The Lion Road will accompany you and Me — The 2020-2021 Leadership Training of Shenzhen Lions Club was successfully held

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From October 23roadcam to 2梦幻西游5, 2020, the leadership Training of Lions Club Shenzhen 2020-2021 was successfully held in Dongguan Huijing Hotel. A total of 72 service team leaders of Shenzhen Lions Cluleadership英语作文b attended the training and completed the course successfully. Sixteen lecturers, including wang美籍外教在华杀害女学生获死刑 Danya, vice lecturers li Xiaotao, Zhou Fuhui and Ma Fwill是什么意思eng, participated in on-site teaching, teaching assistanleadership的定义t and logistitrainingpeakscs services. The lecturers’ excellent speeches presented a wonderful coumerse for the students, which made the studentswilliam gain a lot.
In the morning of 23raccompany用法搭配d, the studentstraining是什么意思英语 wereleadership的定义 divided int美女图片o 6 groups, under the leadership of the chief lecturer Li Xiaotao, they played the ice-breaking gamwill是什么意思e — rush across the river of tomorrow. In a relaxed and happy atmosphere, they quickly integrated into thaccompany翻译e team and established mutaccompany是及物动词吗ual trust.
At the opening clion翻译eremony, Wang Danya rang the bell to start the lessroadblockon. Li Weihua, the representative of lilion复数ons Association in Shenzhen and the first Secretary of Party Branch of Lions Club shenzhen, Lu Zhiwillingnessqiang, president of Lions Club Shenzhen 2020-2021, Xiao Xingping, Chief Supervisor, Guo Yongyong, First Vice President, Tan Fei, Deputyleadership英语作文 Chief Supervisor, Secretary General Lai Zhuoni, Huang Yiqun, chairman of 16th District attended the opening ceremoleadership的四种类型ny. The cereroadx轮胎mony was chaired by Wang Danya and presided ove眉毛有一根特别长是什么意思r by Wen Yaoli. Zhou Fuhui, deputy head of the delegation, introduced the leaders and guests, and extenaccompany用法搭配ded a warm welcomwill是什么意思e totraining是什么牌子 all of them.
Lu Zhiqiang, president of Lions Club shenzhen, reviewed theaccompany和company的区别 development of leadleadership是什么意思ership training and highly praised the contribution of the lecturers to leadership training. He hopes that you will devote yourself to the tlion怎么读raining and gain happiness, friendship and growth from the training. Heme hopes that you will achieve excelionllent results. Guo Yongyong, the first vice president of Shenzhen Lions Club, delivered a sptraining衣服品牌eech, congratulating all the captains for signing up for the leadershiwill是什么意思p training coulion的音标rse successfully. He hroad怎么读oped taccompanyhat all the captains would work hard and lay a good ftraining造句oundation fleadership需要具备哪些能力or the development of Shenzhen Lions Club.
Then, Li Xiaotao, the deputy head of the lroad是什么意思ecturleadershipe group and the general lecturer of this training, made a course summary, summarized the significance of leadership training, ilion的中文意思ntroducewillingnessd all the courses and corresroadcam行车记录仪pondinlionkkg lecturers of this training, and hoped that thleadership是什么意思英语e stlion的中文意思udents could complete the learning task with full eaccompany的名词nthusiasm.
Li wh shar梦幻西游e, first secretary of the course “adhere to the party leading the practice of domestic fleadership需要具备哪些能力eat美景之屋ures, featuretraining是什么意思英语s arou美景之屋nd the domestic lions eight characteristics, and do a good job in shenzhen lion four asplion复数ects of the CPC party construction o眉毛有一根特别长是什么意思f parttraining是什么牌子y branch, frleadership英文解释om the perspective of with era characteristics, deeply analyze the current shenzhen lion should be under the leadership of theaccompany party, the development into a new social organization with domestic character美女图片istics.
On the afternoon of 23rd, Wang Danya, the head of the team, opened with a unique god circle game and presented the course “Team Cooperation美元汇率” brillian眉毛一根长是什么预兆tly. She analyzed the four stages of team development, the four characteristics of an effective team and how to apply stra美元汇率tegies to improve the team. Lecturer Huang Jieling shamered the course “Diversity” to guide students to have a deeper understanding of the definition, scope and benefits of diversity, learwill怎么读n to cope with theroadx轮胎 challenges of diversit梦幻西游y, and provide diversified services to the society; President Yiqun Huang shared the course “Change Management”, delion怎么读scribing the sroadcamtage of accepting change, explaining how “assumptions” prevent change and how to apply Lewin’s change model to manage change. Students actively participate in class interaction, take the initiative to speakwill怎么读, learning atmosphere is strong.
On the evening of 23accompany翻译rd, under the guidance of lecturerroadcam Yi Dongsheng, the students experienced a uniqroadcam下载ue development – “Journey of Life”. In the face of the unknown challenges, the students helped eleadership怎么读ach owillowther overoadx轮胎rcome numerous difficulties and successfully completed the challenges. As the music “Grateful Heart” sounded, tlion翻译he students, with thetraining什么意思ir gratitude to the lecturers,美景之屋 performed a neat sign language dance to end the training of the day.
In the following two days of training, Wu Zewei shared the course “Public Speakinaccompany翻译g”, telling about how to prepare the oleadership是什么意思英语utline of speech and the use of speech sroad是什么意思kills and ot美元汇率her practical methods; Chow fook Fai shared the course “Time Management”, introducing the importanlionsce of timtraining是什么意思英语e management, the obstacles tlion翻译o time management, and developing time management strategies; Li Bizhen shared the course “Communication”, explained the definitraining造句tion of communication, and explained how to communicatraining怎么读te effectively and the importance of being an active listenerleadership英文解释. Ma Feng shared tleadership是什么意思英语he美女 course “Conflict Resolut梦幻西游ion”, analyzing the causes of conflicts from multiple perspectivwilles, exaccompanyingplaining the ways of personal conflict resolutiowilln and the application of conflict resolution strategies. Lin Yanjun shared the course “Cr美女图片eative Thinking”, which helps students deepenleadership怎么读 their understandiaccompany用法搭配ng oleadership怎么读f lion club culture through interactive teaching, improve their personaltraining造句 lea眉毛有一根特别长是什么意思dership skills, and master t美籍外教在华杀害女学生获死刑he four steps of creative thinlions英语怎么读king to carrlion的中文意思y out lion work activities. Huroad是什么意思ang Xuelan shareleadership英文解释d the course “Inspiring Membe美团rs”, starting fleadershiprom the nature of motivation, narrated all levels of demand, analyzed ten ways to achieve motivation, let students know the motivation and obstacles of motivation, learn to make action plaroadx轮胎n; Wu Zijian shared the courleadership怎么读se “Personal Mission Statement”, explained the benefit眉毛有一根特别长是什么意思s of having a mission statement ileadership的四种类型n depth, and analyzed the seven haccompany用法搭配abits of highly effective people to help students compleadership英语作文lete the personal mission statemen梦幻西游t in class. The training scene was wonderful, the lecturers created a feast of kwilliamnowledgelionel for the students, so that the students were amazed.
On the evening of 24th, the students welcomed ttraining造句he long-awaited creative night of leadership training. Domestic representative in shenzhen, shenzhen f美团ederation ofaccompany用法搭配 lion lion li wh, first secretary of the party branch, President of shenzhen lion, zhi-qiang lu,美女 the laccompany和company的区别ast President WengHua, first vice President Guo Yongyong, secontraining怎么读d deputy chairman Peng Da美元汇率ojian, former President of ShiJianYong, vice supervisor Tan Fwill是什么意思ei, financitraining翻译al long NieXiangDong, dean of general affair Deng Yi, deputy secretaroad怎么读ry-general Cai Min, deputy secretary-general Fang Shilei, Zone Wei Xinaccompany的名词, chairman of the new, lily, &schwarz, xiao-ping yu, li xiaofeng, chairmanleadership的四种类型 of the partition, Peng Dingkuan, zhi-jian wu, Chen Xusheng, afterglow, Wu Jinzhi, Dong Jun, linlin, Huang Yiqun, sulionkkpervisors dao-ming wang, Li Zhou, Tang Hroadaozhi, zhu fenglionkk, he paid, such as, Huang Shaofang leading lion leadership training course friendleadership的定义s and normal students invited to the partraining翻译中文ty. Tlionshe party was hosted by Fang Shilei and Wen Yaoli. Participants role-play in groups on topics such as time management, diversity, membertraining造句简单ship motivation, conflict resolution, commtraining什么意思unication, and public speaking. Representatives of the old students also gave wonderful performaleadership是什么意思英语nces. The scene was full of excitement and cheers.
At the graduat眉毛有一根特别长是什么意思ion ceremony on the afternoon of 25th,roadster lion friends reviewed the whole training thleadership是什么意思英语rough VCR and received the video congratulations from the leader lion friends. Dileadershiprector Wang梦幻西游 Danya, chief lecturer Li Xiaotao and head teacher Zholeadership是什么意思u Fuhui spoke on stage one after another, congratulating you on the successful completion of the training task and looking forward to your brilliant career in lion Road in troadx轮胎he future. First Secretary Li Weihua participatroadcam下载ed in th美元汇率e training as a student, and gained a deeper understanding of leadershipleadership的定义 training. He spoke highly of the training. President Lu zhiqiang sincerely congratulated the美团 students on the successful completion of their studies, and looked fleadership的中文意思orward to putting what shiyou has learned into practice and contributing to the constrlionuction of a new type of social organization with domestic characteristtraining是什么意思英语ics. Li Weihua, the first Secretary of the Party, and Wang Danya, the head of the party, presenaccompany用法搭配ted thlion复数e certificates of completion to the lion friends and the certifictraining翻译中文ates of merit to the winning group of the crleadership是什么意思eati眉毛有一根特别长是什么意思ve night competition.
Aftleadership的四种类型er three days and two美女图片 nights of training, we learned tlionelogether anroadx轮胎d grew up together. We were moved and happy. The succeleadership是什么意思ssful completion of the training can nlion的音标ot be achieved without the selfless dedication of the lecturers and the lion friends who silently pay in front of the stage and behind the scenes. Thanks to the leaders who support andaccompany的名词 sponsor this training! The lion Road is accompanied by you and me, and I look forwa梦幻西游rd to thtraining翻译中文e bright red on the public welfare road.
[Text] Zhotraining是什么意思英语u Wenguaaccompany和company的区别ng
【 Image 】 Qiu & NBSP; Proadx轮胎eng & have spent Wang Haibinroad翻译
[Editor] Ma Huijuan Lin Yanfen
【 Composition 】 Qiu & NBSP; peng
[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Office

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