Stick to your post and ensure safety — wonderful story of the 2020 New Year charity picket Team

2020 New Year charity party, there is a group of people, they are “porter”, “ticket inspector”, is “order member”; They came first and silently asstick过去式sisted in the transtory翻译sport of supplies; They are serious and responsible, check and eliminate security risks; They hand silent card, time to maintain the order of the scene; Their tacit understanding with other preparatory group work, to help put with hand gifts, drstorylineinks…… They are the members of the picket team who always stick to their posts and provide security fpostmanor the lions.



The party picket work by Du Peng picket chisticker翻译ef personally in charge, from each service team 30 picpostcodekets as team mepostagembers. In order to ensure the orderly and smooth progress of the party, the picket team made a thorough plan and plan, wnew balanceith rigorous and pragmatic work style to escort more than 800 participants.


After arriving at the venue, the members of the picket group will condnew balanceuct a comprehensivpostalcode中国填写e investigation of the key areas prone to security risks, and make clear the division of labor and responsibilities according to the area and table number of the party. Befornewe the party began, the picket group held a pre-meeting. Conference chairman Lu Zhiqiang mobilized members of the picket group to do a good job in security work. Du Pengnew, the leader of the team members to carry out the inspection work put fsafety微信名ostick过去式rward “adhere to the principle, smile servensure的形容词ice, civilized picketing, standby” and other requirements. In order to prstory什么意思event emergencies, the picket group has specially added reserve personnel to nip in the bud. Under the joint efforts of all the lion friends of the picket group, allwonderful是什么意思译 the participants came back safe and happy.


Stick to your postensure的形容词 andstoryteller ensure safety. The members of the picket group are devoensuredted to love and selfless dedication. They showed super action power in the New Year charity party and hensure和assure区别elped the party achieve a complete success. Let’s pay tribute to all the lion friends of the picket group! Let us continue to forge ahead for love and strive to create a better tomorrow for Shepostalcode中国填写nzhen Lions Club.


[Text] News Agency Annistick怎么读e Zhao

[Edit] News Agesafety是什么意思中文ncy Chen Meihong

  &nstick过去式和过去分词两种形式bsp;     Office Ma Huijuan & NBSP; Lin Yanfen

【 Composistory翻译tion 】 Qiu & NBSP; peng

[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Office

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