Hand in hand, Pair up, Accurate Assistance for The Disabled — Accurate Assistance for the Disabled Project exchange meeting was held smoothly

Co-sponsored by Shenzhen Lions Club, Shenzhen Association of Physically Disabled Persons, Shenzhen Association of The Blind, Shenzhen Association of Themeeting是什么意思中文翻译 Deaf, Shenzhen Association of Mentally Disabled Persons and Relatives and Friends, Shenzhen Association of Mentally Disabled Persons and Relatiexchange短语ves and Friends, The tdisabled电脑启动项argeted Poverty alleviation project exchange meeting organized by Shenzhen Lions Club Poverty Alleviation and Disability Support Committee was held in the conference room on the 13th floor of Shenzhe邯郸学步的意思n Comprehensive Service Cdisabled是什么意思enter for the Disabled. At the meeting, the Lassistanceions Club of Shenzhen and the five major associations conductedupset peer-to-peer communication on accessibility projects.
Fu Xiangpair翻译yang, Chairman of Shenzhen Association fpair怎么读or Physically Disabled Persons, Wu Miaochun, Vice-chairman of Shenzhen Aproject软件使用教程ssociation for the Blind, Ma Jingyang, Chairman of Shenzhen Association for the Blind, Zaccurate的意思heng Rui, Chairman of Nanshan District Blind Association, Jiang Yin, Wang Yiproject翻译n, Yuan Zhizhong, Vice-chairman of Luohu Dismeeting的音标trict Blind Association, Zhu Xianxian, Chairman of Saccurate怎么记忆henzhen Association for the Deaf, Wang Yiqiaassistance是什么意思英语ng, Ouaccurate反义词yang Mingguo, Shen Pan, Zeng Zhaoheng, Liao Yanhui, Huang Yimei, Chairman of Shenzhen Association oprojectionf Mdisabled造句entally Disabled Perprojectsons andprojector Fassistance的动词形式riends and Relatives; Zhang Yafei, Chairman of Shenzhen Association of Mentally Disadisabledbled Persons and Friends and Relatives; Lin Shaofen, Zhang Huirong, Lu Caiwen, Vice Chairmmeeting翻译en; Shenzhen Lionsexchange账户密码不正确 Club 2019-2020 President Weng Hua, last pproject翻译resident Ma Min, Secretary General Du Hengkun, General Direproject是什么意思ctor Liao Ronghui, chaiassistance和help的区别rman CAI Min of Zone 3, Chairman Wei Xinxin of Zdisabled是什么意思oneup主 10, Supervisor Li Chunchang, Chairman Su Jianhua of The Commiaccuratelyttee for Poverty Alleassistance怎么读viation anddisabled电脑 Disability, Executive Chairman Luo Gassistance的动词形式uanqi and more thapairedn 40 lion friends attended the meetinup是什么意思呢g. The meeting was chaired by Wang Hansong.
Ma Mproject软件in, former Presiassistance是什么意思dent of ccPIT Xiamen, introduced the backgrounpaird ofup the project. She said that since its establishment, Shenzhen Lions Club has actimeeting腾讯会议vely carried oproject中成本分为ut activitiassistance动词es to help the disabupsled, and created a baccurately翻译rand proje邯郸疫情ct “Red Lion Clothing for the disabled station”, where the service team and the Occupatprojectionional health centepairedr pair up to help the disabled. After years of exploration and practice, Shenzhenupper Lions Club hopes to improve the service capacity of “Red Lion Clothing Disabled Support Station”, accurately help the disabled in thassistance翻译e five major associproject中成本分为ations, and gradually expand the activities to the field of accurapair翻译te assistance for the disabled. She hoped tha邯郸疫情最新情况t reprexchange造句esentatives of theupset Service teams of Shenzhen Lions Cluupsb anpairs是什么意思d the fiaccurate反义词ve major associations would have face-to-face anup是什么意思呢d point-to-point communication in this targeted assistance project exchange meeting. The service team would continue to advance towards the p派瑞松软膏的作用和功效recise route according to tdisabled翻译he matchiaccurate翻译ng resources displayed by the fivmeeting是什么中文意思e major associations, and effectively meet the needs of the disabled.
Weng Hua, praccurateesident of Shenzhen Lions Club, said that since its establishment, under the leadership of Shenzhen Disabl邯郸限号edexchange翻译 Persoassistance是什么意思ns’ Federation, Shenzhen Lions Club has beuponen adhering to the concept of “we serve” and sexchange什么意思erving the seven types of disabled people in Shenzhen. He wants to, through the exchange, the shenzhen lexchange邮箱ions will womeetingyou是什么意思rk closely with shenzhen disabled persons’ federation, and smeeting是什么意思trengtup主hen communication and contact with five special association, strengthen the auxiliary support, actively integrate social resources, to build a full range of service platform for the disabled, etc. FexchangeuCan assistive fine social trends, make more people to respemeeting翻译ct the disabled, care, Let the d邯郸疫情最新情况isabled feup主el the warmth ofassistance的动词形式 a harmonious society.
Then, the representatives of Shenzhepairn Associatpair怎么读ion for the Blind, Shenzhen Association for The Physi派瑞松软膏cally Disabled, Shenzhen Association for The Mentally Disabled and their Relatives and Friends, Shenzhen Association for the Deaf, Shenzhen Association for the Mentally Disabled and their relatives and Friends took turns to introduce the project. Lions of each service team asked questions about the project. Lion friends and repr派瑞股份esentatives of tuphe five major associations reached a coexchange造句nsensus through full communic邯郸学步的意思atio邯郸学步的意思n, and initially decided to carry out targeted disability services.
Du Hengkun, Secreaccurate的名词tary-General of the Disabled persons’ Federation, made a concluding speech, thanking the chairmen of the five major associations of the DISABLED persons’ Federation for their wonderful sharing and their support to the activities of shenzhenpair Lions Club. He said that making full use of social forces to create convenient conditions and a friendly environment for the deveexchange用法及搭配lopment of the dispairedabled is to solve the problems of thprojectione authorities and the disabled. The five major associations have put forward many targeted and practical projects. I hexchange翻译ope that the var邯郸ious specialized working orgdisabled是开启还是关闭anizations and serexchangevice teams of Shenzhen Lions Club will actively cooperatprojects怎么读e wimeetingth each other. After the conference, they willdisabled翻译 continue to discuss and study tmeeting的音标he projepairscts, link up various resources, and truly implemedisabled的形容词nt the projects to vigorously proaccurate的名词mote theproject是什么意思 development of the cause of taccurate的名词he disabled in the new era.
The targeted Disabled Project exchange meeting set up an open anassistance和help的区别d harmonious platform for lion friends aaccuratend representatproject软件使用教程ives of the five major associations to proprojectormote the precision and serialization of shenzhen Lionsmeeting是什么中文意思 Club’s disabled services. Precise assistance to the disabled, the warmth of the people in need.
【 Text 】 Huang Xinran
[Photo] Huang Xinran
[Editor] Ma Huijuan Lin Yanfen
[Composition] Hu Lei
Shenzhen Lions Club

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