Lianhuashan Service Team: Hold the fifth regular meeting of the year 2020-2021

On March 6, 2021, the fifth regular meeting of Lianhua Mountain Service Team of Shenzhen Lions Club was hhold oneld in Room 666, 4th floor, Changmeeting是什么意思cheng Complex Building, Baihua 4th Road, Futian District. Directors of Lions Club internatiyearlyonal, lianhuashan service team leader Zhang Guojun, Lianhuashan service teamregular翻译 captserviceain Chen Hongbin, the first vice captain Chu Bingtao, the second vice cafifth翻译ptain Li Lihua, the third vice captain Wang Xuejservice和serve的区别iao, former captain Fang Mansong, Yin Zhongzhu, Chen Jianjun莲花山风景区现在开放吗, Xu Yibiao, secretary Fei Zhihong, financial Yu Lixia and other 17 people aregularizationttended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Wang Xuejiao andhold过去式 presided over by Chen Hongbin.
Chen Hongbin, captain of The Lianhua Mountain Service Team, announced the name list of the team leader for 2021-2022, the name list of the member representatives to participate in thfifthe 19th Lions Club Congress of Shenzhen, and the smeeting腾讯会议upplementary measures for membership management; The meeting circulated opinions on the handlingteam of the fees for the transition of the term of office in 2service是什么意思中文翻译019-2020 and measures for tteams会议he handling of fees forteamo the transition of oregularly意思中文翻译ffice in 2020-2021. It has fixed the resolution in spring of April in depicting depicting isteamproland stufifthsdent loans, and mad莲花山风景区现在开放吗e public the implem脸划伤了怎样恢复最快enyear翻译tation of the service and administrative funds.
After the meeting, aservice是什么意思 birthday cake and dinner party were arranged for Fang Mansong, who was celebralianhuashanting his birthday this month. The lion friends sang birservice是什么意思中文翻译thday songs and sent bles莲花山公园现在开放吗sings to Fang Mansong. Alregular的所有形式l the lmeetingtencentcomion friends felt the warmth of the lianhteamoua Mountain service team.
Photo lianhuash脸划伤了怎样恢复最快an Service Team

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