Chinese Business Service Team: held the ninth regular meeting of 2019-2020

On March 26, 2020, the 9th regular meeting of Chinese Business Service Team of Shenzhen Lions Club 2019-2020 was helmeetingsd in the family Banquet Reninth-gradestaurant in Junzheldeni Square, Futian District in the form of partial reninthly翻译mote video.service翻译 Chinese business service team captain Lian Chuhai, last capmeeting腾讯会议tain Dai Linhua, first vice captain Pan Shengquan, second vice captainteamviewer Lai Shaobing, team leader Wu Jian, secretary Chen Rongshi, financheld是hold的什么形式ial Zhang Feihong, general affairsregular Wu Shenmeeting怎么读英语gjin, picket Jiang Wenbing and more than 40 people attended the meeting.teams会议 Ren Enxian, captain of baibei Service team, Wang Lina, captain of Poachinese读音i Service team and Yu Xiaoping, captain of charity collchinese翻译ectregularityion service team attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Mr Lai Siu-pin and Mr Chan Wing shek.
Captain Lian Chuhai extended a warm wservicebioelcome to the lion friends and guests attending the regular meeting. He then summarizbusiness的形容词ed the receninth-gradent work of the Chinese Businessmen service team, thanked the leaders of the district council anmeeting是什么意思中文翻译d other service teams for their support, and hoped that everyone would takteame good personal protection during thregularly意思中文翻译e epidemic.
After that, everyone made speeches and expressed tninth怎么读heir willingness tchinese读音o contmeetingyou是什么意思ributeteam是什么意思翻译 to thheld的意思是什么e developmninth-gradeent of the Chibusiness-methodnese business Service Team.
The regular meeting ended in a happy and gratefchinese读音ul atmosphere. Finally, the lionheld的原型 friends tookninth a group photo.
By Chen Rmeeting腾讯会议ongshi
Photo/Wmeeting是什么中文意思u Shengjin

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