Notice | about in Hiroshima, Japan attending the 58th annual meeting and southeast Asia to Singapore to make travel arrangements at the 103th annual meeting of the international tender announcement

Dear Lion friend,
The 58th Lions Asia Convention will be held in Hiroshima, Japan fr通货膨胀下什么最保值om November 7 tattending什么意思o 10, 2019, and the 103rd Lions Conventionjapan will be held in Singapore from June 26 t童话故事o 30, 2notice是什么意思020.
In order to mobilize more lion friends to participate in tmeeting腾讯会议he annual meeting, do a good job of the annual meeting remeeting怎么读英语lsoutheastated organizatimeeting翻译on work, especiannual造句ally for the public to issue a public bidding announcement, isannual英语怎么读 willing tmeetingtencentcomo more capable, responsible, meeannual的名词t the requirements of travel agencies active陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿ly participate in the bidding, but also hope that the majority of liattending什么意思on friends actively recommend.
The 58th Lions Club International Southeast Asia Convention (Hiroshima, Japan)
1. Conference schedulnotice是什么意思e: It is necesthsary to ensure that lions can attend the opening ceremony, Chinese seminar and closing ceremony, and the conference scheduannual是什么意思le from November 7 to 10 (4 days and 3 nights);
2. For other rohiroshima课后答案utes, we need to ensure that lions cannual怎么读an attend the opening ceremony, aattendingnd try our best to participate in other activities related to the Annual Conference of Southeast Asia;
3. The conference hotel shall designate the hotel in the annual conference (if not, the standard facilitiesnotice同义词 sjapanhall be of the samaboutcg网站e level or above, and the distance from the conference venaboutcgue, transportatithon time and hotel name shall be indicated), and the hotels in other cities shalmeetingl be four stars or above of international chain brands;
The hotel booking interface ofnotice的形容词 the offannuallyiciameeting翻译l website of the annual conference pabout怎么读语音rovides a nunotice的固定搭配mber of hotels cooperatijapan意思ng with the organizing committee for your reference. https://www.kntcs.cannual是什么意思的形容词2019meeting/oseal_forum/
4. A detaileabout后面动词什么形式d itinerary is required, including scenic spots, transportation, accommodation, meals, guides, etc.;
5. During the conference, cooperate with the tour schedule and expense details;
6. The line has characteristics and advantages and the pattending医生rice is reasonable.
The 103rd Lions Club International Conv褪黑素ention (Singapoabout后面动词什么形式re)
1. Route of the conference group: The schedjapan读音ule of the conference from June 26 to 30, 202annual造句0 (5 days and 4 nights) iannualizeds required to ensure that lions can partsoutheast怎么读icipate in the international paradsoutheast是什么意思英语e, opening ceremony, Chinese seminar, annual voting and closing ceremony;
2. Other itineraries shall ensuresoutheast that lions can participate in internatiomeeting是什么意思nal parades, openinnoticeableg ceremonimeetingses and other international annual meetings as much as possible;
3. The conference hotel shall dannual同义词esignate the hotel in the annual conference (if not, the standard facilities shall be of the same level or above, and the distance from thmeetingtencentcome conference venue, transportation time andth hotel name shall be indicated), and theannualized hotels in other cities shall be four stars or above of international chain braannual同义词nds;
4. A detailed itinerary is褪黑素 required, including cities, attractions, transportation, accommodation, meals, tour guides, etcnotice.
5. During the conference, cooannualsperate with the tour schedule and expense details;
6. The line has characteristics and advantaannual是什么意思ges and the price is reas陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿onable.
Three, quotation requirements:
1. Means of transportation: inhiroshima课后答案cluding airlines, class, flights, tour buses, etc.
2. Accommodation: Name of the hotel, location and proxannual怎么读imsoutheast翻译ity to the venue during the conference (please referabout-face to lions Club international’s designaannual造句ted hotel rate list).
3. Dining: menu, restaurant location, Chinese and Western food, dishes and soups, meat and vegetable dishessoutheast是什么意思英语.
4. Standard number of team leaders and local escorts.
5. Design itineraries according to the special requirements of lion friabout怎么读ends and make sabout-faceeparate qunoticedotations.
6. Indicate the price difference between pure play and in-store. The shopping store must be a business with guaranteed reputation and qualitymeeting是什么意思中文翻译 designated by the Tourism Bureau, and indicate the in-store quantity and stay time, etc.
7. The content and price details of self-finnotice的形容词anced activities shall be properly arranged and forced buying and selling, misleading andnotice的形容词 entmeeting怎么读英语icing behaviors shall be strictly prohibited.
Iv. Basic qualification requirements foabout是什么意思r travel agencies:
1. Comp通货膨胀下什么最保值lete certifiaboutcgcates andnoticed licenses (busineannual翻译ss licabout是介词吗enseabout, licenseannuals, code certificate, tax certificate, etc.), copies with official seal and power of attorney of legal representative.
2. Travel agency headquarters wattendingith exit qualification from Japan and Singapore shall operate thsoutheast是什么意思e operation, and no cjapan翻译ontracting or affiliatabout是介词吗ed travel agency dep通货膨胀下什么最保值artattending什么意思ments or business departmmeetingents shall be accepted for bidding.
3. Travel agencies in Shenzhen or legal agencies in Shenzhen.
4. Company profile, scale, advantages in organabout后面动词什么形式izing Italian tourism, experience in organizing large-scale conannual怎么读ferences or business visits.
5. Habout翻译ow much attentannual怎么读ion the cosoutheast是什么意思mpany attaches to this bidding, what kinotice过去式nd of team it plans to arrange to track the service, and the quality and s童话故事ervice of the operators.
6. Have y童话故事ou ever participated in lions club projects and knonotice的形容词w about lions Club conventions?southeast怎么读
V. Procedures and Time:
1. Deadline for bidding: 14:00, Thursday, September 12, 2019
2. Each bidder shall inform the bidder whether to bid and provide the contact infonotice是什么意思rmation of the bidder before 12:00 on September 11 (Wednesdameeting是什么中文意思y). Contact person: Huang Xinran, tel: 25689752.
3. Bid opening time: 14:00, September 12, 2019
4. Place of bid opening: Shenzhen Lions Club Office (13 / F, Build童话故事ing D, Huaqing Yuan, No. 38, Luosha Jinger Road, Luohu District, 518003)
Bidders are requthinested to send representatives to the bid openmeetinging place to attend the bid opening meeting at the time oannual英语怎么读f bid opening.
All travel agencies are welcome to participate in the bidding!
Annex 1 Schedule of lions Internatmeeting是什么意思中文翻译ional 58th Annual Convention inannual Southeast Asia (Hiroshima, Japan). XLS
Appendix 2 Lions Club International 103rd Convesoutheast翻译ntion schedule (tenmeetingtative).pjapan意思df
Annex 3about是什么意思 Designated hotel rates and maps for the 103rd Intermeeting怎么读英语national Convention (Singapore). PDF
Shenzhen Lions Club 2019-2020
Chairman of the Inte通货膨胀下什么最保值rnatiannual翻译onal Cosoutheastern是什么意思nvention Committee: Dong Shige
Executive Chairmen: Zhan Wenli, Zhang Jinlian, Chen Heng
September 3, 2019

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