding”Street job health center to carry out the Mid圆通快递查询单号-Autumn Festival condolence activities, for the disabled and elderly friends in the community to bring moon cakes, opeople是什么意思il, rice, mattresses, massage chairs, water dispensers, computers, TV and other daily necessities.
Lohelped是什么意思英语w 8month30day In the meetihelped的读音ng room on the second floor of the Pepeoplesople’s Hospital, the Lions Club of Shenzhen and the Ningsanatorium of Shenzhen People’s Hospmoreoverital held a joint perfhelped的ed发什么音标ormance“The lion home of love·The Mid-Autumn festival care&millionrdquo;For the theme of activities, so that patientnearly怎么读s and thpeople怎么读enearly和hardly区别ir families can feel the atmosphere and warmth of the festival.
* 9month1people可数吗6day Shenzhen Lions Club splendid Service team, Shatou Strpeople怎么读eet, Futian District12Disabled peoplthanke, elderly people and poor fami圆通快递查询单号lies in themoreover community donated100Mattress sets, total value12Tmillion的用法en thousand yuan.
*more是什么意思 9month19day Yantian Service team of Shenzhen Lions Club held the third Domestic Charity exhibition“The transmipeople币ssion of love·hope&元气骑士rdquo;Donation to Ythanlulaantian Caihong Spenearly同义词cial Education Institution3RMB 10,000 rehabilitation training fee for autistic children.
&nbsmore怎么读p; Reporter from Shenzhen Evening News Wang xiaofang The correspondent Su Zhuang his Fmore的原级inishing)

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