The Publicity Committee of Lions Club of Shenzhen held the first publicity committee training in 2021-2022

On July 28, 2021, the first training session of public Relations and Publicity Committee of Lions Club shenzhen (hereinafter referred to as “publicity Committee”) for 2021-2022 was held in Haiyun Hall, 3rd floor, Haikka Tour Hotelcommittee和commission, Nanshan District. The activity receivheldened great support from the service teams, and nearly 100 lion friends signpublicity翻译ed up to participate in the training. Through the teachers’ sharing, we learntraining造句简单ed the requiremenlionsts otraining翻译中文f standardized communication manuscripts and standardized the basic requirements of communication reports of each service team, laying a solid foundation for better communication of lion culture in the future. Mr. Guo Yongytraining怎么读onlions读音g, president of Lions Club shenzhen, Mr. Li Jun, proppublicity什么意思osed chairman of Publicity Committee, Mr. Li Zhou, Mr. Tong Yan, Mr. Gao Rui, Mr. Liu Jun, Mr. Wang Haibin, Mr. Yuan Yuan, Mr. Bao Renjie, Mr. Ma Huijuan, executive director of Lions Club Shenzhen, as well as the third vice captains and secretaries of each service tcommittee造句eam attended the training. The training was hosted by Yuan Yuan and Tong Yan.
Fifirstrst of all, li Jun and Li Zhou brought a relaxed and lively ice-breaking action f深圳风险等级or everyone. In a shoheldrt time, lion friends could basicalclubly get to know each other with the lion friends at thpublicity可数吗e same table, and selectedfirst怎么读 the functional committee members of each table, such as group leader, learning, discipline, cultraining翻译ture and sports, health and publicity, and quickly built the basic cooperattraining造句简单ion team on the scene.
Chairmtraining衣服品牌an Li Jun introduce深圳天气d the organizational structure and work plan of this year’s publicity Committee, as well as the refirstlysponsibiliticlub用英语怎么说es and division of each executive chairlionsgateman. I hope you will support the wor深圳疫情最新动态k of the Publicity Commicommittee和commissionttee and do a good job olion是什么意思中文翻译f publicity work this year together.committee
Ma Huijuan directo深圳r-general to introduce shenzhen lions in the matters of attention in the propaganda work and the laws and regulations on the requirements, detailed explanation for everybody in the organizational structurefirst of the shenzhen lion and the leadership of thheldbacke friends of the lion accurate appellation, the ranking order of on formal occasions and service in the rules of disciheldbackpline and propaganda work, let lions PALS are basically can control the direpublicityction of the propaganda wocommitteerk.
Cell lion elder sister share of advertising copy writing lesson lively, described the propaganda work skills with the main method to guide the lion friends step by step, from the most simple proposition,held怎么读的 positioning, accurate description, expand and summarizes some components, such as, in case demonst深圳风险等级ration method to teach lions PALS are comprehensive, in-depth, clear abilitylionsgate of news reports.
By thecommittee翻译 king of the service team of Ma Wuztraining怎么读hong lion brother recommended dawn Aujie photography training college Panlions英语怎么读 Manli teacher, for the lion friends present a wonderful mobile phone photography technologytraining什么意思 course, in the sound of exulting and praise we learn the common, pralions翻译ctical and new photography skills, learned the cclubman是什么牌子车orrecshenzhent exposure and reasonable composition.
Yuan Yuan shi Jclubman是什么牌子车ie teaches you the skills of video editing and teacheheld过去式和过去分词s you how to easily clip a large numberclubmed官网预订 of servlion是什么意思中文翻译ice activities into a beclub怎么读autiful and colorful深圳 happy service time shuttle with thecommittee是什么意思 help of cutting APP software.
The lion frclubmaniends who participated in the training showed the works made in class. Everyone said that the training is very timely, the tfirstlyraining contenheld的中文意思t is very practical, benefit a lot.
President Guo Yongyongtraining翻译中文 concluded his speech by saying that thecommittee造句 training held by the publicity Committee at this time is just like a ti深证指数mely rain, so that the newly appointed secretary and the third vice captains of the service team can understand the significance and methods of publicityheld work. Publicity can convey深圳市最新疫情 information to serve lion friends, but also thepublicity的动词 motivation to carry out work, to achieve twice the result with half the efffirst翻译ort. He reminded members of the publicity committee to abide by laws and regulations and reporlionst every piece of information objecfirstname填姓还是名tively and fairly. Chairman Guo and Chairman Li Jun presented the certificate of completraining是什么牌子tion to the studentclubmeds.
Read again after a hundred battles. In the past 19 years, Lions Club shenzhen has spread i深圳疫情最新动态ts love footprint across China with Shenzhen as the center. As of Junfirst青年电影展e 2021, the service afirstname填姓还是名ctivities have reached more than 9,000 times, and the service fund is about 420 million yuan. In the 14th Shenzhen Care Action selection, won the “Top tenpublicity什么意思 Public Welfare Orgapublicity怎么读nizations” afirst青年电影展ward; Incommittee和commission 2008 and 2010, he was awarded the “Pengcheng Chclubman是什么牌子车arity Organizatifirstname填姓还是名on Award” by Shenzhen municipal government. In 2010, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the special zone, it was awarded the “Pengcheng Charity Outstanding Contribution Award (Group)”; In 2020, it won the fifth Pengcheng Charity Award “Tribute unit of Pengcheng Chaclub翻译rity for 40 years”, w深圳地铁线路图hheld过去式和过去分词ich hatraining什么意思s been widely concerned and recognized by the whole society. This trainingpublicity翻译 activity will cultivate and spread the seeds of love for Shenzhen Lions Club, let everyone be propagandists, pass on the love together!
【 Text 】 Su Jianhua
[Photo] Chen Weiming, Wang Haibin, Publicity Committee
[Editor] Gao Rui, Publicfirstname填姓还是名ity Committee
Office Ma Huijuan Hu & NBSP; grey
Ke Wuyue
[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Clublions翻译中文 Office

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