Online meeting and offline time-sharing voting — Shenzhen Lions Club innovates democratic election mode

In the development of Shenzhen Lions Club, Lunzhuang culture is a bright spot. In the inheritance of Lunzhuang culture, the democratic election of members is the bright spot among the bright spots. On May 23 ~ 25, 2020, shenzhen lions innovationmeeting是什么意思中文翻译 and advancing with The Times, in the special period of epidemic preventmeeting怎么读英语ion and control the nonline翻译orm, using “meeting online, offline time–sharing vote” in the form of the 18th annual member reponline shoppingresentatives conference, should both comply with the reqlions的音标uirements of dismeeting翻译ease prevention and control, and embody “fair, just and open” democratic election culture, further improve the quality of democratic election, We promoted innovation in the management of sociaclubmanl organizationoffline是什么意思英语s.
Take multiple measures to preparvoting翻译e for the online meeting
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, thtime的中文意思e opening of the 18th General Assembly had to beoffline翻译 postponed. To do a go深圳疫情最新消息od job in congress organiz深圳疫情ation shenzhen lions club to discuss contingency plans for many times, by the shenzhen lions 18th member congress organizing committee rofflineesearch, shenzhen lions intimez 2019-2020 the second special council examined and approved, decided by the form of online meeting, solve thclub是什么意思e problem of深圳风险等级 personnel gathonline是什么意思英语ered, vote bylions翻译 offtime怎么读line, Solvemeeting是什么意思中文翻译 members’ conclubmed官网预订cerns about demosharingcratilion是什么意思c election, and subclubman是什么牌子车mit emergency plans and relevant doclion是什么意思中文翻译umensharing中文谐音怎么读ts to shenzhen Dsharing中文谐音怎么读isabled P深圳大学ersons’ Federation, the competent businlions怎么读ess unit, and finally get approval, and put on record in Shenzhen Social Organization Administration Bureau.
There are many uncertain factors in network meetings, such as poor video screen, voice delay and pause. In order to ensure a smooth online meeting, Shenzhen Lions club invitimeted professional companies to providoffline是线下的意思吗e technical support, and arranged staff to carry out practical training and drills, to ensure the smooth online meeting of the membevotingr congress, and to provide technical support for the on-site online meeting.
Offline votioffline软件ng guarameetingtencentcomntees democratic and fair elections
Election justice is the foundation of democracyonline怎么读英语, the conference specially invitemeeting翻译ddevoting shenzonline是什么意思英语hen Notlions英语怎么读ary Office guidance and witness the whole process. In the sign-in area, the staff will verify the id card and face recogvotingnition of the represemeeting的音标ntatives to ensure that ttimehe members attend and vote on behalf of themselves. On May 23 and 24, at the endvoting翻译 of the voting, the notary office and the voting supervision group jointly sealed the ballot box, and attached seals, put 7 ballot boxes intmeetingso the safe, locked by the notary office paste notary office specsharing英语作文ial seal; On the morning of May 25th, the ballots will bemeetings counted under the supervision of the notary of深圳天气fice and the sonline怎么读upervisiosharing英语作文n group to ensure the fairness ansharing翻译d justice of the election.
In th深圳风险等级e area of ballot box security, a new batch of ballot boxtimeoutes were specially procured, and each box was equipped with a fingerprint combination lock, which was recordetimed by Weng Hua, chairman of tonlinecdzkorg官网he Presidium of the General Assembly. When opening the box, the fingerprint of President Weng Hua shoubdsharingld be shown first, and at the same time, it should be opened under the joint witness of the ticket monitoring group, the notary office and the online member representative.
Reclub是什么意思al-name appointment, time-sharing and diversion. I深圳市最新疫情n response tlion是什么意思o the call of “no gathering during epidemic prevention”, the Lions Club of Shenzhen usclubman是什么牌子车ed the online reserofflinevation system “Wmeeting是什么意思enjuanxinbdsharingg” to allow members to book voting time in advance. The number of votinoffline是线下的意思吗g people per hour is limited to 30, and the appointment perimeetingod cannot be renewed after the appoitimelyntment, so as to avoisharing英语作文d the centralized voting time or no one to vote in a certain period otimef time, and realize the staofflinemapsggered voting of member representationline shoppingves. Attime怎么读语音 the same time, the staff of themeeting翻译 office checked the backgrolion是什么意思und of the system in time and sent the confirmation information to each representative according to the person and the area, which made up for thonlinegames22e function defect that the reservation system could not automatically send confirmatioclubmed官网预订n messages, and also prevented the representatmeetingtencentcomive from深圳天气 remembering the wtime是什么意思rong appointment time after the appoionlinecdzkorg官网ntment.
In response to the requirements of epidmeeting是什么意思中文翻译emic prevention and contrsharing英语作文ol, all delegates are require深证指数d to take a temperature check before entering the voting site. They can enter only when their body temperature is qualified and t52sharingheir health code “Shen Ibdsharing you” is green. The staff of the office will release the guidelines to the representatives in advance and inform them of the voffline是线下的意思吗oting process and matters needing attention. Distance sign深证指数s are set up at the voting site, and pickets guide delegates to complete voting in an orderly manner accsharing是什么意思英语ording to the steps of “tempertimelyature measurement, taking photos, waiting, signing in, filling in ballots and leaving” to avoi深圳疫情最新消息d backflow and gathetime的中文意思ring of people.
In order to make the voting process open and transparentofflinemaps, the whole voting site will be webcast and superviselions翻译d by member rsharing是什么意思英语epresenta深圳大学tives. The深圳风险等级 network conference room will alwayslions boffline翻译e open during the conference, and the voting site will be broadcast live. Member representonlineatives can know the progress of the conference atime怎么读nd the voting situation at any time. The scene深圳大学 also set up lighting, broadcast station, hire professional recording and broadcasting company to record the voting process from multiple angles, and accoffline下载ept the director to switch the recorded vtimezideo to the main screen of the network meeting room at any time for representatives to watch.
During the meeting, member representatives communicateonline怎么读d smoolions读音thly and interacted with each other online, and the online pictures were clear and stable. Only about 20 participants, ilions怎么读ncluding presidium members and former presidents, wore masks and kept a safe distance from each other. Thonline翻译e cclub翻译ongress successfully deliberated the annual work report, financial work report and other important documents, and the voting results woffline软件ill be announced at the closing meeting on May 25 to elect members of the Council and board of Supervisors for 2020-2021.
Small meetings gather great wionlinegames22sdom, small initia深圳风险等级tives achieve greaclubman是什么牌子车t future. The successful convening of the 18th Lions Club member Congress of Shenzhen is a result of the support and cooperation of all the member representatives, including the qualification review group, tlions的音标he vote monitoring grsharing是什么意思英语oup, the ptimetableicket group and the office staffoffline怎么读.
We lofflinepromo&needlogin=true&share_idook forward to all member representatives earnestly performing their duties, jointly maintaining a good election apivotingtmosphere and casting a sacred vote for the fvoting四川一地遭遇13级大风uture develotimetablepment of Shenzhen Lions Club. I wish the Lions Club shenzhenvoting翻译 will continue to blaze new trails and mlions是什么意思aintain its vitality forevlionser!
[Text] Lin Yanfen
【 Image 】 Yang & NBSP; hin
[Edit] Ma Huijuan
[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Office

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