Shenzhen Charity Association · Caoyingwang Art Public Welfare Fund was officially launched

    On May 20, 2021, the launching ceremony of “Shenzhen CCF Caoyingwang Art Public Welfare Fund” sponsored by Shenzhen Anhui Chamber of Commerce, Haowei Culture and Technology Co., LTD and Shenzhen CCF Caoyingfundamentalwang Art深圳疫情 Public Welfare Fund was held in Shenzhen Anhui Chamber of Commerce.

      To congra深圳疫情tulate the launch of cao Yingwang Art Public Welfare Fund, Lassociation可数吗u Zhiqiang, prassociation英语esidassociation什么意思ent of Shenzhen Lions Clubassociation和collection的区别, sent a video message. Shenzhen lion We曹颖王斑有几个孩子ngHua, the head of the previous, second deputy chairman Peng Daojian, former President of tian wang xing, ShiJianYong, Lin Tao, wear with xin, stamp collecting club chairman xiao-wei sun, the lions clubs international fund committee, executive chairman of TongXin, domestic artists associatwashiassociation什么意思on director, vice cfundedhair深圳疫情man of guawelfare是什么意思ngdong artists assocharity怎么读ciation, shenzhen federation members of the party group, the inspector liang, hangzhou university of elecfundamentallytronic science and technology vice President Zheng Ning, Anhui provincwelfare翻译e chamber owaspf commerce, vice President of Yao Jing beauty, director of shenzhen charity ww, luohu pwash怎么读ost office bureau chief yue-shan chang and deputy director of the Zhu Hong, Hong Kong economic and trade promotion association, honorary Prewash怎么读sident of forever in the sme Zhang Chuanhuang, shenzhen city, vice chairman of Zhang Chuang, Hao Qiang, Ma Shunxian, shenzhen shuxie President li jing, shenzhen Zhawelfareo Yongjin calligraphy school deafund翻译n, xilfundingeng pringing socity, sartiswitchhenzhen will spublic404html最新网站eal cuart-al00x是什么型号tting research changning trfundingee constant, Chen Junyu, president of Shenzhen Youth Artists Assocpublic404html最新网站iat曹应旺ion, alumni association,publicity chamber of commerce, art circles, cwasn’tollectors, s曹颖王斑一家ocial public welfare enthusiasts and media friends, more than 300 peoplefundraiser participated in this grand event.

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Ceremony in the violins Zhao Mcharityeng rain teacher grace afoot, hostshenzhen Meng Chun firstly introduces operation should be Mr Wang zhen years of publifundc welfare, in 2010 he joined the shenzhen lions, friends from regular members to area will lead the lion, poverty alfundedlevcaoyingwangiation, student aid, deep in tfundraisinghe disaster areas, r曹颖王斑一家emote areas, participated in the “aassociation怎么读音ttended” and “fundsred” lion brand service actcharity翻译ivities. In recent years, he has donated blood fart是什么意思or six consecutive yeaartistrs, and has taken the initiative to take social responsibilities with pracassociation可数吗tical actions. He is a well-resp深圳市最新疫情ected and beloveart-al00x是什么型号d public welwaspfare expert. According tpublic是什么意思o incompleteartbreeder statistics, he donated money and materials worth up to millions of yuan in many public welfare activities.

Largewash coffee huimpublicitying tao from the social from all walks of life, Mr Zheng, xing-jie wang, ze-fei zhu, Wuwelfare怎么记忆 Qiuguang, Zhanartbreederg Guojun,shenzhen Zhang Chuanhuang, Lin Tao, xiao-wei sun, Dai Yun method, Qiu Guoliang, Song Yuming, Chen Xiangbo, tian wassociationang xing, qing-qing zhu, ai-guo zhang, li jing, Zhao Yongjinfundamentally, NingShuHeng, Chen Wei ice, Chen Ming, wang Mo Qian etc have sewelfare怎么记忆nt a video greeting. Zhu Zefei, president of Hangzhoufunding Di深圳天气anzi University, Hangdian Swelfare怎么记忆henzhen-Hong Kong Alumni Association, Hangdian Guangdong Alumni Association, Shenzhen Calligraphy Aartstationcademy, Shenzhen Young Calligraphers Assocassociation英语iation, Qiushi Literaturpublicize翻译e Society of Renmin Universityassociation和collection的区别 ofartofzoofree人与犬 China and other units and individuals have successively sent congratulatory letterfundings.

It was written by Xu Yangsheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of the Chinese University of Hong曹应旺 Kwelfare翻译ong (Shenzhen)“Charity is the heart lamp” five characters to express blessing深证指数.

      Domesticcaoyingwang artists association director, vice chaipublic是什么意思rman of guangdonpublicg artiartstationsts aswelfaresociation, shenzhen federation members of the party group, the inspector liang, vice President of shenzwashingtonhen charities, tao, shenzhen anhui chamber of commerce many students, hangzhou university of electronic science and technology vice President Zheng Nwasn’ting have expressedartstation congratulations for operation should be popular art public welfare fund, the artist cao should bear the social responsibility actively respect, I would like to express myfundraiser gratitude to all the friends who participated in the support and pay. This fund has great influence and far-reaching significance.

  &nbsppublic;   After the initiator Cao Yingwang donated 100,000 YUAN as the first batch of “Cao Yingwang Art Passociationublic Welfare Fund”, caring people from all walks of life made donfundamental翻译ationswelfare怎么记忆 in different ways bcharity的内涵意义oth insipublicde and opublicityutside the venue.

      Thpublicityeassociation用法及搭配 awarding ceremony followed. Lin Tao, tian wang xing, Wcharity-mindedu Qiuguangwas是什么意思 hiring “fund honorary ambassador”, lili zhou, xiawashedo-wei sun was hired “fund promotion amba曹应旺ssador”, the first benefactor ZhaiShiChao, WenXiaoMei, li Yang, Dong Shige, Jiang Ying, zhong wei, WeiYuan, Guo Zhaojun,welfare是什么意思英语 Yuan Bin, Jin Chan, zou bambopublicationo, wang Mo Qian, Wu Xiaorong, Liu Guojiang, Chen Weiyang, Yin Heng, LangWenJuan, SiHuawashnBiao qi qi appearance, The stamp Club became the first fund donor.article

To coincide with the launch of the ceremony, domestic post also specially designed the “Cao Yingwang Art Public Welfare Fund” souvenir cover.

Deng Liart怎么读nyao, representative of Holway Culture & Technologyassociation怎么读 Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement wiwas是什么意思th cao Yingwang, paintcharity怎么读er and calligrapher.

Finacharity形容词lly, Lin Tao, chcharity宽容的爱airman of Shenzhen Zhongshi Exhiartbreederbition Co., LTD and former presidecharity音标nt of Shenfundamentalzhen Lions Association announced the official launch of “Shenzhen Charity Association Cao Yingwang Art Public Welfare Fund”. At the same time “Warm Years” cao Yingwang’s new works and contemporarwas怎么读y masterpiecpublicize翻译es exhibition opened.

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Ofundingperation should be prosper深圳疫情最新动态ous shenzhen lion lion senior frwasteiends, now hold should be popular archarity是什么意思t public welfare fund sponsors, artists association, vicwelfare怎么记忆e chairman ocharity的动词f shenzhen, shenzhen youth calliart怎么读grapher’s associassociation用法及搭配ation, advisor, shenzhen calligraphy institute ChuangZuoYuan, guest professor of hangzhou universwaspity of electronic science and technology, the son fish museum founder, domestic lanting galleryart set net, deputy chief editor, well-known collectors, curators, art crit深圳市最新疫情ics.



Article/photo co曹应旺ntributed to Fei Yu Art Museum

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