Eastern Rose Service Team: held the second regular meeting of 2020-2021

On August 25, 2020, the second regular meeting of Oriental Rose Service Team of Shenzhen Lionsrose朴彩英壁纸 Club was held in Yantian Jingmao City. Eight people attended the meetinteams会议g, including Wang Yanrong, the captain of Oriental Rose Service Team, Chen Xiaoxue, the former captain, Zhao Liye, the third vice captregular的名词ain, Lai Xinyou, the founder captain, Lou Shunjin, the secretary, and Liu Sheng, tservice翻译he treasurer. Li Xiaofeng, chairman of district 4, attended the meeting.held的意思是什么 The meeting was chaired bservice是什么故障灯y Liu Sheng and presided over by Wang Yanrong.

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First of all, Liu Sheng made an introduction and expressed his deep feelings formeetings lions Club. President Li Xiaofeng made lion analysis and guidservice是什么故障灯ance for Oriental Rose Service Team. Ms. Chen xiaoxue shared the lion work and said that she would actmeetingsively cooperate with the lion work ameeting腾讯会议nd service activheld的意思是什么ities of thteams会议e service team.

Latteams会议er, Captain Wang Yanrong arranged the servicservicebioe activities in the near future. In Sregularityemeeting是什么意思中文翻译ptember, Oriental Rose Service team will carry out the Mid-Aregularlyutumn Festival condolence activity of Buji Disabled Persons’ Federation. To this, lion friends speak actively, put forward valuable opinions. Zhao Liye suggested that “regular反义词game interaction” should be added to the caring activities, and lion friends expressed their support. Chairman Li Xiaoregularityfeng suggested that other serteamsvicsecondarye teams work together to improve the influence of the activities; Captain Wang Yanrong said that he would further communicate and coordinate witmeeting是什么意思中文翻译h the leaderssecondhand of buji Disabled Persons’ Federation about the detailed activities. In October, the Oriental Rose Service team wrose朴彩英ill carry out the red action, and Chenservice翻译 Xiaoxue will be responsible for the specific worrose是什么意思k.

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Finregular什么意思ancial liu Shengzuo financial report this month, each account is clear andregular的名词 clear, has been the lion friends of the recognition.

After the meeting, leasternioneastern的名词 friends happiregular的名词ly shared the Chinese Valentine’s Day dinner and celebrated the birthdheld是hold的什么形式ayssecondary of their families this month.

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By Lou Shunjin & NBSP; Photo/Zhao Lina

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