Stay true to the Original aspiration and create brilliance — The summary meeting of the Publicity Committee of the Domestic Lion Association and the release of the “Lion Loves China” portfolio was held in Shenyang

Stay true to the Original aspiration and create brilliance — The summary meeting of the Publicity Committee of the Domestic Lion Association and the release of the “Lion Loves China” portfolio was held in Shenyang
From May 1brilliance翻译1 to 12, the 2017-2019 annualsummary动词 publicmeeting是什么意思 Relations and Publicity Committee (HEREINAFTER referred to asmeeting腾讯会议 “publicity Committee”true是什么意思中文翻译) sumtruelovemary meeting and the new book release conference of “Lion Love China” essay collection was held in Shenyang. More than 40 leadoriginal的名词ers from the public relations and publicity committees of the Federation, Liaoning Disabled Personstrue的副词‘ Federation, Lions Club of Shenzhen, Lions Club of Guangdong and represoriginal什么意思entative offices istay upn Dalian,lion是什么意思 Qingdao, Beijing, Shaanxi, Shenyang, Harbin, Sichuan, Hainan, Yunnan and Jilin ameeting是什么意思中文翻译ttended the meeting. Tang Haoriginalozhi, Chailion怎么读rman of public Relations andsummary写作模板 Publicity Committee, Lioriginal是什么牌子 Hua, Executive Chbrilliance是什么牌子airman, and Yang Hankun, chairmastay翻译n of 15th District of Lions Club shenzhestay翻译n, attended the event.
In the past two years, the Publicity committee ofcreate怎么读音 Lions Ccreatelub shenzhen has actively participated in various activities organizsummary怎么读音发音英语ed by lions Club Shenzhen, provided professiaspiration的用法onal teachers, undertook teaching tasks such ameeting是什么中文意思s communication interaspiration翻译view writing and news planning in the training increate的各种形式 Yunnan, actively organized manuscripts in Shenzhen, and supported the holding of “Lions Love China” esscreateday contest. As the organization unioriginally形容词t of “Lion Love China”, Shenzhen Lions Club won the “create翻译Outstanding Organization Award”, Tang Haozhi won the “Oucreateprocesststanding Contribution Award”, Jiang Xiezhstayeden and Hong Shenglong won the “Outstandingtruely和truly区别 Sesummary的动词形式rvice Award”. At the same time, Yang Hankun won the thlions英语怎么读ird prize of “Lion Love China” essay story category, Zhaotrue是0还是1 Annie won the third prize of poetry category, Li Hua won the elionelxcellence award of story category.
At the summary meeting, Huang Wei, vice president of the association, said that the publicity work is an important polion复数sition of public opinion which carries the guidance and guidance of more than 40,000 lion club members in Chimeetingyou是什么意思na, and is an important embodiment of the construction of the culture of the lion Club with domsummary的动词形式estic characteristics. Especially in the new development period, public relations and poriginal造句ublicity are particularly impororiginal什么意思tant. In thaspiration的所有变形e past two years, more thanlionel 1000 public lion advlionocates have devoted their effortstay翻译s to the promotion of the number and qualitbrilliance怎么读y of publicity reports, sbrilliance是什么意思o thcreate和invent的区别at services and various lion reports around the counaspirational翻译try arlion怎么读e published and exchanged in a timely manner, becoming the strsummary的中文意思ongest voice in the domestic publicreateprocessc welfare field.
Gcreate是什么意思uo Keli, secretary of thoriginalitye party branch of the association, made a keynote speech on the publicity work of the domestic Lion association at thetrue是什么意思 present stage. He said that since ibrilliance怎么读ts establishment 13 years ago, the Chinese Lion Association has formed a distinstay翻译ctive domestic featursummarye in its service and lion work construction, which is full of vitality and extensive influence. Ittrue翻译 has promoted the spread of humanitarian soriginalpirit and become a leader of national social orgasummary怎么写nizatlionions. But in the new social organizations mushroomed today, the propaganda work should be more cmeetingyou是什么意思lear task, clear goal. First of all, the publicityaspiration是什么意思英语 work, not only to report the activitaspiration的用法ies, but also to pay attention to digging lion friendsummary怎么读音发音英语s’ inner waspiration翻译orld, highlighting the publicity of “helping others, serving the society” purpose; Secondly, it is necessary to carry out propaganda wbrilliance是什么意思中文ork in close contact with the rectification of the federation antrue是0还是1d organize and carry out discussion on seven important issues related to the development of the Federation. Third, strengthen the understanding of the importance of party building work, against individualism, sectarianism, against the public platform to promote religious culture, astay upgainst extravagance and other issues, so that the organization ilion翻译s more healthy, more dynamic, do not forget the original aspiration, and create brillistayingant.
At the meeting the next daycreate, cib XuanWei chairman, deputy secretary general, deep lion male XuanWei Tang Haozhi deep lion male lion brother introduced XuanWei work experaspiration什么意思ioriginal和initial的区别ence and experience, and the induction system, admeetingsopt the compilatory system setrue是什么意思中文翻译t by the “big three” managementaspiration什么意思 sysoriginal和initial的区别tem, incencreatewindowtive system, the emphasis on propaganda work lions club has always been an important part in the development of, is to carry forwardtrue和false the “our servicreatedces” is an important means of energy. The chairman and the president of the news agstay翻译enstay歌曲cy also introduced the experience and experience of the publicity work in their respective regions, shared their experience on the collection, quantity and quality of the local newsletters, and exchanged and analyzed the technical problems such as low reading rateaspiration的中文意思 and click rate of the manuscripts.
[Text] Reporter of Shcreatewindowenshi News Agency & NBSPmeetings; HaoZhi
[Photo] Reporter of Dalian Represenoriginalitytative Offistay歌曲ce & NBSP; David
[Editor] Ma Huijuan and Hu Lei
[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Ofmeeting怎么读英语fice

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