Shenzhen: The “Inheritor Program” launches a new thinking to lead the sustainable development of public welfare

On September 24, the Inheritor Plan, an innovative public welfare project for young people, was launched in Shenznew怎么读hen.
According to the report, the “Inheritolauncher什么意思r Plan”lead的过去式和过去分词 will carry out two sub-activities thisustainable的动词形式s year: public welfare, This YOUNG “and” Healthy, This YOUNG “. Pdevelopment是可数名词吗ublic Service深圳大学, This YOUNG is dedicated to recording publicdevelopment的用法和搭配 service moments that are unique to teenagers; “Health, This YOUNG” fonewgroundscuses on the physical and mental health of YOUNG people from the aspects of family, campus and peers.
Guo Yongyong, president of Lionlaunchergames Club of Shenzhen ilead什么意思n 2021-2022, introduced the upcoming key activities of the Successor Program. Guo Yongyong sprogramdataaid that the youth project is one of the five key projects of Shenzhnew balanceen Lions Club this year. Thrdevelopment可数吗ough public speaking, the youth can have a good platform to inject public welfare hsustainable的动词eart into their childhood. Soul class is to understand the psychology of teenagersleadership through interaction, sharing and lectures, and shleaderow the care osustainable是什么意思英语f the society for teenagers.
In add深证指数ition, shenzhen Municipal Commission of Customs Work, as the guiding unit of the Inhsustainable的动词eritor Plan, will jointly launch public welfare classes for teenagers in the following series of activities, fdevelopment翻译ocusing on legal education, rights and interests protectioprogrammedn, physical and mental health, parelaunchernt-chdevelopment的用法和搭配ild relationship and other aspects to help teenagers grow up healthily.
Youth public speaking competition’s “public welfare, this YOUNG” enrollment is open, 10 to 17 years old want to share experience and validated, QinWen, kiss for good stories, thronew是什么意思英语ugh the manuscripts + video (or audio) way to sign up, eventually will select 10 semi-finals winners to participate in the finals record, first, second and third prizes will also get good bonus, The organizer will help fulfill the public welfare wsustainable怎么读的ishes.
Source: Xinhua
Shenzheleadern: The “Inheritothinking可数吗r Program”programmed launched a new thinking to lead thinheritorse sustainable development of public welfare

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