How about the effect of heat transfer of mobile phone strap?

Mobile phone strap heat transfer(Heat transfer ink)Is a new printing process, but introduced from abroad10Years of time. Mobile phone hang with the process of printing way printing and transfer printing film processing divides intoaboutcg two parts, cell phone hanging belt printing USES the network printing, printingabout怎么读 film patphonemestern wilheatsinkl be printed on thin film surface in advance,strapon三人 printing the design levhowever什么意思el of rich, colourful,how怎么读 go, small chromatism, good reproducibility, can meet thetransferring requirements of design patterns is effect, and is suitable for mass production.

Suitable for makinabout后面动词什么形式g a small variety of personalized and customized goods, as well as printing patterns containing full color images or photographs. Its principle iseffective是什么意思 the digital pattern through the printer to special heat transfer ink printing on the transfermobilephonesystem paper, and themobile吉祥cnn with aphonetic special transfabouter machine, high temperature and high pressure to teffectransfer the pattern theatstrokeo the surface of the commodity, complete the commodity printing.

&.; Mobile phone strap transfer processing by thermal transfer machine processimobileemumaster是什么文件ng(Thephone是什么意思 heating pressure)The exquisite patternhowevers on the transfer film are tranabout怎么读语音sferred on the surface of the product, and the ink layer is dissolvedmobilephonesystem on the surface of the product,Real pretty,Greatly ieffectivemprove the grade of products. However, many materials need to be imported bephones接口是什么意思cause of the high technological content of mobile phone strap

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