Righteous Service Team: Inaugurating the 2019-2020 annual change of leadership

On July 26, 2019, the inauguration ceremony for the 2019-2020 regular service team of Shenzhen Lions Club was held at The Star Zunservice翻译yi International Hotel in Zunyi city, Guizhou Province. Lu Zannualizedhchangei嫦娥古诗qiang, the first vice President of 2019-2020, Jing Miaojun, the Deputy secretary general of Shenzherighteous怎么读n Lions Club, Gao Ling, the supervisor, representatives of Sijijiufang Tianjin Commerce And Trade Co., LTD., Pengcheng Wteamproine Co., LTD., and all the lion friends, their families and guests from the zhengdao service tearighteousness的意思m attended the ceremony. The ceremony was chaired by Chen Gang and preinauguration是什么意思sided over by Zhu Wenwannual是什么意思en and Gao Ling.


At the beginning of the ceremony, the lion friends of the Right Way Service team, dressed in red lionserviceman costume, walked toinauguration the stleadership是什么意思age with their headsannual的名词 held hiservice怎么读gh and their handsannual翻译 waving, demonstrating a confident, harmoniouleadership翻译s and energetic team.

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Team leader Qiu Hongserviceying rep嫦娥奔月的读音orted tteam是什么意思翻译he work in 2018-2019. She thanked the leaders and guests for their support to the Right Way Service team and all the lion friends for their hard work. Last year, the Right Way Service team actively carried out public welfare actiinauguratingvities such as student assistance, asannuallysistance to the disabled,leadership英文解释 red aannual造句ction,righteous是什么意思 respect for the elderly, care for women, care for left-behind children,annual翻译 peace poteams会议sters, poverty alleviation and disaster relief, which achieved good sociteamoal benefits and succeserviceablessfully completed the annual work targetteams会议. Han Honghua financial report iteam是什么意思翻译n detail last yearservice zhengdao service team fundsservice是什么故障灯 oannual是什么意思f the income and expenditure.

In order to commend tinaugurationhe lion friends whannuallyo made outstanding contributions to the right Way Service team last year, qiu Hongying, the former leader, presented outstanding Membteamproer award, Outstanding Member Award, Gratitude support award and Oservice和serve的区别utstanding New talent award to the lion frienrighteousness和justice区别ds, and awarded certificateannual造句s to the caring enterprises that gave great support to the right Way Servicleadership是什么意思英语e team. Later, members of the 2018-2019 Captain tservice和serve的区别eateams手机版m of the Straight Path Sservice是什么意思ervice team took to the stage to receive their tributes.

In the preleadership的中文意思sence of leaders lion friends anannual翻译d gservicemanuests witness, Qiu Hongying handed over the ribboservice是什么意思n and scepter to Du Taozhe.


Du Taozhe, leader of the team, reporteannualizedd the 2019-2020 work plan, arighteousnd hoped that lions friends would work together to open up a glorious road for public welfare and good cause. Du Taozhe, captain of the team, presented appointment certificates to the members of the new team and led them to r嫦娥奔月的读音ead their inaugural promises. Pledge for new memberighteousnessrs of the Right Path Sannual翻译ervice.



Lu Zhiqiang, the first vice President of CCNleadershipA, affirmed the work of the Righrighteousness和justice区别t Way Service Team in the last year, and hoped that the right Way Service Team, under the leadershipleadership的四种类型 of the new leader Dleadership的四种类型u Taozhe, would continue to carry forward the lion spirit, inherit the lion culture, activleadership的定义ely practice the spirit of “four out”, andrighteousness的意思 contribute to the pub嫦娥奔月lic welfare cause.

Ma Jinsong, president of Tianjin Trading Co., LTD., took the stage to share the public welfare of the enterprise, and donated 100,000 yuan to the right way service team.


Finally, all lion f嫦娥奔月的读音riends chorus “I love lions club”, Lion Nine operation center singing “Four Ten Nine Fang Fu”, lion friend Mo Han’s old fatherrighteousness和justice区别 brought a song “Little White Sheep”, wonderful prograservice和serve的区别m ignited the atannual怎么读mospheannual怎么读re of the party. The inauguration ceremony was succesleadership是什么意思sfully completed. Thanks to the orga嫦娥四号探测器在哪发射nizers for their hard work.


Article/photo contributed by The Right Way Serviannualce Team

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